Saturday, December 16, 2023

Lara Logan Interviews Representative Clay Higgins About J6 Targeting and Government Weaponization

A very strong and deliberate interview of Representative Clay Higgins (R-LA) by Lara Logan.  Rep Higgins has been very critical of DHS, DOJ and FBI conduct in the January 6th insurrection narrative. {Direct Rumble Link}

In this interview, Representative Higgins gets very deliberate and stern about “uncharted waters, as it relates to the weaponization of government.”  The tone of Higgins is in direct proportion to his anger at those within federal law enforcement who have usurped the constitution.  As a result, Higgins himself has become the target by those in the administrative state who participate in the weaponization. WATCH:

(MSM) – Republican Congressman Clay Higgins issued a warning to FBI officials investigating the Capitol Riots, saying that they are “going down.”

Higgins, a Louisiana Republican, has been a vocal proponent of the theory that federal agencies planted people at the scene and provoked the riot as an excuse to arrest conservatives.

Speaking to Lara Logan, a former CBS News correspondent turned right-wing commentator, Higgins, a former law enforcement officer himself, advanced his theories, claiming the FBI is tracking Trump supporters who were in Washington over the days leading up to the Capitol Riots and treated as suspected terrorists. He said those on a supposed list are still tracked by air marshals to this day despite not being convicted of crimes.

“We are in uncharted waters as it relates to the weaponization of our government against American people,” he said, adding: “I am not frightened of these people.
“They are not going to take us without a fight. I am going to fight legally and peacefully and within the parameters of the U.S. Constitution.

“But they’re going down. These men in their high perch and their position of power and authority that are walking upon our entire history, our deepest core principles. They’re not going to get away with it.” (read more)