Thursday, November 23, 2023

Biden Puts Out Anti-MAGA Talking Points That Will Have You Laughing Out Loud

Bonchie reporting for RedState 

Joe Biden's presidency isn't going well. His campaign for re-election isn't going any better, and that was punctuated by the release of Biden's Thanksgiving anti-MAGA talking points. 

Yes, on a day that's supposed to be filled with family and unity, the president and his handlers thought it'd be a good idea to put out "explainers" rife with disinformation for your liberal family members to share around the table. I think some turkey might end up getting thrown if someone actually tries to use these things. 

Things are so bad that the Biden campaign has been reduced to just shouting "wrong" like they are middle-schoolers "clapping back" in the lunch room. Of course, saying the economy was better under Donald Trump is not wrong, at least not if one is being intellectually honest. Under Trump, job growth was strong, prices were low, interest rates were low, inflation was low, and retirements were growing. 

Why have the total job numbers been better under Biden than Trump? Because the COVID-19 pandemic hit. Did I disagree with some of the Trump administration's guidelines? Absolutely, but of note is that every single Democrat pushed for even stricter lockdowns and mitigation measures, which makes Biden trying to pretend he wouldn't have ended up with the same result completely laughable. The current administration has not "created" the vast majority of jobs it claims to have created. They simply presided over the continued opening of the economy, recouping jobs that were never permanently lost.

As to the claims about Thanksgiving dinner costing less and inflation being lower, everyone knows that's nonsense. As RedState reported, a recent study from the University of Tennessee showed that Thanksgiving costs are up 14 percent under Joe Biden. Further, he doesn't get credit for "lowering inflation" when he's the one who raised it to eye-watering levels in the first place. Inflation is still far higher than under the last administration and even as it slows, prices are far higher now than they were three years ago. 

Wait, I'm supposed to think that the UN mocking Trump is a bad thing? The UN is an ineffective, dictator-fluffing dumpster fire that shouldn't exist. Being despised by those people is a badge of honor. The rest of that slide is just silly gaslighting. It was Biden who finished negotiating with the Taliban and executed the disastrous withdrawal of Afghanistan, and it is Biden who has given Iran a free pass to develop nuclear weapons while enriching and empowering the Iranian dictatorship. 

But it's that slide about the polls that's the funniest. What kind of inept campaign goes out of its way to admit it's getting beat? And then lies about past presidents in order to pretend the current president's approval ratings don't matter? To be clear, none of the presidents listed had approval ratings at the same level as Biden, who is in the worst position for re-election of any president in modern history. 

Lastly, the idea that Biden is running on a "popular agenda" is gaslighting at the highest level. He is underwater on nearly every issue, from the economy to foreign policy. Outside of some left-wing social issues like abortion, Americans support the Republican agenda more. 

But hey, if the Biden campaign wants to delude itself, who am I to argue? 

Be Thankful in Spite of the Chaos

There is plenty to be annoyed, upset, and enraged by – the other 364 days a year I write about them. But being thankful is important because it puts things into perspective and reaffirms that all hope is not lost, that we can win, and that the edgy doomsayers are wrong. We will win, and being thankful for the small victories is vital to cultivating the morale necessary to achieve victory. Thanksgiving is the perfect venue to showcase your gratitude.

Let’s start with being grateful for being alive. You could very well not be, whether from the ravages of time or disease, or accidents or crime. We are not underneath a giant mushroom cloud, thanks to Ronald Reagan and us guys who were in the Cold War. Now, our crusty moron president seems to be doing everything possible to place us beneath one. From his antics in Ukraine to his inexplicable suckuppery to the megaton mullahs of Iran, we have probably not been closer to Doomsday since Kennedy blockaded Cuba. But Biden is probably unaware of that, since he’s senile, and the regime media either won’t say or does not realize it. After all, the media is composed entirely of over-credentialed nepo babies who think history began with Obama, to the extent they are aware of it at all.

Note that neither Biden nor the regime media is something to be thankful for.

That we have not suffered a terrible terrorist attack despite having left the border entirely undefended is another thing to be thankful for. Unfortunately, the clock is ticking on that. I just finished a new novel on the subject, and my research has caused me to upgrade the threat level to “Scary As Hell.” But so far so good.

Be thankful that we have one and a half branches under the control of the freedom forces. The Supreme Court is out there throwing hands at lib dreams. Guns? No infringing means no infringing. Speech? We’re for it. Abortion? Send it to the states. Coming soon are some major limits on the bureaucracy and more religious freedom. Sweet. We also have the House, and Mike Johnson seems to be doing OK. His release of the J6 footage has confirmed what we all suspected – the entire insurrection narrative was a giant pile of horseSchiff.

Be thankful that the Democrats might lose the next election, and that the next Republican president will pardon every single J6 political prisoner. We need to win. Biden is terrible, and everyone knows that this 81-year-old walking slab of botoxed tofurkey is somewhere between senile and slobbering. His own party knows he has to go, but the recent loss of yet another cycle the GOP should have won – the Democrats are super thankful for Ronna McDaniel – has made it hard to replace him. Hey, his handlers say, he keeps winning! Well, it’s probably more like we Republicans keep losing, but this will keep him on the ticket. Least thankful – Gavin Newsom. All those Fox appearances and President Xi brownnosing for nothing!

The polls are looking good for Republicans in 2024, and I guess we should be thankful for it. After all, it beats the alternative. I don’t buy it, especially a year out, but if given the choice between “Ahead” and “Behind,” I’ll take the former.

We should be thankful that the entire COVID narrative has collapsed, and that the informal social accounting (if not the judicial ones that should be coming) has finally begun. You have the loathsome Randi Weingarten now absolutely denying she ever wanted to close a single school, and The New York Times is acknowledging that doing so stunted a generation of kids. What it has yet to admit is that the COVID fascism happened because of the panic of the mentally ill liberal Chardonnay women who demanded it, but it is hard to imagine that the NYT will confront its key reader demographic with that undeniable truth.

Speaking of media, we still have conservative media despite the best efforts by the left (and some on the right) to crush it. State attorneys general are pursuing a suit over federal censorship – I am proud to be  No. 111 on the Top 5000 Government/NGO/Regime Media gag order list! And we can speak relatively freely on Twitter/X – be thankful for Elon Musk, though it is kind of a sad state of affairs where our right to free speech depends so much on an eccentric billionaire’s whims.

Another thing that we should be thankful for, sort of, is that America has achieved another milestone by passing the 500 million mark in privately-owned firearms. Sure, that’s progress, but a half-billion is a rookie number. We can do better! A billion or bust – buy guns and ammunition!

Of course, you should be thankful for family and friends. One of the keys to establishment power is alienating you from others via technology and propaganda. The family, friends, churches, and other extra-governmental groups are all competition to the institutions that want to control you. The establishment wants to be your only family, friend, faith, and affinity group. Don’t let it. Be thankful for what you have. This is my first Thanksgiving without a living parent, and appreciate and be thankful for those who are here because they won’t always be…and you won’t always be either. 

And be thankful to God. There’s a reason our enemies hate religion and the religious – faith is the antidote to fascism.

Finally, be thankful you only have one Thanksgiving menu a year. Be mad if you want, but turkey is almost always mediocre, and stuffing is gross. Cranberry stuff is nasty too. That’s what I think, and that’s what I am saying, and I am thankful I am in America where, at least for now, I can say what I think.

Happy Thanksgiving.

Badlands Media - November 23


The Meaning of Thanksgiving Can Save America

We're fighting for the soul of our nation

Thanksgiving, according to, has come to “has come to symbolize intercultural peace, America’s opportunity for newcomers, and the sanctity of home and family.” This definition captures the ideals, more relevant than ever, of one of America’s favorite holidays. But these ideals are threatened, because America’s mainstream institutions have either rejected them, or have created an environment where they are no longer possible.

This is immediately obvious with the “woke” doctrine of race-based oppressor and oppressed, now promoted by academia, the media, entertainers, politicians, and corporations. Maybe the fellowship of the Pilgrims and the Wampanoag Indians is mostly fable, cruelly debunked by history.

Or maybe, fable or not, it is an inspiring message of unity for a nation of settlers and immigrants who have created a place where everyone, including descendants of the Indians, have enjoyed more freedom and opportunity than anywhere else in the history of the world. That’s a debate we have to wage, and one we cannot lose. Like all nations and tribes, America has had dark moments. But the good overwhelms the bad. It’s not even close.

The attempted destruction of America’s self-confidence and unity by its own institutions, however, which must be challenged and overcome, must not distract from an even bigger problem. America’s institutions have also launched a propaganda campaign, growing in intensity every year, that claims we face an existential climate crisis, and massive sacrifices are necessary to cope. This is a lie.

It’s particularly relevant to reflect on this fraud during Thanksgiving, because our nation of settlers and immigrants would not exist if the types of rules and restrictions being imposed on Americans today were in effect 400 years ago. And it gives rise to a fundamental conflict: We continue to invite immigrants from around the world to move here, but thanks to extreme environmentalist restrictions, we are unable to build the necessary infrastructure to support them.

This violates the second essential value of Thanksgiving as defined by, the celebration of how America provides opportunity for newcomers. That opportunity has been hijacked and destroyed by corporate special interests, hiding behind woke ideologues and environmentalists. The woke say let them come, and they’re coming these days by the millions. Then the environmentalists say we have to lower our “footprint,” hence we can’t make room for the newcomers. Environmentalist restrictions have made it nearly impossible to expand existing cities or build new cities.

The consequences of this are a dismal diminishing of quality of life for immigrants as well as for the people already here. Migrants are arriving by the tens of thousands to New York City, where the average apartment rents for over $5,000 per month. On the opposite coast, in sprawling Los Angeles, the average rent is nearly $3,000 per month for an 800 square foot apartment.

This engineered shortage of housing, resulting in demand driven prices rising to unaffordable levels, is unprecedented. It is caused by a perfect storm of public corruption and corporate greed exploiting the primal fear of “global boiling” to silence dissent. This breeds intercultural disharmony, as aspiring low income communities including massive waves of immigrants are denied amenities enjoyed by all who purchased homes before the storm hit the shore.

The climate scam is simple, but it is a betrayal of everything that made America a great and welcoming place. Instead of using public money to build roads and enabling infrastructure to encourage more home construction, increase pay and benefits for public employees, and hire more public employees to dole out welfare to the people who can’t afford homes. Instead of competing to provide homes at affordable prices, developers collect subsidies to build “affordable housing.” It’s all to save the planet, and the scam translates into every industry, and elevates the cost for every one of life’s essentials.

Which brings us to the sanctity of home and family. It’s difficult to imagine how America’s institutions could be more committed to destroying home and family. It is financially impossible for most young couples to afford a home close to their jobs. The average home in New York City is $733,000, in Los Angeles it’s $926,000. Try to pay that monthly mortgage, while also covering property taxes and insurance, along with utilities and maintenance. And if mom works? Expect to pay $20,000 per year, per child, for childcare, at the same time as mom’s income pops you into a higher tax bracket. The cards are stacked.

Economic war against the family is only part of the problem, however, the moral assault on home and family is much worse. American women are trained to reject motherhood. Apart from traditional churches, every cultural influence in America tells women it’s not worth it. From the Atlantic, “having children is terrible for quality of life.” Fortune writes “millennials break from tradition and embrace being child-free.” Time, “Having It All Without Having Children.” And as for Christianity? “It “prevents women from being free from male oppression.”

No children. No Christianity. But if you buck the trend and have children? What does American society teach these children about home and family? These two articles from America’s “newspaper of record,” the New York Times, provides an indication. “Let’s Quit Fetishizing the Single-Family Home,” and “The Nuclear Family Is No Longer the Norm. Good.” No home with a yard and a garden. No mom and dad. Despite overwhelming evidence that people prefer detached homes and children of two parent households do better in life. According to America’s mainstream institutions, those things are bad.

Make a single family home unaffordable, and stigmatize it as an environmental abomination. Cordon off the cities and stack everyone together via infill and densification. And just in case the rising generation still wants to have a traditional family, marinate them in climate terror so they’ll join the Voluntary Human Extinction Movement, or neuter them with transgender affirmation.

Such is the betrayal of America by what were once our trusted institutions. Everything that Thanksgiving represents – cultural harmony, opportunity, and family – is under attack. It must be stopped. Not slowed down. Stopped cold, eradicated, and replaced with the traditions and values that built this country.

For Americans who still embrace the Thanksgiving holiday for all of its historic promise, it can remind us that unity is still possible, that opportunities in this nation can still be available to everyone, and that more than anything else, our homes and our families are the cherished foundation of our health and happiness. When we fight the nihilistic Left and their opportunistic corporate enablers, we must never forget what tremendous upside our American traditions provide, or the joy and optimism and sense of possibility that has always defined our people.

This is a fight for the soul of the nation. There is no reason why the spirit of Thanksgiving cannot inform a resurgent America, and endure for another 400 years and beyond.

'Shut It Down': Pro-Hamas Agitators Are Planning a Day of Chaos for Black Friday Shoppers

Teri Christoph reporting for RedState 

Black Friday shoppers, you've been warned. A group of well-funded, pro-Hamas, leftist organizations are collaborating to make Friday a day of disruption and chaos for shoppers. All in the name of antisemitism. 

According to the group's website, the organizations plan to descend on shopping destinations to further what they see as their "global movement" to "free Palestine":

We must keep building momentum and increase the pressure with more marches, walk-outs, sit-ins, and other forms of direct action directed at the political offices, businesses, and workplaces that fund, invest, and collaborate with Israeli genocide and occupation. 

NOW is the time for our mobilizations to grow in size, frequency, and focus; building a political climate that makes Israel’s business of genocide unsustainable.

In all likelihood, they'll succeed only in ticking off a stressed, harried group of shoppers who won't hesitate to give a good throat punch to anyone who gets in between them and a smoking hot deal. Few of these shoppers will have the time or patience to entertain the "from the river to sea" crowd when stock on that heavily discounted, 72-inch TV is running low.

Here's who is behind the plans to "shut it down":

ANSWER is joined by National Students for Justice, The People’s Forum, Palestinian Youth Movement, and Al Awda NY in planning the nationwide shutdown of Black Friday shopping. The fact that New York-based radicals who support Hamas are participating should be a major red flag, following a CBS News report this week about "growing concerns about security" in New York state "with the escalating violence in Gaza." 

Black Friday shopping is both a cut-throat sport and a cherished tradition for countless American families, many of whom creep out of bed in the middle of the night to get in on doorbuster deals. It's consumerism and capitalism at its finest, and that's why it's being targeted by these militant organizations. Much like 9/11 targeted the financial center of the free world, these pro-Hamas agitators are trying to hit the United States in the pocketbook. 

video put out by one of the organizers of Palestinian Youth Movement confirms their motivations. Miriam Osman said:

If we refuse to engage in this, honestly, bloody spectacle that is Black Friday, then we can really hit where it hurts, which is profits…What we’re doing basically through this boycott is sending a message to politicians to the capitalist class to the class of people who basically have interest in preserving the status quo and preserving U.S. imperialism and, by extension, genocide. We’re sending them as message to say that we refuse to go about our lives as usual while a genocide is happening

This has nothing to do with peace or freeing "Palestine" or stopping genocide. It's the same old anti-American drivel we've been hearing from the left for decades now, only they're cloaking it in nonsense words with an extra layer of antisemitism thrown in for good measure. We all know the only goal here is to give the proverbial middle finger to the American people and our way of life. 

Shoppers, throw that elbow if you need to. 

Republicans Must Get Serious About Using Political Power If They Want To Win On Abortion

Proposed legislation in the Ohio House would allow the legislature to interpret the recently passed Issue 1 instead of the courts.

It is no secret that Republicans and the pro-life movement lost big in Ohio on Nov. 7. Winning by more than half a million votes, the Issue 1 ballot initiative enshrined the so-called “right” to abortion in the state’s Constitution. Rather than examine how this managed to happen in a state that Donald Trump won by 8 points in 2020 or what role abortion has in the future of the party platform, it is important to address what comes next for Republicans and the pro-life movement in Ohio and nationwide — and most importantly, how they can redeem themselves after this tragic loss.

When the Founding Fathers devised our government, one of their greatest fears about democracy was its tendency to imperil public morality and virtue. Fisher Ames, an early American representative and leader in the Federalist Party, wrote that “the known propensity of a democracy is to licentiousness which the ambitious call, and the ignorant believe to be liberty.” Voting majorities do not determine whether an act is right or wrong, and it is clear in this instance that democracy has inclined itself to immorality. Therefore, abortion should have never been on the ballot in the first place.

By opening up the abortion debate to a vote, this initiative pitted swaths of activist Democrats who were energized and ready to mobilize the entire state to defend abortion against Republicans, who were exhausted from losses the last few election cycles and suffered from a low voter turnout.

All of this points to the fact that Republicans can continue to blame their fundraising and ground game and simply “keep trying,” but all this will do is lead them to lose in every state where an abortion initiative is brought up as a ballot referendum. In other words, Republicans must attack the instrument of their defeat: the ballot initiative. Ballot initiatives are a dangerous gamble for Republicans, particularly as the party’s potential voters turn out in fewer numbers and are much less zealously inclined to run to the polls. Similarly, ballot initiatives, which came to prominence during the Progressive Era, are inherently subversive to the republican process, allowing the masses, the worst excesses of democracy, to override the established political system and their representatives. Today, instead of allowing Democrats to vote on rewrites of state constitutions, Republicans must actually stand up and govern.

With this in mind, a group of Ohio lawmakers have proposed a novel idea: remove the power of courts to interpret the new constitutional amendment and instead turn it over to the state legislature. The lawmakers’ proposal highlights the amendment’s deceptive and vague language and argues that the passage of Issue 1 does not explicitly repeal any state laws protecting life. Titled the “Issue 1 Implementation Act,” the bill would remove Ohio courts’ jurisdiction over Issue 1 and turn it over exclusively to the state legislature. The bill states that any litigation regarding Issue 1 be automatically dismissed by state courts and makes it a misdemeanor for a judge to do otherwise.

This is what Republicans should have been doing all along. Republicans supporting this bill are exercising their political power in a way that is conducive to protecting life. Instead of accepting Democrats’ victory, these Republicans are proving themselves to be worthy of the real political fight that lies in front of them, that is, not electoral procedures, but protecting human life. Any Republican who simply walks away in defeat after Nov. 7 deserves to have his pro-life bona fides seriously questioned.

Further, if Republicans allowed this question to be left up to the courts, they would be accepting defeat. Republicans often assume that courts, particularly conservative or “originalist” ones, are their savior from leftist excesses. But we have seen that no matter how “conservative” a court may appear, it will often side in favor of the preferred liberal policy. A prominent example is the Supreme Court’s 2020 decision in Bostock v. Clayton County when nominally conservative Justice Neil Gorsuch penned the court’s majority opinion explaining why it ruled in favor of incorporating protections for individuals who identify as transgender into the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

An invigorated and strong Republican Party will not put its fate in the hands of an unreliable judiciary but actively seek what is true and good on its own terms. As Rep. Beth Lear, R-Galena, said, “No amendment can overturn the God-given rights with which we were born.” And indeed, she is right; it’s time for Republicans to wield political power and prevent this from happening.

At the end of the day, if Democrats could implement this plan in their favor, they would. For them, it is not about democracy but their commitment to abortion. And even though the amendment passed, the fight is far from over. Instead, Republicans must redeem themselves from their failure on abortion by substantially working against the amendment, which means handing over the power to enforce it to those who have an interest in protecting the unborn.

By removing the jurisdiction of the courts over the matter, Republicans offer themselves — and, most importantly, the unborn — a fighting chance for life. Both chambers of the Ohio Legislature are overwhelmingly Republican, so moving jurisdiction over abortion to the state legislature creates a greater opportunity for interpreting and implementing the amendment in the most pro-life way possible. By the very nature of their positions, legislators are emboldened to take decisive action; they are not bound by legal philosophies that inhibit decision-making.

A party unwilling to take political risks for the sake of doing the right thing is unlikely to be effective in any other endeavor. Republicans need to move forward with a strong but calculated approach to abortion and the new amendment. There is considerable risk, as this is no simple feat, but it is beyond time for Republicans to match the Democrats’ vigor when fighting for what they want. Inevitably, adversaries of the proposed legislation will accuse elected Republicans of disregarding the majority’s decision to enshrine abortion in the state constitution. But this is nothing new, and data shows that Ohio voters overwhelmingly oppose these radical abortion measures.

A willingness to halt the implementation of this constitutional amendment in its tracks would be an exceptional first step in playing offense on abortion with the use of legislative power. Republicans must give these lawmakers their full support and show the party at large that the political will is to fight to defend life on a legislative level, not an electoral one.

While winning over hearts and minds on the issue of abortion will always be important, it is no substitute for total electoral, judicial, and legislative victory. Life should have won at the ballot box in Ohio, but it did not. Therefore, Republicans in Ohio and across the country must reevaluate not only how they engage with elections but, most importantly, how they govern.

Iowa Evangelical Leader Admits He Was Paid 95K by DeSantis

Sundance reporting for Conservative Treehouse 

Bob Vander Plaats, an evangelical leader in Iowa,  has admitted to being paid 95K by the DeSantis campaign prior to his endorsement.  What a waste of money – considering this guy was happy to be a Never Trumper for free.

(Reuters) – The DeSantis campaign, a super PAC linked to him and a nonprofit group supporting him together paid $95,000 in recent months to the Family Leader Foundation, an Iowa-based nonprofit led by evangelical leader Bob Vander Plaats, according to campaign finance reports and a document prepared by an Iowa state lawmaker who was helping the Vander Plaats organization raise money for a July 14 presidential candidate forum.

The document and the amount spent by DeSantis and his allies are previously unreported.

For that money, DeSantis and supporting groups got three pages of advertisements in a booklet distributed at the July forum attended by 2,000 Christian conservatives, and tickets to the summit, lunch and an after-dinner event.

But the real value may be more in building a relationship with Vander Plaats, whose endorsement is coveted in the early-voting state, said three campaign finance experts and an academic who studies Iowa campaign spending.”

Desantis could have helped unite the Republican Party by endorsing President Trump for 2024.  Instead, he chose to run against him and divide our country further in an act of sheer desperation.  Please clap…

Spaniards Aren’t Afraid To Protest, So Why Are American Conservatives?

Spaniards know what life is like under communist rule.

Tens of thousands of protesters have flooded city streets across Spain since October in sustained demonstrations opposing a socialist takeover of the Spanish government. Protesters are showing their opposition toward an amnesty deal between Spain’s socialist President Pedro Sánchez and treasonous Catalan separatists, who violated the Spanish constitution in 2017 by attempting to secede from Spain. By striking a deal to free incarcerated and exiled Spanish criminals, Sánchez was able to secure a third term in power.

The protests are organized by Spain’s conservative People’s Party and Vox, its further right, populist party. In an interview between Vox President Santiago Abascal and Tucker Carlson last week, Abascal explained that the amnesty deal is a crime “against the constitution” and “national unity.”

But the massive demonstrations are not just in defense of the Spanish Constitution, Abascal explained; they’re about what an illegal third Sánchez term means for Spain, namely a failing Spanish economy, two-tier justice, mass illegal immigration from Muslim countries, speech policing, globalism, the demonization of Spanish history, and loss of Spanish identity.

Where Are The American Demonstrations? 

The problems faced by Spaniards are strikingly similar to those facing Americans. The American left hates our heritage so much they torched American cities and destroyed historical statues and monuments for an entire summer. Our corrupt president, Joe Biden, was able to take power thanks to a rigged election, and his administration has weaponized the federal government against his most prominent political adversary, former President Donald Trump, and anyone in ideological opposition to the Democrats.

The Biden administration’s disregard for border security encourages mass illegal immigration at the Southern Border, exposing the public to dangerous criminals and additional economic burdens while the middle class struggles to stay afloat amid increasing taxes, inflation, and gas prices. And despite the public’s rapidly increasing suffering, Biden prioritizes sending billions of tax dollars to foreign wars and international green energy projects.

All these things, but particularly the federal government’s targeting of conservatives and its assault on election integrity, should be sparking massive protests. Yet they aren’t. Unlike Spain, America was founded on the idea that human beings have God-given, inalienable rights. Freedom of speech and assembly are not just First Amendment givens in the United States, but part of our culture. So why aren’t conservatives protesting?

Using fear and intimidation, the left is scaring conservatives into giving up their freedom to assemble. One of the primary fear tactics is to severely punish those who, on Jan. 6, 2021, opted to protest Democrat’s election-rigging practices, such as mass mail-in balloting and Big Tech censorship. As newly-released Jan. 6 footage further reveals, many of the Jan. 6 protesters accused of rioting were peaceful.

Yet federal courts openly admitted to making examples out of peaceful protesters in order to “deter others.” J6 demonstrators have been harassed by federal agents, held in solitary confinement, and demonized by the Jan. 6 Committee, Biden, and the corporate media. 

The American people have also been further scared into silence and compliance by FBI agents who terrorized pro-life activists, attempted to infiltrate traditional Catholic communities, labeled parents at school board meetings as domestic terrorists, and covertly categorized Trump supporters as “extremists.”

Conservatives aren’t just afraid — they’re also hopeless. After witnessing the Marxist race riots of 2020 and the erasure of their civil liberties during Covid, many Americans no longer recognize their homeland.

A recent Harvard Harris poll shows that 80 percent of GOP voters feel the country is headed in the wrong direction. Meanwhile, a July 2023 poll reported that 86.92 million Americans find “somewhat” or “very” difficult to pay their household expenses, with the middle class being the most affected income bracket.

How many times have we heard friends and family members say, “The country is lost?” This fear and despair are understandable, but the stakes have never been higher. Bravery and self-sacrifice are necessary to defend a nation against forces wishing to destroy it. As Abascal explained to Tucker:

“The nation isn’t just made up of all the Spaniards here today, it’s not just the people you can see walking down the street. Our nation is our history. It’s in the cemeteries where our forebears rest. The nation is the sum of the living, the dead, and those yet to be born… I think that what we do today, even if we aren’t victorious as we hope, can make it so that others in the future, our children, future generations, can achieve that victory. [Then] it will have all been worthwhile.”

Spain Understands The Stakes

Spain has first-hand experience with communism. When communists controlled Spain, both in the lead-up to and during the civil war in the 1930s, it resulted in the persecution of Spanish intellectuals, clerics, and Christian laypeople.

Spanish communists began their anti-Christian hate by banning all religious schools, removing crucifixes from classrooms, and deeming all religious marriages invalid in the eyes of the state. Eventually, they started burning Catholic Churches and mass executing Catholic religious and laypeople. Property rights were thrown out, and conservatives were unjustly convicted in kangaroo courts and executed.

By the end of the war, a reported “13 bishops, 4,172 priests, 2,364 monks and friars and 283 nuns and sisters,” and an unknown number of laypeople were killed.

The wounds inflicted by Spanish communists are still raw. The memory has not died. So, in 2022, Spain implemented its “Democratic Memory” law, an Orwellian piece of legislation that mandates a pro-leftist view of the Spanish Civil War and the post-war period. Through “criminal and economic sanctions for dissidents,” the law effectively eradicates “academic freedom, freedom of expression and freedom of education,” writes Hermann Tertsch, a Vox Member of the European Parliament.

Like in America, Spanish leftists brand anyone who contradicts their history narratives as thought criminals. According to Abascal, leftists have also created a two-tier justice system and “are now arresting young people for protest[ing] … saying they don’t have permits.” Unfortunately for the left, these fear tactics have not been entirely effective, as the ongoing protests demonstrate, perhaps because too many Spaniards know what communist control looks like.

In America, we are blessed not to know. However, that blessing is also a curse. We don’t appreciate how easily a free nation can fall into tyranny. Unable to oppose or even recognize tyranny, younger generations have lost touch with the American revolutionary spirit after sending generations of Americans to spend their formative years in reeducation camps run by cultural Marxists (aka public school and the university system).

Perhaps a way to regain America’s lost fortitude is by watching conservative freedom fighters in Spain. We may not have the national memory of communists burying priests alive or defiling and decapitating nuns, but we can look to Spain for motivation.

Indeed, the Spanish protests should inspire Americans, and Spanish history should be a warning. If we resign ourselves to failure or allow ourselves to be intimidated into silence, the consequences will be nothing short of complete national destruction.