Saturday, December 16, 2023

Here Comes the 'Binder' Freakout: The Latest Media Nonsense to Try to Take Down Trump

Nick Arama reporting for RedState 

Former President Donald Trump is increasing his lead over Joe Biden in the polls. 

New Swing State Polling Show Great News for Trump - Even CNN Admits Biden Is in Big Trouble 

Democrats and other assorted anti-Trump folks are losing their minds that he might win again. The lawfare leveled against him hasn't stopped people from supporting him. So the anti-Trump crew is making all kinds of hilarious predictions about Trump and what he might do in order to try to ward people off from voting for him — everything from he's going to shoot people in the street to somehow he's going to shut down the internet and misuse the "doomsday book."  

WATCH: Media/Anti-Trump People List Things Trump Might Do If He Wins - the Raging Paranoia Is Hilarious

WATCH: More Hilarious Anti-Trump Paranoia - What Trump Could Do to the Internet and the 'Doomsday Book'

It's so stupid, but it shows how desperate they are. 

So if they're desperate and everything has failed to stop him, what would follow next? 

Ah, a new shiny object to try to take him down: a missing binder.

CNN, those paragons of journalistic integrity, and the usual suspects are peddling the story of a binder that supposedly went missing with Russian information in it while Trump was in the White House.  

The binder contained raw intelligence the US and its NATO allies collected on Russians and Russian agents, including sources and methods that informed the US government’s assessment that Russian President Vladimir Putin sought to help Trump win the 2016 election, sources tell CNN.

Lol, "sources."

Yes, they even now seem to be trying to recycle "Russia, Russia, Russia" when they should have been embarrassed for the conspiracies they spread before. It seems to be all the same suspects pushing this once again. 

Supposedly, this binder went "missing" when documents were being sent to the White House for declassification when Trump wanted to release all the information to the American people. 

So, there are obviously deep problems with this story. 

First, if it was so vital and it went missing, why are people only talking about it now, almost three years after Trump left office? That doesn't make a lot of sense, does it? Unless it wasn't important and/or you want to make something out of nothing to try to take down Trump now. 

Second, Trump wanted it declassified, and most of it was if you take this report at face value., So, what are we even talking about? 

Third, Trump wanted everything declassified so the American people could see it. He could make that call since he was the president. So it wouldn't be him making anything go missing. It would be people who didn't want the information released, assuming there was anything to this story, to begin with. 

As I've said in the past, we have to apply the 48-hour rule. Virtually every "scandalous" story the liberal media drops about Trump turns out to be debunked/nonsense/silly within 48 hours. 

I'm not sure there's anything even missing here, to begin with. "Sources" and CNN aren't exactly reliable. 

It seems to me there's another big question, too: The story claims there's a redacted version of the binder that Trump ordered released. So why hasn't the Biden team released it? Where is it? Why hasn't it been released by the Biden administration pursuant to the order? 

That seems to be the bigger question.

And we Know, Red Pill News, and more- December 16


WH Tells Israel to End ‘Intense’ War in Time for Presidential Election

As the Israel-Hamas war rages on, President Joe Biden continues to fall short of voter approval, which has split the Democratic Party. 

With the 2024 presidential election nearing, White House National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan is urging Israeli leaders to end its "intense" phase of fighting against Hamas in Gaza. 

Israeli defense minister Yoav Gallant reportedly told Sullivan that the war is expected to last several more months in an effort to ensure Hamas terrorists are destroyed— at least militarily and administratively. The Biden Administration reportedly hopes for the transition within the next three weeks. 

The Times of Israel details the "intense, detailed conversations" Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Sullivan had as follows: 

U.S. National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan, who is in Israel today and tomorrow, tells Channel 12 that he and his team held "intense, detailed conversations" with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and the war cabinet on when the IDF will transition away from high-intensity fighting in Gaza to focus on lower intensity fighting that would include targeting Hamas's top leaders. "Israel is going to continue to conduct its military efforts to get after Hamas for some time because, for example, they're going to continue to hunt the top leaders of Hamas, Sinwar and Deif and Issa, and we don't know exactly how long that will take," Sullivan says. "So the issue really is when does Israel shift from the high-intensity military operations that are underway today to a different phase of this conflict, one that's more precise, more targeted, more driven towards things like those high-value individuals?… We had a very constructive conversation about these phases."

Republicans have insisted that if former President Trump were still in office, the heinous Oct. 7 attacks on Israel would never have happened. They have often pointed to the fact that Biden's weak foreign policy allowed the war to break out—warning a similar terrorist attack could soon occur on U.S. soil. 

Meanwhile, White House national security aide John Kirby refused to confirm the talks between Israel and Sullivan. However, he acknowledged that Sullivan "did talk about the possible transitioning from what we would call high-intensity operations — which is what we're seeing them do now — to lower-intensity operations sometime in the near future."

According to a recent Wall Street Journal, Biden's handling of the war had an approval rating of just 37 percent among voters. 

If Republicans Want To Govern, They’d Better Learn How To Go After The Left

For too long, conservatives have been loath to use government power to defend the republic from enemies within. That has to change.

Amid the controversy following recent congressional testimony on the problem of campus antisemitism by the presidents of Harvard, MIT, and the University of Pennsylvania, Sen. J.D. Vance of Ohio has introduced a bill that would drastically increase the tax rate on the largest university endowments.

This is something Vance has been talking about for some time now, and while it’s a good idea on the merits, it’s also a good example of how conservatives should be willing to use whatever political power they have to fight back against the left. Simply put, unless the right starts treating the left and its institutions like the hostile entities they are, our republic will not likely survive.

This is especially true when it comes to higher education, where the wealthiest and most elite schools have long enjoyed preferential treatment even as they poison the body politic by actively promoting not just antisemitism, but racism, gender ideology, and every other brand of cultural Marxism you can imagine.

The recent spectacle in Congress is a case in point. During their testimonies last week, the presidents of Harvard, MIT, and Penn refused to say the blatant antisemitism on their campuses since the Oct. 7 attack on Israeli civilians by Hamas terrorists — including explicit calls for genocide of the Jews — violates their schools’ policies on harassment.

Their equivocation, insisting that whether such antisemitism constitutes harassment depends on the “context,” elicited understandable outrage from donors. After a major Penn donor pulled a $100 million gift to the school that was made in 2017, Penn President Liz Magill was forced to resign — a rare instance of a leftist elite facing real-world consequences for defending her appalling ideology in public.

Vance, for his part, rightly sees these schools as threats to American values and our way of life that in no way deserve special treatment. Currently, the tax rate on endowments at places like Harvard and Penn is just 1.4 percent, making them effectively slush funds for the ultra-rich. His two-page bill would increase the rate to 35 percent on all endowments worth $10 billion or more.

The point here isn’t to raise additional tax revenue (although the money raised could be used to pay down the deficit or help working, middle-class families or just be given back to the American people as dividends). The point is to acknowledge, through federal tax policy, that in their current form, these universities don’t serve the national interest. If they can’t be reformed, at least they can be punished.

That’s the right approach, not just to higher education but to every facet of what has become an all-consuming cultural and political war in this country. Conservatives can no longer afford to shy away from using the institutions they control to defend Western civilization and the Christian values that undergird it.

State legislatures that responded to the overturning of Roe v. Wade by passing strong restrictions on abortion, like Texas and Florida, have the right idea. Same with states that have imposed restrictions on transgender interventions and surgeries for minors (they need to take the next step, though, and impose those same restrictions on adults).

A crude but no less effective version of this posture toward the left is what one man did on Thursday in Des Moines, Iowa. Michael Cassidy, a Christian and former military officer, tore down and beheaded an altar to Satan in the state capitol. Why was a Satan altar even there? Because the left has managed to insinuate itself everywhere — even into the Iowa Legislature, despite a Republican supermajority. Under the banner of diversity and tolerance, we’re told we must accept altars to Satan in our legislative halls.

Cassidy begged to differ. “The world may tell Christians to submissively accept the legitimization of Satan, but none of the founders would have considered government sanction of Satanic altars inside Capitol buildings as protected by the First Amendment,” he told The Sentinel

And he’s exactly right. There’s no reason to tolerate altars to Satan in public places, no reason to tolerate massively wealthy universities that spread poisonous ideologies, and no reason to accept the ultimate victory of the left as inevitable. For too long, conservatives have foolishly hoped that appeals to a neutral public square, high-minded tolerance, and live-and-let-live winsomeness would be enough to halt the left’s march through the institutions.

But it was a fantasy, a soothing story conservatives told themselves while their culture crumbled around them. William F. Buckley famously said in the mission statement for National Review that the purpose of the magazine was to stand athwart history, yelling “stop.” That was in 1955. In the nearly 70 years since, it’s become clear you can yell all you want, but the left isn’t listening. They will not stop unless someone stops them.

Buckley’s own career began with the publication in 1951 of God and Man at Yale, which excoriated the university for foisting collectivist, secular ideology on its students. Today, Yale and its peer institutions like Harvard and Penn are doing far worse than that, actively preaching racism and antisemitism and a virulent form of liberalism that disfigures reason and enslaves the mind.

It’s not enough to stand athwart history, yelling “stop.” At some point you have to do more than yell. You have to act.

Lara Logan Interviews Representative Clay Higgins About J6 Targeting and Government Weaponization

A very strong and deliberate interview of Representative Clay Higgins (R-LA) by Lara Logan.  Rep Higgins has been very critical of DHS, DOJ and FBI conduct in the January 6th insurrection narrative. {Direct Rumble Link}

In this interview, Representative Higgins gets very deliberate and stern about “uncharted waters, as it relates to the weaponization of government.”  The tone of Higgins is in direct proportion to his anger at those within federal law enforcement who have usurped the constitution.  As a result, Higgins himself has become the target by those in the administrative state who participate in the weaponization. WATCH:

(MSM) – Republican Congressman Clay Higgins issued a warning to FBI officials investigating the Capitol Riots, saying that they are “going down.”

Higgins, a Louisiana Republican, has been a vocal proponent of the theory that federal agencies planted people at the scene and provoked the riot as an excuse to arrest conservatives.

Speaking to Lara Logan, a former CBS News correspondent turned right-wing commentator, Higgins, a former law enforcement officer himself, advanced his theories, claiming the FBI is tracking Trump supporters who were in Washington over the days leading up to the Capitol Riots and treated as suspected terrorists. He said those on a supposed list are still tracked by air marshals to this day despite not being convicted of crimes.

“We are in uncharted waters as it relates to the weaponization of our government against American people,” he said, adding: “I am not frightened of these people.
“They are not going to take us without a fight. I am going to fight legally and peacefully and within the parameters of the U.S. Constitution.

“But they’re going down. These men in their high perch and their position of power and authority that are walking upon our entire history, our deepest core principles. They’re not going to get away with it.” (read more)

Elise Stefanik Files Ethics Complaint Against Judge Who Oversaw Grand Jury Proceedings Against Trump

Susie Moore reporting for RedState 

On Friday, Rep. Elise Stefanik (R-NY) filed a complaint with the Judicial Council of the District of Columbia Circuit against United States District Court Judge Beryl Howell, who oversaw some of the grand jury and related legal proceedings against former President Donald Trump and currently is presiding over the case brought by two Georgia election workers against Rudy Giuliani.

Stefanik, who previously filed a complaint regarding Judge Arthur Engoron, who is overseeing the civil fraud case against Trump in New York, announced the Howell complaint on X/Twitter Friday morning. 

In the announcement, Stefanik lays out the basis for the complaint in detail:

I filed a Complaint of Judicial Misconduct against Judge Beryl Howell, because election interference by judges destroys public confidence in the federal judiciary, tears apart the fabric of our Republic, and is illegal. It must end now.

DC Obama Judge Beryl Howell gave a highly inappropriate speech in which she insinuated the election of President Trump will lead to fascism in America. She also inappropriately allowed a public display of her cozy personal relationships with her partisan friends who appear before her, including the Biden Deputy Attorney General who supervises the January 6 criminal prosecutions.

The complaint stems from a speech Howell gave in accepting an award at a Women’s White Collar Defense Association gala in November. 

The full complaint is quite lengthy, but here are some of the highlights: 

Judge Howell, after becoming the chief judge of the D.C. District Court in 2016 before stepping down on March 17, 2023, supervised the D.C. grand jury and other legal proceedings against President Donald J. Trump, his top aides, and his supporters on January 6th. This included Judge Howell’s supervision of the discredited Mueller probe that substantially interfered with the Trump presidency, along with then-Chief Judge Howell’s supervision of Biden Special Counsel Jack Smith’s investigations that resulted in two unprecedented and highly controversial indictments of a former President of the United States and the leading presidential candidate for 2024.

On November 27, 2023, Judge Howell and current Biden Deputy Attorney General Lisa Monaco, the Biden Justice Department official who ultimately supervises federal prosecutors across America including their January 6 cases, together received the “champion award” at the Women’s White Collar Defense Association awards gala in Washington, D.C. Former Obama Attorney General Loretta Lynch, the master of ceremonies, and former Obama White House Counsel Kathy Ruemmler, introduced both Judge Howell and Monaco.


Lynch then praised and presented both Judge Howell and Monaco with their “champion awards.” Lynch specifically mentioned “the perfect storm” and “trifecta of issues” then-Chief Judge Howell “handled masterfully”:

"The COVID-19 pandemic that closed the world, the January 6th insurrection and the resulting caseload, and the flurry of activity spurred by the Office of Special Counsel. All landing in front of her at the same time. [Lynch waited for applause.] Colleagues and counsel alike all speak almost reverently of how she steered the courthouse through that trifecta of issues with grace, with discipline, and her trademark, bone-deep commitment to bring justice to every matter before her."[8]

It’s particularly shocking to hear the former Attorney General of the United States praise a sitting federal judge for her handling of the grand-jury proceedings on pending federal criminal charges against a defendant (President Trump), the pending criminal cases against his January 6 supporters, and even make the legal conclusion that an “insurrection” occurred on January 6–despite the fact even the over-the-top Biden Special Counsel Jack Smith never brought such charges against any January 6 defendant. It’s even more shocking Judge Howell participated in this highly prejudicial public charade, not even disclaiming any of it. Canon 2B is clear: “A judge should neither lend the prestige of the judicial office to advance the private interests of the judge or others nor convey or permit others to convey the impression that they are in a special position to influence the judge.” It’s hard to imagine how these criminal defendants can expect a fair trial, when one of the key federal judges received a “champion award” from partisan opponents while cases are pending before her court.


And Judge Howell’s 16 minutes of substantive remarks had little to do with women representing white-collar criminal defendants–and they were hardly apolitical, let alone politically neutral.[10] According to Politico, “[a]s the federal court in Washington that Judge Beryl Howell once oversaw prepares for a historic trial of former President Donald Trump on charges of attempting to fraudulently overturn the results of the 2020 election,” Judge Howell “used a rare public speech Tuesday to lament that many of those convicted for their actions on Jan. 6 fell under the sway of falsehoods.”[11]

And the purpose of Judge Howell’s speech was not lost on anyone, including Politico: “The judge who spearheaded the judiciary’s response to the storming of the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, blamed that event on ‘big lies’ and warned that the country is in danger of turning toward authoritarianism.”[12]

Will this prompt the opening of an ethics investigation? It's possible, though I wouldn't hold my breath on that. What it does do, however, is shed further light on a federal judiciary that has seemingly become overtly partisan, particularly that portion of it sitting in and around Washington, D.C. 

Meet The J6 Defendant Standing Up Against A DOJ Bent On Collecting Heads

‘It was almost like an open show of my arrest all the way down the street,’ he said. That was the point.

Stewart Parks has been marked by the left as an “insurrectionist” for, among other things, being in the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021.  

The 31-year-old Nashville man faces eight months in federal prison. He was sentenced last month by an Obama-appointed U.S. district court judge, who, according to Parks, helped the prosecution work out its case against him during the trial.  

It could have been worse. Parks will avoid a multi-year prison term by serving his sentences concurrently. He’s supposed to turn himself in sometime in February. A surrender date has not been finalized. 

Parks is appealing the five misdemeanor convictions against him. He says he’s no insurrectionist and he’s prepared to exhaust his legal remedies to prove it. The real-estate professional with no prior criminal record asserts the government is collecting heads to send a clear message that some political protests won’t be tolerated.  

“If you think about it, my house was raided and I was arrested on June 3, 2021, so I’ve been on a form of probation since that day,” Parks said in a recent interview on “The Vicki McKenna Show.” “I could have had four or five years if they had done it consecutively. These punishments are just way too harsh for a crime that wasn’t committed.”  

‘Peacefully Present’ 

There’s no doubt Parks was at the U.S. Capitol — along with thousands of others — on Jan. 6, 2021. He was there to protest what he believes was a rigged election — stolen from Republican President Donald Trump for Democrat Joe Biden. Trump declared as much. So did a lot of attorneys, politicians, and so-called “election deniers” across the country. 

Parks recalls the day as “festive,” the grounds filled with families, the kind of people “you would invite to your wedding.” He was joined by demonstrators from all walks of life: lawyers, doctors, politicians, blue-collar workers. They were “peacefully present … to attend a peaceful event.”  

Parks said the protests where he and others entered the Capitol appeared mostly peaceful. It was a different story elsewhere on the grounds, where rioters were turning the election demonstration violent.  

Parks said cellular service was slow, so many of the protesters had no idea that the demonstrations had been canceled. He said he followed the crowds to the Capitol.  

“When we go there, the police had their hands in their pockets. They weren’t scared, they weren’t showing any signs of trembling or showing any signs of stopping [us],” he recalled. “There was no point on Jan. 6 where the police said, ‘No, get out, you don’t belong here.’” 

Parks’ accounts certainly differ from the testimony of law enforcement and the politically driven congressional committee that looked into the events of Jan. 6, 2021. The committee has pushed a narrative of an organized right-wing conspiracy to defy the results of the 2020 election and overthrow the government. In short, an insurrection.   

Parks attended the protest with his friend Matthew Baggott of Murfreesboro, Tennessee. Baggot was originally charged alongside Parks. In the summer of 2022, Baggott took a plea deal and was sentenced to three months in prison, one year of supervised release, 60 hours of community service, and an order to pay $500 in restitution. 

Federal prosecutors argued Baggott acted aggressively as he, Parks, and several others “stormed the Capitol building.”  

Parks, like Baggott, was charged with entering or remaining in a restricted building or grounds without lawful authority, disorderly conduct in a restricted building or grounds, disorderly conduct in a Capitol building, and parading, demonstrating, or picketing within any of the Capitol buildings. 

Parks also was charged with theft of government property, for picking up a metal detector wand and walking around with it for a while. 

According to the criminal complaint, an unidentified (the name is redacted) special agent with the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s Memphis Field Office investigated Parks. The agent was — and may still be — assigned to the Joint Terrorism Task Force that investigates domestic and international terrorism acts. An official with the Memphis Field Office did not return a call seeking comment. Much of the evidence in the case was brought by “several” unidentified witnesses who observed posts on Parks’ Instagram account. 

“Video surveillance footage from inside the Capitol building shows PARKS and BAGGOTT entering the Capitol building at approximately 2:13 p.m. on January 6, 2021. PARKS and BAGGOTT move throughout the Capitol building for approximately a half hour, until approximately 2:46 p.m. when they exited the building. During that time, PARKS and BAGGOTT generally remain together, with PARKS carrying yellow Gadsden flag, often with PARKS holding onto BAGGOTT’s backpack…” the complaint states. 

But Parks, like many others at the Capitol that day, claims police let him in.

‘Working with the Prosecutors’ 

D.C. Circuit Court Judge Amit P. Mehta, who has presided over several trials related to the J6 Capitol riots, didn’t care for Parks’ version of the day, particularly his claims of his peaceful involvement.  

“He was so angry, his countenance changed during my testimony,” Parks said, “and then, when he handed me my verdict, screamed, berated, and then stormed out of the courtroom at the end of my bench trial.”  

Parks claims Mehta was “working with the prosecutors,” helping them when they bungled through parts of their case. 

“He colluded, he coached, he blatantly sided and was open-armed with the prosecution,” he told The Star News Network, calling his bench trial a completely one-sided affair. 

An official with Mehta’s office said the judge does not comment on cases before him.  

Parks’ attorney, public defender John Machado, declined to comment for the record. 

Prosecutors particularly pressed claims that Parks stole the metal detector wand while he was in the Capitol. They accused him of having no respect for law enforcement.   

The complaint states that at approximately 2:45 p.m. that day, “Parks picks up a hand-held metal detector wand from a table and then puts it back. Approximately 20 seconds later, as more people are exiting the building, PARKS picks the wand up again and exits with it.” 

But Parks said he didn’t steal the wand. He left it in the Capitol. Prosecutors acknowledge that the wand was not missing. Yet, they tried to make Parks pay for a metal detector that was not stolen. The judge ruled in Parks’ favor on that count.  

CBS congressional correspondent Scott MacFarlane covered Parks’ bench trial in May, when Mehta dressed down the defendant before pronouncing him guilty.  

“Of all the hearings I’ve covered and all the January 6th cases I’ve covered, I have rarely, if ever, heard a judge more forceful and frank in his denunciations of what a defendant had argued and what a defendant had said,” McFarlane said of Mehta’s scolding of Parks.  

“At one point the judge says, ‘I don’t know if you take me for a fool,’ and then said, ‘You cannot be serious,’ and said, ‘It’s charitable to say your testimony is not credible, if not a complete fabrication,’” the Capitol Hill reporter wrote.

‘They’re Kicking Down My Front Door’ 

What MacFarlane didn’t note, among other things, is the FBI’s raid on Parks’ home and how, Parks says, the FBI made a parade of his arrest.  

Just before 6 a.m. on June 3, 2021, Parks was asleep when the FBI came calling. Agents, he said, were screaming through the front door, banging on the house, yelling, “FBI! Come out with your hands up!” Parks, who wears hearing aids, didn’t have the electronic devices in at the time and didn’t hear all of the commotion.  

“All of a sudden, I hear glass flying and they’re kicking down my front door,” he said. “By the time I get up and out of bed they’re in the living room and they’re screaming into my bedroom.”  

Agents ordered him to stick his hands out the bedroom door. Parks said he complied, slowly, making sure not to make any sudden movements. The federal law enforcement officials grabbed him and ordered him to put his hands on the wall before handcuffing him. Parks said he was wearing only his shorts and underwear when they paraded him through the front door.  

“By then, my neighbors, everybody’s out in the front yard wondering what’s going on,” he recalled.  

He said he was taken to an unmarked black jeep with tinted windows. He looked down the street and, as far as he could see, saw unmarked vehicles and squad cars of local police officers.  

“It was almost like an open show of my arrest all the way down the street,” he said.  

That was the point, critics of the sweeping arrests argue. 

FBI Special Agent Steven Friend risked his badge and gun in filing a whistleblower complaint about the agency’s investigations into J6 suspects. The five-year veteran of the FBI was suspended after he refused to be part of a SWAT squad charged with arresting a J6 suspect. In his complaint, Friend wrote that “the investigations were inconsistent with FBI procedure and resulted in the violation of citizens’ Sixth and Eight Amendment rights.” The former FBI agent is the author of the book, True Blue: My Journey from Beat Cop to FBI Whistleblower.  

I Am Not an Insurrectionist  

Leftists have used the riots of Jan. 6, 2021, as a political cudgel against conservatives, particularly Trump, their public enemy No. 1.  

Democrats in the House led nationally televised hearings on what they described as an assault on democracy, nothing short of a coup. But as Reuters reported a year after the protests, the FBI found scant evidence that the disorder at the U.S. Capitol was the result of an organized plot to overturn the presidential election result. 

“Ninety to ninety-five percent of these are one-off cases,” a former senior law enforcement official with knowledge of the investigation told the news organization. “Then you have five percent, maybe, of these militia groups that were more closely organized. But there was no grand scheme with Roger Stone and Alex Jones and all of these people to storm the Capitol and take hostages.” 

That’s not to say things didn’t turn violent. Approximately 140 police officers were reportedly injured. An officer died from a stroke the day after Jan. 6. Unarmed Air Force veteran Ashli Babbitt was fatally shot inside the Capitol by a Capitol Hill police officer who was never indicted, and two protesters died from heart attacks. 

As of November, Biden’s Department of Justice reported that at least 1,237 defendants had been charged in connection with the Jan. 6, 2021 unrest. Of those, the DOJ said 1,160 defendants have been charged with entering or remaining in a restricted federal building or grounds, including 114 charged with possessing a dangerous or deadly weapon in a restricted area.  

“Approximately 714 individuals have pleaded guilty to a variety of federal charges, many of whom faced or will face incarceration at sentencing,” DOJ boasted in its latest report.  

Parks isn’t one of those bargaining for a deal with the government.  

Earlier this year, the Washington, D.C., Department of Corrections reported 20 people locked in the city’s jail awaiting a trial on charges related to the riot, according to documents obtained by Just Security.  

As he awaited trial, Parks ran for Congress in no small part on a message of big government overreach. He garnered about 1 percent of the votes in the August 2022 Republican primary for Tennessee’s 5th Congressional District, finishing in eighth place out of nine candidates. The seat ultimately was won by Andy Ogles, a Columbia Republican.  

Parks, who has spent his adult life in the real-estate business, is particularly proud of the historic homes he’s restored over the years. Now, he’s in the fight of his life trying to restore his reputation and maintain his liberty.  

He’ll have to do so again with the assistance of another public defender. Parks acknowledges going up against the full force of the federal government will be an uphill battle, but it’s a battle he says he’s committed to fighting.  

He says he knows two things: He’s not guilty of the crimes he’s been charged with, and he’s no insurrectionist.  

“Absolutely not. I am a peaceful, law-abiding, God-loving American.”  

America's Pacific Allies Scramble Interceptors in Response to Russian, Chinese Bomber Sorties

Ward Clark reporting for RedState 

On Thursday, Japan and South Korea scrambled fighter jets in response to long-range patrols by Russian and Chinese nuclear-capable bombers. While flying over international waters, the patrols by both Russian and Chinese aircraft were within South Korea's self-designated air-defense identification zone.

The warplane formations merged in the Sea of Japan, or what both Koreas call the East Sea, before carrying out the joint exercises in South Korea's  air defense identification zone  within international airspace, according to Seoul's Joint Chiefs of Staff. 

The Defense Ministry in Tokyo published a map of the flight paths through Northeast Asia, said the  Japan  Air Self-Defense Force launched fighter aircraft to monitor and photograph the movements. 

The joint patrols featuring strategic assets from the Russian Air Force and the Chinese  People's Liberation Army  Air Force were the seventh of their kind and the second such exercise this year following similar sorties in June. 

The encroaching aircraft were Russian Tu-95 Bear strategic bombers and Chinese H-6 bombers, both of which are nuclear-capable platforms, although both are also Cold-War era aircraft:

Images released by the Joint Staff of Japan's Defense Ministry captured what Tokyo said were a pair of Russian Tu-95 and a pair of Chinese H-6 nuclear-capable bombers, which flew from the Sea of Japan into the  East China Sea  via the Tsushima Strait, or known as the Eastern Channel in Seoul. 

The long-range missile platforms—Soviet-built or based on Soviet design—were accompanied by a maritime reconnaissance aircraft from each country, Russia's Tu-142 and China's Y-8, according to Tokyo. 

Additional images suggested the Russian and Chinese air forces sent Su-35 and J-16 fighter jets as escorts. 

China has been conducting flights over the Taiwan Strait for some time now, apparently in accordance with the old military aphorism that " know No-Man's Land, one must explore it with bullets."

The Tu-95 Bear is a strategic intercontinental bomber, which originally entered into service with the Soviet Air Force and Soviet Naval Aviation in 1956. The Bear can carry six KH-55 Granat cruise missiles, which can carry nuclear warheads and have a range of 3,000 kilometers (1864 miles.)

The Chinese H-6 bomber is a license-built variant of the Soviet-era Tupolev Tu-16 Badger. The H-6 can carry a wide variety of anti-ship and air-to-surface missiles, including nuclear-capable models.

This deployment appears to be part of a growing military alliance between Russia and China.

Strategic ties between Russia and China are growing, largely thanks to a  strong personal relationship  between President  Vladimir Putin  and Chinese counterpart  Xi Jinping  , who have backed one another's legitimacy despite intense international pressure over their respective military buildups and repressive rights records at home.

Russia and China, in addition to an increasingly provocative military presence in the western Pacific, also share populations that are in a demographic death spiral, a situation shared by U.S. ally Japan. The Western Pacific, over the next decade or so, promises to become a very interesting place.

The Russian and Chinese aircraft remained in international airspace throughout their flights.

FLASHBACK: See more RedState coverage of military issues in the western Pacific, Russia, and China at these links: