Sunday, January 7, 2024

As Economic Migrants Enter the Country, Concerns Arise Over Joe Biden Administration’s Reporting of American Workers’ Unemployment Rates.

 ( The coming presidential election will ultimately be about the economy, and the strange economic policy of the Biden-Harris administration. That strange policy is, Biden undercounts our unemployment rates with impunity, while we face an Economic Downturn and layoffs. When you add economic migrants, in record numbers crossing the Southern border, seeking Jobs, as businesses and corporations seek cheap labor, to this short-sighted policy, American workers are screwed. We have to ask ourselves, are we so invested in the Democratic Party, that we will allow ourselves to be treated like this?

As soon as economic migrants, who are flooding into the United States get working permits, (and of course there are millions of illegal migrants who will work illegally without permits, also) they will undercut the $15.00 hour labor rate demanded by American workers; a wage that is seen by some as being high enough to maintain a normal standard of living. Thus, the Biden-Harris administration vile policy exposes American workers to additional Job losses, as American businesses and corporation hire many of these economic migrants.

Here is What We Know.


We know Democrats are undercounting or in some quarters, they call it lowballing our unemployment rates. A comment of American People are tired of being played for Suckers, was made by President Joe Biden on November 29th in a speech in Colorado. His reference in making that statement, in all honesty “We are tired of being suckers,” was in regard to trickle-down economics practiced, by the Republican Party, and has nothing to do with the Biden-Harris administration’s evil policy, of undercounting our unemployment rates, ultimately leading to hiding the number of our coming layoffs.

Nevertheless, it is an illustration of how his administration talks about “one American People,” when it comes to trickle-down economics, and refuses to address his policy of depressing our unemployment rates which hurts another world of “American People,” which he consciously overlooks and that is, American workers. The Biden-Harris administration deals in disinformation, red herrings and yes lies, on this issue and appears to be getting away with it.

Unless checked by American voters and workers, President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris are seeking to make this vile policy permanent. Voters can express their dissatisfaction by threatening to vote against Democrats and “current” Congressional Black Caucus members (CBC) in upcoming Democratic primaries. Rep. Steven Horsford of Nevada, who chairs the CBC, supports this awful policy along with “current members” of the CBC, through their silence. Whether or not, Mr. Biden acknowledges ALL unemployed American workers, when it comes to his political unemployment rate of 3.7%, for December, unemployed American workers do not magically disappear, just because the Biden administration lies about Job rates.

We as American voters are allowing the Biden-Harris administration to lie the Real economy away, by using false statistics. With inflation being felt every day and the REAL possibility of layoffs, it is not in our best interest, nor in the best interest of America, the Biden-Harris administration avoid dealing with, and fixing the REAL economy with a comprehensive unemployment rate of 7.1% for December, and a Black American rate of 9.8%. American workers, professional, blue collar, union, and working-class Americanseverywhere, want to see Biden’s policy of undercounting our Job rates ended, immediately.

The lie, about Job rates started during the Clinton administration, and later was continued and embraced by the Obama administration, as his administration, also undercounted our Job rates for 8 years, (knowingly), hurting African American workers, who have the highest unemployment rate at 9.8%. This horrific scam can be ended by the Biden administration, without additional authority from Congress.

Here is a simple way to visualize, or look at what Mr. Biden, and Democrats are doing to American workers, everywhere. If you low-ball, or undercount laid-off workers, with a job rate lower (Biden’s December rate of 3.7%) than the REAL rate (7.1%), Biden willfully counts only 52% of unemployed, and laid-off working-class Americans, leaving 48% of American workers to fend for themselves. For more details, and “factual evidence” Biden and Democrats are undercounting our Job rates, read the article at the link: President Joe Biden and Democrats Undercount Our Job Rates as a Recession Looms. (——).

Things to Come.


When America’s back economically was against the wall during Covid 19, policy makers did not turn to billionaires and millionaires, and corporations, and offered them a Tax Cut. No, they did not. They turned to Consumers and Consumer Spending, offering Consumers a Tax Cut described, as stimulus payments and tax credits. Those same policymakers wisely concluded, if we keep American workers working, it will pull the American economy out of the worst economic Recession, since the Great Depression.

That is what they did, and it worked. The Covid 19 recovery was successful, due to Consumer Spending. The Biden-Harris administration is now, ignoring Consumer Spending as a way to create Jobs. The Fed has already forecasted interest rate cuts in 2024. We will get a burst of short-term growth, as a result of these interest rate cuts.

The main street media is heralding the merits of the coming interest rate cuts, and the Biden-Harris administration’s accomplishments, as they also promote the false narrative regarding our Job rates. It is a shameful display of favoring Democrats over Republicans, by the New York Times, the Philadelphia Tribune and MSNBC’s “Morning Joe,” television program. We are not in a 3.7%, but rather a 7.1% unemployment rate economy. The nation is being pulled back into, a cheap money rate economy, or a low interest rate economy, by the Biden-Harris administration. We have all experienced a low interest rate economy. It will ultimately amount to an Obama administration type economy, of Slow Economic Growth. Lowering and raising interest rates is not an economic policy, it is a blunt tool used by the Federal Reserve to control inflation. But Biden treats the action as if it is an economic policy, which once again is short-sighted.


Finish story hereAs Economic Migrants Enter the Country, Concerns Arise Over Joe Biden Administration’s Reporting of American Workers’ Unemployment Rates.

As Economic Migrants Enter the Country, Concerns Arise Over Joe Biden Administration’s Reporting of American Workers’ Unemployment Rates. (