Tuesday, November 14, 2023

Can Our Military Actually Convince Anyone to Join It At This Point?

Previously, I posted an article about how the Army's recruitment efforts suddenly switched gears from a focus on diversity and inclusion to courting the more statistically reliable pool of white middle-American men. It's a striking turn of events because it means that our military's lack of successful recruitment has left it significantly weaker than it should be in the face of a mounting global conflict that could see America thrust back into a World War. 

(READ: The Army Ditched Woke Ads and Features Masculinity Again...Is This Bad News?)

There's just a problem...maybe even two problems. 

The first is one you've probably noticed all on your own. The fighting-aged people of American society are none other than Gen Z, a generation infamous for its lack of patriotism. This is the generation that has been hyper-politicized like no other, so much so that a much larger than normal portion of it is convinced they're not the gender they were born as. Gen Z is so far removed from any meaningful conflict that it doesn't understand what war truly is. 

(READ: War Is Hell...So Don't Start One)

Gen Z doesn't just have a noticeable deficit of patriotism, a good chunk of it actively despises America on the trumped-up charges of it being a nation of racists, bigots, homophobes, sexists, and colonizers. Watch this viral video from a member of Gen-Z who thinks that if a draft is instituted, Gen-Z won't answer the call because they're not scared of the consequences and, moreover, they don't want to fight and potentially die for this country because it supposedly hates them and so they hate it. 

This sentiment is more common among Gen-Z than just this one video, and while it wouldn't be fair to shame the entirety of Gen-Z for thinking this way, too many do, and that can be a real issue. Some likely will choose prison and those that don't might end up causing trouble in other ways. 

But there's a second, and probably more consequential problem. 

We can expect those who have been indoctrinated by leftism to want to steer clear of our military and, to be honest, the fewer neon-haired non-binary screechers we have in it, the better. However, those who aren't indoctrinated and actually do have a spirit of patriotism don't seem to want to join either. 

In fact, not only do they not want to join, their parents don't seem to want them to either. Or their grandparents...even if they served in the past. I was struck by the amount of patriots waving off their own countrymen from serving, but probably not surprised by it. 

Why? Because this military has become too dangerous, and not just in the way of potentially getting injured or killed in the line of duty. That comes with the territory. What worries them is that the military has become such a woke joke that the chances of being injured or killed are increased thanks to incompetence and heavily politicized standards that look better on a DEI checklist than anything close to looking combat-ready. 

They want mixed units of men and women, but this has already proved to be a disaster. As former director of the Center for National Defense, Thomas Spoehr wrote at Heritage, the military's insistence that the military be more politically correct has made it far less effective on the field: 

In 2015, then Secretary of the Navy Ray Mabus rejected out-of-hand a Marine Corps study concluding that gender-integrated combat formations did not move as quickly or shoot as accurately, and that women were twice as likely as men to suffer combat injuries. He rejected it because it did not comport with the Obama administration’s political agenda.

That same year the Department of Defense opened all combat jobs in the U.S. military to women, and Secretary of Defense Ashton Carter committed to “gender-neutral standards” to ensure that female servicemembers could meet the demanding rigors involved in qualifying for combat. Since then, the Army has been working for a decade to put in place the gender-neutral test promised by Carter. But after finding that women were not scoring as highly as men, and under fierce pressure from advocacy groups, the Army threw out the test. Now there is no test to determine whether any soldier can meet the fitness requirements for combat specialties.

President Joe Biden rolled out the red carpet for transgender recruits, making it possible for active service members to take time off in order to obtain a sex change at taxpayer expense. 

These are just a few of the ways the military has gone from being a fighting force capable of destruction the likes of which humanity has never seen to a social experiment that looks disorganized, disjointed, and easy to steamroll over. Rest assured, our enemies are not putting an emphasis on being inclusive in their militaries. 

If you're a potential recruit and you saw all of this, you'd probably say "no thanks." 

The United States of America has effectively screwed itself in terms of recruitment. It attempted to attract people into the military who either had no intention of serving or hated the country too much to make service laughable, and in doing so it made itself a dangerous prospect for anyone who might have actually served with purpose and effectiveness. 

If that's to change, then this administration would have to get very serious about reversing a lot of its decisions about the military, ditch the wokeness, reinstitute its former standards, and prioritize red-blooded American men. 

It won't, though. So the best we can do is hope that World War 3 doesn't kick off while a Democrat is in office. 

X22, On the Fringe, and more- November 14


Why Doesn’t the Department of Defense Defend Us?

Today's circumstances demand a new type of military, one at home on the border

Thomas Friedman recently said something interesting: “The euphoric rampage of Oct. 7 that killed some 1,400 soldiers and civilians has not only hardened Israeli hearts toward the suffering of Gaza civilians. It has also inflicted a deep sense of humiliation and guilt on the Israeli Army and defense establishment, for having failed in their most basic mission of protecting the country’s borders.”

The humiliation and guilt do not seem universal. Our military and defense leadership do not seem to feel any responsibility for the border crisis. They certainly feel no shame for this egregious and ongoing insult to American sovereignty. For them, the military is reserved for events around the globe, even though most of these far-flung campaigns have only a tangential relationship to actual American security.

Our border is completely wrecked, and more than 2 million migrants are likely to arrive this year.  Most of these people are poor, low-skilled people from the Third World. They are not likely to contribute much to our country, many will arrive and stay illegally or under fraudulent refugee claims, and they will receive substantial benefits unavailable to millions of struggling Americans. Collectively, this weakens our country.

While our rickety southern border contributes greatly to this state of affairs, the Department of Defense seems to have no interest in actually doing anything to help. They have repeatedly resisted deploying significant assets to augment the U.S. Border Patrol.

Trump received withering criticism from senior members of the U.S. military for his supposed disrespect for the military’s customs and for the suggestion that he might employ them during the nationwide riots in 2020. As part of their aversion to domestic deployment, the military has remained largely indifferent to protecting the border, as if national defense can only be conducted in the nether reaches of the world, many thousands of miles from our country’s borders and our people.

Power Projection vs. National Defense

We do not have a military geared towards territorial defense. We instead have a military devoted to power-projection. It can damage countries and their militaries halfway around the world, and many of its personnel and much of our equipment remains permanently overseas.

Force structure and training have oscillated between preparation for low intensity wars and peer competitors, but the military has devoted very little attention to protecting the country itself from direct threats, whether in the form of an invasion of migrants or from something like a Chinese spy satellite flying over the continental U.S.

This all flows from the dual nature of American Empire. A very smart and anonymous writer, CatGirl Kulak, described how the ruling class’s chief concern is the overseas empire, which leads them to neglect the interior of the nation, along with its people: “Functionally America is an hourglass-shaped empire. It’s really two empires barely connected. It is a 19th century land empire conquered by American settler populace, and it is a 20th century Maritime and global empire conquered by the US Navy and barely closeted communist bureaucrats along with the foreigners they funded. These two empires barely interact . . .  The place they meet, the narrow center of this hourglass is Washington DC. . . .  Whilst Washington remains completely safe from any threat to its 20th-century Maritime empire…  Washington’s 19th-century land empire has it by the throat.”

Washington foreign policy types like to play games of Risk overseas, because they know we have two oceans and a nuclear arsenal to protect us from conventional threats. This sort of power politics is mostly harmless to the ruling class; and, when a war ensues, the people doing the fighting and dying are, in their eyes, a bunch of disposable right-wing hicks from flyover country.

On the other hand, the same ruling class has completely lost its mind about January 6, because this was a rare and extreme nonviolent revolt by the denizens of the Inland Empire, which the Washington D.C. ruling class holds in great contempt, but also greatly fears.

An Invasion By Any Other Name . . .

If we had a wise and patriotic ruling class, this would all look very different. They would protect the interior, because they would understand that the chief consequence of any invasion is not the destruction of military equipment, so much as the threat to national sovereignty and the related threat to the survival and flourishing of a people. As the old joke went, if it wasn’t for the army, we would be speaking German.

But why invade a country conventionally, when the invaders can achieve their goal of lebensraum without the challenge of amassing military forces and planning a military invasion?  The scale and long-term consequences of the border crisis far outweighs the official concerns of our defense establishment, like Russo-Ukrainian relations or the Straits of Malacca. But our national leaders do not treat the border crisis as a matter of national survival.

For real countries, particularly in ethnostates like Israel, it is obvious that borders matter, and it is obvious that the military’s job is to protect them, whether from invaders with uniforms or not. Either type of invader presents a threat to life and limb, and both present a threat to a nation and its access to resources.

Unfortunately we have a cosmopolitan leadership class, which lately is not terribly bright, and they are either indifferent to or hostile to the land, the people, and their resources.

The Excuse of Legality

At least part of the military’s aversion to taking responsibility for the migrant invasion comes from the leadership’s understandable desire not to employ the blunt instrument of the U.S. military in the delicate matter of domestic law enforcement. But there are several problems with this excuse.

First, this is not a constitutional requirement; posse comitatus is a mere statute, and whether it is police or military, there are still courts and other constitutional protections afforded to American citizens. Using the military on the border is as American as the Constitution, which provides: “The United States shall guarantee to every state in this union a republican form of government, and shall protect each of them against invasion; and on application of the legislature, or of the executive (when the legislature cannot be convened) against domestic violence.

Second, the military’s aversion to domestic law enforcement activity is also fairly selective. General Milley clutched his pearls over Trump threatening to invoke the Insurrection Act during an actual insurrection June of 2020, but, even today, the military brags about its role enforcing desegregation orders by bayonet in the 1950s. Similarly, the military, which only months before did not want to put down violent riots, willingly established a “Green Zone” in Washington D.C. protected by thousands of troops around the time of Biden’s inauguration.

The real driver of military aversion to protecting the border is a combination of budgetary concerns and the perception that doing empire things overseas is more valorous and higher status than rounding up illiterate, unarmed Central Americas along the Rio Grande. The military leadership tends to kiss up to the ruling class, who are more interested in the overseas, maritime empire. On this matter, the civilian and uniform leadership’s worldviews have converged, and this also explains why the military has become more politically correct in recent years.

A True Department of Defense

The divorce of the military from border defense—an artifact of World War II and the subsequent Cold War—should be considered more critically. No one saw a conflict between (the Reconstruction-era) Posse Comitatus statute and the deployment of the army in forts along the border with Mexico to deter and punish incursions. The Army’s decades-long contribution to border security culminated in Blackjack Pershings’ 1916 punitive expedition against Pancho Villa. Thereafter, the military focused almost exclusively on overseas threats from nation-states, particularly in Europe, mostly ceding its role at the border to a law enforcement agency in 1924 with the creation of the Border Patrol.

The Border Patrol and its budget is tiny compared to the military. This says a lot about the ruling class’s priorities. The government is moving mountains and spending hundreds of billions to impose its will abroad, while tolerating anarchy on its border and slow, but continuous, degradation of the quality of life at home.

Our military and political leaders must adapt to the times. The reluctance to use the military on the border comes from the obsolete paradigm of a world where nation-states have a “monopoly on force.” In the pre-Westphalian past, as well as the present, many historically transformative invasions were not undertaken by uniformed militaries and may not have even been particularly violent.

The first English colonists in North America came as religious farmers seeking peace. At first, they had peaceful relations with native tribes, which we celebrate on Thanksgiving. Similarly, the Barbarian Invasions of the Roman Empire were as much an immigration phenomenon as they were a military invasion. Whether violent or not, the result in each of these cases was the same: displacement of the existing people along with their way of life.

Today, in many parts of the country, you need to know Spanish just to get by. Other unassimilated ethnic pockets exist throughout the country. These shifts in linguistic unity signal a broader disunity, the fruits of massive, unrestrained, and unassimilable levels of immigration.

The history of defeated nations should provide a ready source of wisdom: these nations and their armies lose when they are preparing to fight the last war.  Militaries and nations also lose when the leadership and the military are no longer aligned with the people and their interests.

Today, a new type of invasion is manifest. And it calls for a new type of leadership, which puts America first. These circumstances also demand a new type of military, one at home on the border.

Democrats Thrive on Lowering Standards

Who you sleep with is not an accomplishment, nor is it something to celebrate. Who cares? Honestly, I can’t believe we’re at a point in human existence where people look at their sex lives at some time of virtue worthy of celebration by themselves or others. No one cares. Yet, this is where the Democrat Party is, which makes you wonder where they’re going next.

First off, the woman running for the House of Delegates in Virginia who livestreamed her having sex with her husband for paying customers to watch and direct (sorry, that’s what it was) lost her race, just barely. Susanna Gibson, the wannabe legislator and aspiring exhibitionist lost by only 966 votes, making me wonder if she showed too much or not enough in her videos. Having seen one (it’s called research, sickos), I’d say it has to be the former. 

The closeness of the outcome is what is telling about the Democrat Party and society as a whole. There was a time when graphic sex, even with your spouse, on camera being made public would have embarrassed a candidate off the stage. But this was graphic sex on camera being seen by the world was the purpose of the graphic sex on camera. Well, that and the money that came along with it. There was no shame because there is no shame anymore. 

Gibson tried to pretend to be a victim, but she was the star and director of the “leaked” footage. And they streamed it live while talking directly to the camera to address the people paying them – there was no ambiguity about what they were doing, or what they were willing to do should people give them more money. 

Hilariously, before the truth was known, Gibson was described in the press as “a nurse practitioner and public health expert who was born and raised in Virginia” while her husband was written about by saying, “Not much is known about John's personal life because he often stays out of the spotlight, but he is known in the Richmond area for his career as an attorney.”

Maybe he doesn’t like the spotlight, but he does seem to be a fan of well-lit rooms. 

Again, 20 years ago this would have sent them both into an embarrassment spiral. Now it will be their selling point going forward. 

Are we better off as a society because of that? No. Are we better off because every third commercial during a sporting event is about how you can gamble on it? No. Are we better off in almost any way? Not really. Is it too late to turn back the clock to a time when the private what just that and decency mattered? Probably. 

Shame was an important tool for setting civil society’s standards. No laws were broken, and none of this should be against the law when involving consenting adults. But shaming them held people in line. It makes the guy down the block inclined to have a bunch of cars on blocks on his front lawn not do that, knowing he’d be shunned by neighbors for it.

That’s dead now. 

Democrats are advocating for the election of candidates BECAUSE of their sexuality, not in spite of it. 

A Democrat group recently sent out a fundraising email from the sender name, “Elect LGBTQ+ Democrats.” Why should you elect anyone based on who they sleep with? You shouldn’t. But in identity politics, the dumbest option is often the default. 

They go on the list of 18 Democrats running for office, most of whom are gay (and celebrated in the press because of it), like Fabian Nelson,  Laurie Pohutsky, and Imani Barnes, but others aren’t gay. One, a woman named Kyra deGruy Kennedy, is described as a “rising star” for what appears to be the simple reason that she’s running for office. She’s running, by the way, for the seat currently held by her husband. He’s term limited out, and name recognition is almost everything among dumb voters (see who the late John Dingell replaced and who replaced him for a prime example of this).

When your driving force is anything but merit, you end up elevating, and therefore celebrating, all sorts of irrelevant things. In the course of that you lower standards to the point you need a shovel to get under them. 

That’s what Democrats have done to their party, and it’s what they’re trying to do to the country as a whole. 

Meet The Phony ‘Christian’ Group Trying To Take Down The New House Speaker

The group Faithful America was created by far-left activists to serve God-haters in the Democratic Party, with funding from George Soros. 
Here’s the inside scoop.

One of the activist left’s oldest projects is also its most devious: infiltrate, then undermine, the Christian church. Why? Because only Bible-believing evangelicals and Catholics stand between them and the total conquest of America.

It’s no wonder, then, that atheist mega-donors like George Soros have poured tens of millions of dollars into the effort over the past two decades. That political machine’s latest target is our new House speaker, Mike Johnson, R–La., a devout Baptist who unashamedly turns to the Bible for “my worldview — that’s what I believe.”

That’s enough to qualify Johnson as America’s “most dangerous Christian nationalist” and a “dangerous extremist,” according to the phony Christian group Faithful America, a key cog in the leftist attack machine.

Faithful America pretends to promote “Jesus’ message of good news” — what that means, the group won’t say — supposedly “hijacked by the religious right to serve a hateful political agenda,” “white supremacy,” and, horror of horrors, Christian nationalism.

Don’t be fooled. Faithful America was created by far-left activists to serve God-haters in the Democrat Party, courtesy of funding from Soros. Here’s the inside scoop.

Wolves Among Sheep

Faithful America was spawned in 2004 as a project of the Citizen Engagement Lab (CEL), which specializes in incubating new lobbying groups with funding from the Ford Foundation and Warren Buffett’s pro-abortion foundation. We’ve traced five- and six-figure grants to Faithful America from Soros’ Open Society Foundations and the Arcus Foundation, a transgender mega-donor.

Faithful America’s role in the activist army is swamping corporations and conservative groups with demands from outraged “Christians” that invariably toe the Democrat line. In 2012, the group savaged Hobby Lobby, an evangelical family-owned business, for challenging the Obamacare requirement to provide employees with contraception.

Nor are traditional Catholics safe from Faithful America’s attempts to silence them for adhering to historic church teachings on abortion and marriage. In 2020, it launched a campaign to block the confirmation of Amy Coney Barrett, a pro-life Catholic, to the Supreme Court on those exact grounds.

Faithful America was also behind the scheme to “cancel” Family Research Council President Tony Perkins, a Southern Baptist minister, from appearing on MSNBC because of his “long history of extreme, hateful rhetoric against gays and lesbians.”

Do these self-professed Christians really believe the Bible’s teaching on homosexuality and marriage is too dangerous to be voiced on national television?

To pull off that smear, Faithful America cited lies from the hate-spewing Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), which labels anyone who holds traditional Christian views as a “bigot.” Now Faithful America brags about being cited by the SPLC as “one of three top resources for countering white Christian nationalism” in 2022.

That’s the same SPLC whose writers cast blame on Israel for Hamas’ vicious Oct. 7 terrorist attack that killed at least 1,300 unarmed Jewish women, children, and civilians. Will Faithful America condemn those antisemites? Don’t hold your breath.

Christ Is Lord

Those same guns are now turned on Mike Johnson in a new campaign labeling the speaker one of the “false prophets that Jesus warned us about.” Genuine Christians will see this for what it is: dirty politics in “biblical” dress.

Faithful America and its ilk are right about one thing: Speaker Johnson’s faith does threaten their entire project to transform our republic into a totalitarian nightmare, cynically dubbed “democracy” by professional liars.

True biblical faithfulness has toppled empires, upended idols, and transformed entire nations. Christians cannot help but influence the culture around them simply by practicing our Lord’s commandments to love our neighbors and obey God. We are salt and light in a world smitten with death.

So “progressive” secular materialists have good reason to fear Christians who live consistently with their beliefs and refuse to buckle under pressure, because they’re powerless to stop the reigning Christ. One by one, Jesus has put all his enemies under his feet — and they know they’re next.

Failure Theater: Republicans Join With Democrats to Scuttle Impeachment of DHS Secretary Mayorkas

Bonchie reporting for RedState 

Eight Republicans joined with Democrats on Monday to block articles of impeachment filed from advancing against Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas. The resolution, which was introduced by Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, was referred back to the House Homeland Security Committee, effectively stalling out the effort. 

Ultimately, the gambit failed 209-201.

House Democrats, with the help of a small group of Republicans, on Monday successfully blocked an effort led by Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, R-Ga., to impeach Homeland Security Sec. Alejandro Mayorkas in a straight up or down vote.

The final vote tally was 209-201, with eight Republicans joining all Democrats in support of the latter party's motion to stop that floor vote, and instead refer the impeachment resolution introduced by Greene to the House Homeland Security Committee. Twenty-four members — 12 Democrats and 12 Republicans — did not vote on the measure.

The eight Republicans who joined Democrats included Reps. Ken Buck, R-Colo., Darrell Issa, R-Calif., Tom McClintock, R-Calif., Patrick McHenry, R-N.C., John Duarte, R-Calif., Virginia Foxx, R-N.C., Cliff Bentz, R-Ore., and Mike Turner, R-Ohio. 

As of this writing, none of the Republicans who voted to boot the articles of impeachment back to the committee have given their reasoning. Many of the names on the list are more moderate House members. A dozen other Republicans didn't vote at all. Had they done so, the outcome of the vote could have been different, though it's likely the absent Democrats would have then shown up to vote as well. 

Mayorkas' tenure as DHS secretary has been an abject disaster. The United States has set record after record when it comes to illegal border crossings. The Biden administration's response has been to further incentivize people to make the dangerous journey, with most being released into the interior if they are lucky enough to make it across the border. Court dates are often assigned years into the future and few show up. 

If Republicans can't even unite to impeach Mayorkas, it would seem improbable that they'd do so to impeach President Joe Biden. That will likely serve as yet another source of discomfort among GOP voters who are tired of the failure theater.

Republican Fecklessness and Division Is Going to Destroy the Party

Bonchie reporting for RedState 

Watching the Republican Party these days is like watching a dog try to attack its own tail. Far from a well-oiled machine, the GOP has devolved into a dysfunctional mess punctuated by moments of fecklessness that push voters further away. 

The most recent example came as a segment of Republicans joined with Democrats to effectively scuttle an attempt to impeach DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas. What seemed like an open and shut case over the last few months was punted back to committee because when push comes to shove, the GOP just can't bring itself to take a tough vote and move forward with a unified front. Democrats do that routinely in order to move the ball forward. For Republicans, it's like herding cats strung out on meth. An impossible task. 

Members of the GOP are scattered, looking after themselves, rarely seeing the forest through the trees. They won't impeach Mayorkas because it might cost a seat in some blue state, but by not impeaching him, they suppress their own voters, leaving to ask what the point of voting Republican even is anymore. 

It's not just the impeachment failures, though. After a prolonged fight to replace the Speaker of the House, Republicans in the House and old ones in the Senate are now pushing to pass a clean continuing resolution with no spending cuts. Remind me again what the point of that embarrassing, month-long spectacle was if it ends with essentially the same budget plan as before.

Meanwhile, you've got another part of the party obsessed with celebrity, intoxicated by a completely unearned sense of invulnerability, believing that by simply taking their next breath they will win elections. There's no coherent strategy or message. Only the hope that this time Democrats will finally be too unpopular to win. That despite years of evidence to the contrary. 

Few in the party seem to be taking any of the foundational issues seriously, and that includes the GOP's organization structure, which seems content to pass the buck every time something goes wrong instead of looking internally to decide on meaningful, necessary changes. Where's the tangible effort to get out the vote for Republicans? Instead, we are served up fundraising scheme after fundraising scheme, as if that's moved the needle in any of the last four major cycles. 

Of course, everything I'm writing will fall on deaf ears because it's always someone else's fault in the GOP. The problems facing the party could be transcribed in the heavens, and you'd still end up with various factions battling it out for supremacy instead of working together to, you know, win elections.

Here's the thing. People read my writings and think I'm "pro" this guy or "anti" this guy. That's misreading my negativity because frankly, I'm pretty much just anti-everybody at this point. There's no one across the national Republican Party's vast hierarchy of leadership that shows me competence, discipline, and an ability to unite and lead. Because of that, the results will continue to be predictable. 

No Serious Country Would Allow Terrorist Sympathizers To Run Its Government

There used to be a time when taking directions from America’s adversaries would be considered treasonous. But in today’s world, doing so can gain you access to the highest levels of the U.S. government.

On Monday, the New York Post reported a high-ranking Pentagon official with ties to the Iranian government has “sought to undermine the leading group resisting” the Middle Eastern nation’s dictator, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei. According to the Post, Ariane Tabatabai, the chief of staff for the assistant secretary of defense for special operations at the Defense Department, was among several individuals to partake in a “covert campaign” to delegitimize Iran’s “leading opposition group, known as the Mojahedin-e Khalq.”

The revelation was contained in a report written by Ivan Sascha Sheehan, a dean at the University of Baltimore, and presented to President Biden on Monday.

As The Federalist’s David Harsanyi reported, a series of emails released by Semafor and Iran International in September showed Tabatabai participating in an initiative sponsored by Iran’s terrorist government seeking to boost the regime’s image amongst the global community. Launched in 2014, the Iran Experts Initiative was crafted by Iran’s foreign ministry and aimed to enhance the public perception of Iran and its nuclear program by recruiting a bevy of “influential overseas academics and researchers” to do their PR work.

According to a copy of the report obtained by the Post, Tabatabai and others were complicit in helping Iran “neutralize favorable impressions of the [Mojahedin-e Khalq] among Washington’s foreign policy elite.” The ultimate goal of this strategy, according to Sheehan, was to “take down an entity capable of aiding Western attempts to curtail the Iranian regime’s nuclear weapons program, malign regional agenda, human rights abuses, and fundamentalist inclinations.”

“By brazenly targeting the highly effective dissident organization, the operatives hoped to leave US officials with the false impression that there is no viable alternative to the ayatollahs — and certainly not one with a pro-democracy record that remains committed to toppling clerical rule,” Sheehan wrote.

But Tabatabai is hardly the only individual working at the highest levels of the U.S. government who is siding with genocidal terrorists. In a separate report published on Monday, Axios revealed that more than 100 State Department and USAID employees have signed a memo calling on Biden and top U.S. officials to “reassess their policy toward Israel” and “demand a ceasefire in Gaza.”

According to the outlet, the memo — which accused Israel of holding “thousands” of Palestinians hostage — was organized by Sylvia Yacoub, a junior diplomat who previously accused Israel of committing genocide. Yacoub and the aforementioned government employees are not only regurgitating Hamas talking points; they’re also aligning themselves with a radical Islamic terrorist organization.

In the days of Sen. Joseph McCarthy, claims alleging a government worker has ties with communism or adversarial powers could get that individual dragged before the U.S. Senate for extensive questioning. Whatever your thoughts on McCarthyism, it’s undeniable that America’s domestic-based enemies were put on notice.

Contrast such circumstances with today’s political environment, in which officials working at the highest levels of the U.S. government are openly supporting a genocidal terrorist organization and (in the case of Tabatabai) working on behalf of an adversarial power. Not only has America’s regime-approved media ignored the severity of the latter story, but the Defense Department — which is tasked with protecting the U.S. homeland — refuses to revoke Tabatabai’s security clearance. One can only imagine the left’s reaction if Tabatabai was Russian and working on behalf of Moscow in a Republican administration.

No serious country would allow these actions to go unpunished. But the sad reality is that America hasn’t been a serious nation for a long time. Through the years, its people have allowed hardcore Marxists to infiltrate every major institution in the country unopposed. Whether it’s the federal bureaucracy, schools, or military, no facet of American society has been left untouched.

The Damage of the ‘White Privilege’ Smear ~ VDH

It's past time for Americans to reject all racial stereotyping

One of the many satanic paradoxes of the Third Reich’s architecture of the Final Solution was the requirement—mandated after the 1939 outbreak of the war—that Jews anywhere under German rule or occupation had to wear a yellow badge or armband with the Star or David.

Yet was not all this elaborate bureaucratic need for identification embarrassing to the Nazi apparat?

After all, if Nazi doctrine about supposedly manifest Aryan “racial” superiority—Nordic looks and build, superior intelligence, stable disposition—were so persuasive, then why the need for Jews to identify themselves?

In contrast, the Star-of David IDs were prima facie proof that the entire bankrupt Nazi project was based on the unspoken fear that millions of Jews were indistinguishable in all respects from other Europeans.

In other words, on the fascist right, anti-Semitism was predicated on the pseudo-science that Jews were not European and thus somehow racially inferior. Yet currently, the entire industry of anti-Semitic hatred has flipped, from Jews as toxic non-whites to Jews as toxic whites. The two common denominators of racial obsession and hating Jews remain the same.

One of the key reasons leftwing anti-Semites have been so effective at galvanizing campus hatred of Israel, and by association of Jews in general, is their careful effort to brand themselves DEI victims why tarring Jews with the empty white supremacy slur.

Accordingly, Jews and Israel now supposedly enjoy toxic white privilege. They are libeled as veritable white supremacists illegitimately in the Middle East to colonize “Palestine,” and as European imperialists picking up the mantle of the earlier 19th century British and French—as if a prior 400 years of Ottoman imperialism in the Middle East never occurred.

As now-privileged white victimizers, contemporary Jews are not seen as victims of the Holocaust, explaining the comfortable alliance between Islamist Holocaust deniers and the DEI crowd.

It was no accident that a racist BLM on news of the October 7 massacres quickly issued posters glorifying Hamas hang-gliding murderers.

It was no surprise that DEI czars and professors in various ethnic and race studies programs proved the most prominent on campus in damning Israel and its Jewish citizens as racists. And who was shocked when university administrators—the cowardly MIT campus is a good example—simply warned Jews of no-go zones, rather than ensured there were no such zones anywhere on campus for anyone?

Jews seem to be collateral damage from the damning of an entire group of people, namely white Americans and Europeans. In a society that is supposedly wedded to Martin Luther King, Jr.’s dictum that we should be judged by the content of our character, not the color of our skin, it is shocking how the racist DEI and woke industries have been given a complete pass to castigate and demonize an entire group, without any concern for individual characteristics, or for class, religious, or ethnic differences.

Indeed, white is as sloppy a term as Hispanic. Just as third generation Cuban-American professionals have almost no intrinsic ethnic, political, class, or often even linguistic affinities with impoverished Oaxacans who just crossed illegally into America—and vice versa—so too a white male from rural America working as a welder in the Ozarks or a logger in the Sierra Nevada has zero solidarity with a white Bay Area techie at Google or an Ivy League legacy preppie screaming “from the river to the sea” in Harvard Yard.

But “white” is not just a ridiculous construct that ignores the multiplicities of European ethnic and religious fault lines, the vast differences in “white” class, income, and politics, and the increasing frequency of whites marrying non-whites. When joined with the tired epithets “privilege,” “supremacy,” and “rage,” the result grows even more incoherent and sinister.

Is proof of the privilege of “whites” that their life expectancy is lower than Hispanics and Asians?

A suicide rate higher than blacks, Asians, and Hispanics?

Dying in combat in Afghanistan and Iraq at double their numbers in the general population?

An inordinate percentage of fentanyl deaths?

A current percentage of whites in Ivy League freshman classes of 20-40 percent, despite making up 55 percent of the youth demographic?

Why does “white rage” not result in whites being overrepresented as perpetrators of “hate crimes,” as are Latinos and blacks? Or in relatively rare interracial crimes, why are blacks far more likely to assault or kill whites than vice versa? In the DEI lexicon of reductionist stereotypes, is there a term “black rage” that reflects FBI statistics on hate or interracial crimes?

Woke and DEI fads have created entire anti- “white privilege” industries. One result was the epidemic of careerism-inspired and media-fed hoaxes, such as the Duke Lacrosse lie, the Covington Kids myth, and the Jussie Smollett fiasco. All were predicated on the idea the white male smear would alone obviate the need for evidence—and would provide exemption when the fakers were exposed.

Another bastard child of the “white privilege” myth was the ironic but pathetic effort of whites to fake a non-white identity to win privileges in hiring, admissions, and status.

What, after all, drove the transitioning of Sen. Elizabeth Warren to declare herself the first “native American” professor of law at Harvard, or careerist professor Ward Churchill to outfit himself in buckskin and beads—not to mention the famous Rachel Dolezal, former head of the NAACP in Spokane, Washington?

Identity fakery is traditionally an empirical guide to privilege, or otherwise nonwhites would be transitioning to white status, as in the segregationist and overtly racist days of the Old South.

In that regard, why did the New York Times dub Hispanic, half-Peruvian George Zimmerman “White Hispanic,” when they had never used that phrase for any other person, even though two thirds of “Hispanic” Americans self-identify as white? Because it was an acceptable affront in demonizing Zimmerman, but would have been considered a racist slander against another Hispanic American?

A hallmark of the white-privilege slander industry is the one-way application of “disproportionality,” or the idea that coveted or celebrity billets must reflect demographics.

Such institutionalized discrimination is now applied in crude fashion throughout companies and universities, but not when inconvenient. In professional sports, where meritocracy is deemed essential and whites are “underrepresented,” or in recording contracts, or even in the US postal service, there is no such sin in any group’s overrepresentation.

Another dividend of the blanket white privilege/supremacy slur is the racial shakedown industry. The BLM movement in the wake of George Floyd’s death ended up extorting millions of dollars from guilty or scared corporations. The vast majority of donations ended up unaccounted for, but likely enriched the founding grifters of BLM.

Ibram X. Kendi earned lucrative fees and honoraria espousing “anti-racism” and founded an “anti-racism” academic center that produced no tangible research. All that and more followed from his academic mish-mash of writings justifying racism against whites to “stop racism.”

The industry of white demonization also plays a role in the drastic reductions in U.S. armed forces recruitment. The Pentagon insists that labor shortages, obesity, criminality, gang affiliations, or drugs explain their current alarming dearth of recruits.

But the drop-off in white rural and suburban males is demonstrable, and the reason is most likely their weariness with constant woke hectoring and discrimination.

Such pandering was on display when Chairman of the Joint Chiefs Mark Milley in his June 2021 testimony to Congress pontificated about ferreting out “white rage” and “white privilege” in the ranks—despite providing no evidence or data to back up his white bias and racism allegations.

Indeed, the Pentagon publicly quotes in detail the racial makeup of almost every branch and rank of service—except the disproportionately-white demographics of combat deaths, which are considered taboo and inherently macabre and “divisive.”

The DEI virus and the incessant “white privilege” stereotyping infect all areas of American life, and have rendered our society obsessed and hypocritical, if not incoherent as it equates everything from meritocracy to punctuality to toxic “whiteness.”

The normal rules of media sensationalism dictate that when any law enforcement officer lethally shoots an unarmed suspect, especially at a distance that posed no direct threat to the shooter, the name of the officer is immediately released.

But when a capitol officer shot and killed the unarmed January 6 protestor Ashli Babbitt for the likely misdemeanor of entering a broken window in the Capitol, his name and identity were immediately hidden from the public for months.

The same coverup was at work in the suppression of the manifesto and diaries of the self-declared trans mass shooter in Nashville—given that current leaks reveal one of her motivations was sheer hatred of what she deemed “white privileged” children, or, as she also called them, “crackers.”

If New York Prosecutor Letitia James had been a white male conservative activist prosecutor, seeking fame and an upward political career in his state by indicting Barack Obama in an election year for some suspicious financial transactions or sweetheart real estate con from years ago, he would have been denounced as racist.

And what if said prosecutor was on record screaming, not the now socially acceptable and common slogan “too pale, too male, and too stale,” but something about the overrepresentation of the “not pale, not male, but stale?” Would the result be the summary dismissal of an embarrassing, superfluous, and racist writ by a grandstanding, incoherent political hack?

Inconsistency is a final hallmark of “white privilege” ideology. What characterized the exemptions given to the summer of 2020 riots—with 35 dead, 1,500 law enforcement officers injured, $2 billion in damages, and a courthouse, police precinct, and historic church torched—was their pretense that white privilege had resulted in George Floyd’s death and anti-racist violence was justified.

Black Lives Matter therefore was to be immune from consequences in its “rage” against “white supremacy.” During the lockdowns, when minor infractions of the quarantine warranted everything from social ostracism to jailing, thousands of health-care professionals—once the most adamant in insisting on the shutdowns—hit the streets claiming that they were marching against white privilege and therefore exempt from the very protocols they had inflicted on others.

By contrast, both the peaceful protestors and the rioters of January 6 were alike dubbed “white supremacists” and “insurrectionists,” and given harsh sentences. Some no doubt deserved such arrest and punishment, but the single-day event was hardly comparable to the 120 days of rioting, looting, arson, and killing associated with the Antifa/BLM-engineered 2020 riots.

The low bar for “insurrection,” of course, was white-privilege-inspired. Note the contrast with the recent “pro-Palestine” demonstrations. Ostensibly these protests should have qualified for all the new requirements of “insurrection” established by the official responses to January 6.

Some of them entered the Capitol rotunda, where protests are forbidden. They interrupted a session of Congress, yelling and disrupting congressional hearings. They defaced government property, smearing fake-blood on the White House stone wall and swarming iconic statues. The genocide of Jews was the theme of their “river to the sea” monotonous chants.

And to make the analogy with the January 6 “insurrection” complete, a prominent politician, Rep. Rashida Tlaib, delivered a speech to the protestors prior to their entry into the Capitol.  In fact, she too implicitly fired up the volatile crowd by calling for the destruction of Israel by demanding a Palestine “from the river to the sea.” Yet in contrast to the January 6 protestors, there were very few arrests and likely will be fewer convictions.

In sum, for years the left has been exempted for what in normal circumstance would be a cardinal civil rights sin. They demonize and stereotype an entire group solely on the basis of their skin color, attributing to them collective negative characteristics that trump all individual differences by presenting them as if frozen in a time warp of the pre-1960s.

Anti-Semitism is on the rise and fortified by the campus DEI and woke crowd. Hate crimes are soaring. Violent crime in general is on the upswing. Military recruitment is dropping. Trust in the media is plunging. Anti-Semites are proud and not ashamed of acting out their hatred. The progressive woke agenda is imploding.

The one common denominator is the now-acceptable notion that it is not just permissible but encouraged to smear without evidence over two-thirds of Americans as the sole beneficiaries of “privilege,” prone to rage, and conspiring to ensure racial supremacy—all lies.

But they are lies nevertheless as useful to their promulgators as they are toxic and incendiary to a multiracial consensual society if not addressed, refuted, and discredited.

It is past time for Americans to reject all racial stereotyping and the racist careerists who leverage it—before we all descend into tribal nihilism.