Monday, January 8, 2024

Barely Coherent Nancy Says States Can Overrule Constitution, Ban Trump From the Ballot

Mike Miller reporting for RedState 

Has 83-year-old Nancy Pelosi finally gone 'round the bend? Hard to say, but on Sunday, the former House Speaker, riddled with stage 4 Trump Derangement Syndrome, even stunned ABC's "This Week" host George Stephanopoulos with her latest suggestion of how to get rid of Donald Trump once and for all.

Let's just cut to the chase: Pelosi told Stephanopoulos that states can overrule the U.S. Constitution and ban Trump from the presidential ballot. Yes, really. 

Pelosi ostensibly appeared on "This Week" to discuss Trump’s appeal to the U.S. Supreme Court to keep his name on the Colorado ballot.

Here's more:

"He incited an insurrection," the California Democrat told ABC News "This Week" anchor George Stephanopoulos one day after the three-year mark of the riot.

"I'm proud of the national anthem. And in it, it says 'proof through the night that our flag was still there.' We have to prove through this campaign in the night that our flag is still there with liberty and justice for all and not have an acceptance of Confederate flags under [the] Lincoln dome [at the Capitol] with a president sitting in the White House doing nothing to stop the violence," Pelosi said. "He talks about the big steal as he can engages in the big lie."

Anyway, as I suggested at the top, Stephanopoulos appeared stunned by Pelosi's suggestion.

If you believe he engaged in insurrection under the plain meaning of the 14th Amendment, you believe he's ineligible to be president?

Pelosi, barely understandable, mumbled:

[Unitelligible] up to the states. They have different laws from state to state. I don't think he should ever have been president. But nonetheless, [unintelligible] there's a view of the Constitution  — Article 14, Section 3 — that says he should not be able to run for president, but that's not the point. 

The point now is, again ... different states have different laws. We don't think in California that it applies, um, in our state. ... But anyway ... that's very intricate. What is very clear is that the American people want us to honor our oath to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.  

So, to protect and defend the Constitution, Pelosi believes [Democrat] states should "overrule" it and ban Donald Trump from running for president in those states. Perfect "logic" — "Pelosi logic," that is.

Incidentally, I'd suggest that the former Speaker sounded like she had a Bloody Mary or two before appearing on Stephy's show, but that would be conjecture — so I won't.

Here's the entire segment:

The Bottom Line

While Pelosi was short on specifics and long on conjecture — all the while barely coherent — it was clear that she was employing an age-old Democrat strategy, this time concerning the U.S. Constitution, which is to pick and choose between parts of one of America's founding documents. 

The parts you don't like? Ignore them. And the parts you like? Embrace them — or in Pelosi's case, bend and shape them to interpret them to suit your needs. In this case, nothing short of banning Donald Trump from the 2024 presidential election. That is profound — even for Nancy Pelosi.