Thursday, November 23, 2023

'Shut It Down': Pro-Hamas Agitators Are Planning a Day of Chaos for Black Friday Shoppers

Teri Christoph reporting for RedState 

Black Friday shoppers, you've been warned. A group of well-funded, pro-Hamas, leftist organizations are collaborating to make Friday a day of disruption and chaos for shoppers. All in the name of antisemitism. 

According to the group's website, the organizations plan to descend on shopping destinations to further what they see as their "global movement" to "free Palestine":

We must keep building momentum and increase the pressure with more marches, walk-outs, sit-ins, and other forms of direct action directed at the political offices, businesses, and workplaces that fund, invest, and collaborate with Israeli genocide and occupation. 

NOW is the time for our mobilizations to grow in size, frequency, and focus; building a political climate that makes Israel’s business of genocide unsustainable.

In all likelihood, they'll succeed only in ticking off a stressed, harried group of shoppers who won't hesitate to give a good throat punch to anyone who gets in between them and a smoking hot deal. Few of these shoppers will have the time or patience to entertain the "from the river to sea" crowd when stock on that heavily discounted, 72-inch TV is running low.

Here's who is behind the plans to "shut it down":

ANSWER is joined by National Students for Justice, The People’s Forum, Palestinian Youth Movement, and Al Awda NY in planning the nationwide shutdown of Black Friday shopping. The fact that New York-based radicals who support Hamas are participating should be a major red flag, following a CBS News report this week about "growing concerns about security" in New York state "with the escalating violence in Gaza." 

Black Friday shopping is both a cut-throat sport and a cherished tradition for countless American families, many of whom creep out of bed in the middle of the night to get in on doorbuster deals. It's consumerism and capitalism at its finest, and that's why it's being targeted by these militant organizations. Much like 9/11 targeted the financial center of the free world, these pro-Hamas agitators are trying to hit the United States in the pocketbook. 

video put out by one of the organizers of Palestinian Youth Movement confirms their motivations. Miriam Osman said:

If we refuse to engage in this, honestly, bloody spectacle that is Black Friday, then we can really hit where it hurts, which is profits…What we’re doing basically through this boycott is sending a message to politicians to the capitalist class to the class of people who basically have interest in preserving the status quo and preserving U.S. imperialism and, by extension, genocide. We’re sending them as message to say that we refuse to go about our lives as usual while a genocide is happening

This has nothing to do with peace or freeing "Palestine" or stopping genocide. It's the same old anti-American drivel we've been hearing from the left for decades now, only they're cloaking it in nonsense words with an extra layer of antisemitism thrown in for good measure. We all know the only goal here is to give the proverbial middle finger to the American people and our way of life. 

Shoppers, throw that elbow if you need to.