Saturday, January 13, 2024

Biden Contradicts Himself on Houthis in Bizarre Statement That Has People Talking

Nick Arama reporting for RedState 

Joe Biden seems to have great confusion about the Houthis. 

Earlier on Friday, as he was wandering around some Allentown, Pennsylvania, stores looking frighteningly confused, he was asked about Iran and the Houthis. He was asked whether we were in a proxy war with Iran. He said no, but it's beginning to look like it. We certainly have been in a bit of a cold war with them for a while. But he claimed that Iran didn't want war with us. 

Biden's Confusion Is Concerning, on Iran, Houthis, Whispers to Girl, Gets Heckled

Then he said he believed the Houthis were terrorists. That seemingly went against his policy of delisting them when he came into office. Former President Donald Trump had them on the terrorist list, yet Biden took them off, as he was cozying up to Iran. So, of course they decided to up their terrorist ways. 

If he believed they were terrorists why did he take them off the list? Was it to make Iran happy? 

Then later on Friday, a reporter did her job and she asked that question. Apparently someone must have told him in the interim that he slipped up when he said he agreed they were terrorists. Now, when he was asked, just a short time later, first he looked very blank and confused again, then he replied it was "irrelevant" whether they were listed as terrorists or not. 

It's irrelevant to list them as terrorists? Well, then why did you go to the effort of delisting them? Just to overturn Trump, because you wanted to attack anything he did? 

As former State Department advisor on Iran, Gabrial Noronha explained, no, it wasn't irrelevant, for a variety of legal consequences that would occur if they are listed. 

Noronha explained it would block Houthis from getting visas, and allow them to be booted if they were in this country, criminalize providing them support, and force banks to seize their funds. Obviously, all critically important things, particularly for a group attacking U.S. assets. Does Biden not understand this? It sounds like he doesn't. 

Remember, this is the guy that they want to pitch as a "foreign policy expert." Yet, on virtually every foreign policy issue, he has been wrong or doesn't seem to understand what he's doing. And it's scary that he seems so confused and flips what he just said a short time before, when he said he thought they were terrorists.