Tuesday, January 9, 2024

Biden Asks Mexico to Help Stop Record Surge of Illegal Aliens; Mexico Wants the Moon in Return

Mike Miller reporting for RedState 

Yes, it's finally come to this. 

Joe Biden, the least popular president in U.S. history at this point in his disastrous presidency, has virtually gone hat-in-hand to Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador, pleading with López Obrador to help stop the evergrowing surge of illegal aliens from reaching the border.

The worst part, of course, is that Joe Biden intentionally created the border crisis — beginning on his first day in office. The second worst part is that López Obrador has "a few requests" himself — if he's to help Biden out of his self-created disaster.

More accurately, López Obrador has Biden over a barrel. He knows it. Biden knows it. And López Obrador knows Biden knows it. This puts the president of the United States in a very weak negotiating position. While Biden deserves every minute of it — the people of America do not.

So, as everyone from serial liars White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre, Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, and Secretary of State Antony Blinken, to Biden himself continue to insist the border is secure, behind the scenes, the embattled president is scrambling to save his presidency — and he's put himself in a position where he needs the Mexican president's help to even have a chance.

So what does López Obrador want in return? Check it out:

In a press conference on Friday, López Obrador called on the U.S. to approve a plan that would deploy $20 billion to Latin American and Caribbean countries, suspend the U.S. blockade of Cuba, remove all sanctions against Venezuela and grant at least 10 million Hispanics living in the U.S. the right to remain and work legally.

Now, if you're a responsible commander-in-chief, the above is a tall order — and likely a non-starter. But if you're Joe Biden, it likely plays into your hand. 

Think about it: Biden goes before the American people, announces Mexico's agreement to help stem the surge of illegals across the border — then he announces the above specifics. And he and the Democrats get what they want: granting 10 million illegal alien Hispanics already in the U.S. the right to remain and likely take millions of jobs away from American citizens. 

A senior Biden administration official told NBC News that López Obrador “has a very ambitious agenda," but added:

 For some of these things, we would need Congress to act. We share the vision that we need to lift up the region.

See what I mean? We're well into the 21st century. How much longer are American taxpayers going to be saddled with "lifting up the region?"

Here's more:

The two countries are expected to continue talks in Washington later this month. Mexico brings significant leverage to the negotiations, the U.S. and Mexican officials said. López Obrador’s administration would prefer that President Joe Biden win re-election in November, given Donald Trump’s rhetoric and actions during his time in office. 

But Biden is quickly running out of options to fix a problem that is driving down his poll numbers without increased support from Mexico, three U.S. officials told NBC News.

Think about that. An American president needs support from a Mexican president to have a shot at winning reelection.

The Bottom Line

Of course López Obrador’s administration would prefer that Biden win reelection in November. So does every other country in the world that enjoys pushing the U.S. around — and doing exactly what it wants elsewhere.

Yes, it's really come to this. And Joe Biden intentionally engineered the whole damn thing.