Tuesday, November 14, 2023

Democrats Thrive on Lowering Standards

Who you sleep with is not an accomplishment, nor is it something to celebrate. Who cares? Honestly, I can’t believe we’re at a point in human existence where people look at their sex lives at some time of virtue worthy of celebration by themselves or others. No one cares. Yet, this is where the Democrat Party is, which makes you wonder where they’re going next.

First off, the woman running for the House of Delegates in Virginia who livestreamed her having sex with her husband for paying customers to watch and direct (sorry, that’s what it was) lost her race, just barely. Susanna Gibson, the wannabe legislator and aspiring exhibitionist lost by only 966 votes, making me wonder if she showed too much or not enough in her videos. Having seen one (it’s called research, sickos), I’d say it has to be the former. 

The closeness of the outcome is what is telling about the Democrat Party and society as a whole. There was a time when graphic sex, even with your spouse, on camera being made public would have embarrassed a candidate off the stage. But this was graphic sex on camera being seen by the world was the purpose of the graphic sex on camera. Well, that and the money that came along with it. There was no shame because there is no shame anymore. 

Gibson tried to pretend to be a victim, but she was the star and director of the “leaked” footage. And they streamed it live while talking directly to the camera to address the people paying them – there was no ambiguity about what they were doing, or what they were willing to do should people give them more money. 

Hilariously, before the truth was known, Gibson was described in the press as “a nurse practitioner and public health expert who was born and raised in Virginia” while her husband was written about by saying, “Not much is known about John's personal life because he often stays out of the spotlight, but he is known in the Richmond area for his career as an attorney.”

Maybe he doesn’t like the spotlight, but he does seem to be a fan of well-lit rooms. 

Again, 20 years ago this would have sent them both into an embarrassment spiral. Now it will be their selling point going forward. 

Are we better off as a society because of that? No. Are we better off because every third commercial during a sporting event is about how you can gamble on it? No. Are we better off in almost any way? Not really. Is it too late to turn back the clock to a time when the private what just that and decency mattered? Probably. 

Shame was an important tool for setting civil society’s standards. No laws were broken, and none of this should be against the law when involving consenting adults. But shaming them held people in line. It makes the guy down the block inclined to have a bunch of cars on blocks on his front lawn not do that, knowing he’d be shunned by neighbors for it.

That’s dead now. 

Democrats are advocating for the election of candidates BECAUSE of their sexuality, not in spite of it. 

A Democrat group recently sent out a fundraising email from the sender name, “Elect LGBTQ+ Democrats.” Why should you elect anyone based on who they sleep with? You shouldn’t. But in identity politics, the dumbest option is often the default. 

They go on the list of 18 Democrats running for office, most of whom are gay (and celebrated in the press because of it), like Fabian Nelson,  Laurie Pohutsky, and Imani Barnes, but others aren’t gay. One, a woman named Kyra deGruy Kennedy, is described as a “rising star” for what appears to be the simple reason that she’s running for office. She’s running, by the way, for the seat currently held by her husband. He’s term limited out, and name recognition is almost everything among dumb voters (see who the late John Dingell replaced and who replaced him for a prime example of this).

When your driving force is anything but merit, you end up elevating, and therefore celebrating, all sorts of irrelevant things. In the course of that you lower standards to the point you need a shovel to get under them. 

That’s what Democrats have done to their party, and it’s what they’re trying to do to the country as a whole.