Saturday, September 2, 2023

It's never been about Trump—it’s about forcing Americans into submission

Is this cabal our best and brightest?

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell completely froze in front of a podium, for the second time in just weeks. In the first occurrence, after an excruciatingly long 30-second pause before the cameras, fellow senators escorted him away in his apparent daze. Predictably, McConnell’s office has been tight-lipped about what exactly happened to the 81-year-old legislator in both instances. McConnell has worked in public office for almost 50 years.

Whatever challenges or medical issues McConnell faces, it seems clear to any reasonable citizen that Mitch has lost a step, to put it charitably. Given the massive challenges America faces presently, does this man make sense as a front-line leader for our movement? Can a clearly impaired octogenarian really be the best America can do?

If the GOP retakes control of the Senate in 2024, with a very favorable election map, will an even older McConnell provide the best leadership possible to save our country from the created crises inflicted by Biden, including a de-facto open border, economic malaise, and threats of WWIII?

Looking across the aisle in the Senate, an even more impaired 90-year-old Senator Dianne Feinstein represents 39 million Californians. Feinstein has been in public office since 1970 and regularly appears to be totally unaware of her votes and activities until prompted by helicopter-like hovering staffers.

Traversing down Pennsylvania Avenue, the occupant of the Oval Office regularly creates unwitting viral videos with his verbal gaffes and apparent confusion, shaking hands with “ghosts” on stages and reading TelePrompTers like a toddler.

The White House and its lackey corporate media allies run constant cover to explain away valid skepticism regarding Biden’s cognitive health. But sensible Americans, of any ideology, naturally question placing such a man at the helm of the US nuclear arsenal.

Increasingly, these octogenarian Washington potentates take direction from the oligarchs of big business who largely determine national policy and dominate the public square in America. In fact, the fusion of government and big business in 2020s America represents a systemic threat to true self government in our land.

In stark contrast to past eras, business conglomerates now effectively pay “indulgences” to the permanent political class by advocating for a far left, secular humanist agenda. Admittedly, these oligarchs are not uniformly as old as the ancient autocrats of Washington, but some of these notable business influencers would help America if they joined McConnell, Feinstein, and Biden at the ice cream social hour at Seinfeld’s retirement home “Del Boca Vista.”

Chief among these oligarchs is 92-year-old George Soros. He was welcomed into America as a refugee from war-torn Europe, found his fortune here, and swiftly began a massive and effective Marxist campaign to burn down the very society that was so generous to him.

Soros masterfully exploited the opportunities of capitalism in an open republic to subsequently use his formidable acumen and financial firepower to try to transform America into a collectivist leftist tyranny. If anything, his political power and treachery have only accelerated with his age. Imagine how much better off America would be today if we had never allowed George Soros to emigrate here?

Of course, some very notable people thrive well into advanced age, and can handle the demands of high-pressure jobs well past standard retirement age. Everyone knows a person or two who seems to defy Father Time, remaining sharp and vigorous into very old age. But those exceptions, in fact, prove the rule.

In a dynamic country of 330 million people, we can surely identify and elevate inspiring leaders who do not face the physical and mental risks of the last stages of life.

So, what can be done?

First, for all political leaders, establish not only term limits, but also age limits on the upper end. These limits should apply to all three branches of government. Most companies already use such best practices for executives and board members. Even the Vatican ends the papal conclave voting rights of cardinals after their 80th birthday.

Second, nominate a younger generation for high offices into 2024, especially at the presidential level.

In the scheme of history, America is still a young country, a mere teenager compared to the old nations of the world. As such, the United States can learn to respect the wisdom and dignity of our seniors, without handing the keys of power to those impaired by very advanced age.

On the Fringe, Red Pill News, and more- Sept 2nd


The Left’s Relentless War on Donald Trump and Everyone Who Disagrees with Them

It's never been about Trump—it’s about forcing Americans into submission

In the tumultuous landscape of American politics, one name has become emblematic of the Left’s unyielding battle: Donald Trump. His presidency ignited a firestorm of opposition, revealing not just a political clash, but a broader war against those who hold opposing beliefs. As the dust settled on his term, it became evident that the Left’s war on Trump is just one facet of a broader campaign that aims to silence any dissenting voices. To preserve our freedoms, there must be an issued call to arms for patriotism, courage, and bravery from all citizens—willing to rise to protect the futures of their children and grandchildren.

The Left’s relentless pursuit of Donald Trump transcends mere political opposition. Every step he takes is scrutinized, every word analyzed, and every policy decision met with fervent resistance. Trump, in his own way, emerged as a representative man of the common people – an unconventional politician who resonated with those who felt unheard by the political establishment—and he is a master at rallying his troops. This made him a lightning rod for the Left’s ire, a symbol of everything they sought to dismantle. Yet, beneath the surface, this battle is not solely against a single individual; it is a struggle against any opposition to their ideological agenda. The political spectrum forever changed in America with the inauguration of Donald Trump as the 45th President of the United States. The Left’s hand has been shown by his antics of unfiltered communication with America—which got him de-platformed from social media. His call for American independence from foreign entities goes totally against the sellout agenda of the Left that pushes America towards globalism, risking our national sovereignty. He has become a rock in the proverbial shoe of the establishment elites and leftists. He challenges their motives, logic, and their allegiance to Country—for that they hate him vehemently.

The war against Donald Trump is but one example of the broader campaign the Left wages against anyone with opposing beliefs. Their goal is not only to marginalize Trump and his supporters but to ensure that anyone who dares dissent is castigated and suppressed. This phenomenon is not confined to the political realm; it permeates everyday conversations, social media, and public discourse. As we witnessed during Trump’s presidency, the Left’s intolerance of opposing viewpoints extends far beyond the political elite and directly affects ordinary citizens who dare to voice their opinions.

This intolerance for differing beliefs is a dangerous precedent for the future of our Republic. A healthy society thrives on a diversity of opinions, encouraging open debates that lead to thoughtful and balanced decision-making. However, when one side seeks to silence the other, it not only weakens the deliberative process but threatens the very foundations upon which the nation was built.

The call for patriotism, courage, and bravery is not an abstract notion; it is a rallying cry for ordinary citizens to stand up for their country and its principles. As the Left’s war against opposing beliefs rages on, it is not just politicians and activists who must defend these ideals, but every American who values the preservation of freedom. Just as soldiers stormed the beaches of Normandy with unwavering tenacity, citizens must stand firm against attempts to suppress their voices. Multitudes have had to die to provide us with this freedom. If it is to be passed to future generations, then it must be conserved through the strength and perseverance of the citizenry.

The erosion of the First Amendment stands at the heart of this struggle. The right to freedom of speech, expression, and assembly is the bedrock of America, enabling citizens to voice their concerns, challenge the status quo, and hold those in power accountable. However, over the last decade, we have witnessed a steady encroachment on these rights. Online censorship, the suppression of dissenting viewpoints, and the vilification of opposing voices have all contributed to a chilling effect on free speech.

The dismantling of our First Amendment rights is not a distant possibility; it is a present reality. Just as the Left relentlessly pursues Donald Trump, they also are chipping away at the very liberties that ensure a robust nation. This trend affects all Americans, regardless of political affiliation, and it poses a grave threat to the multiplicity of thought that is essential for a healthy society.

To combat this erosion of rights and preserve our freedoms, every American must be willing to put everything on the line. The fight for freedom is not for the faint-hearted; it requires courage, determination, and an unyielding commitment to the principles that define our nation. Just as soldiers displayed incredible bravery while fighting in the communist jungles of Vietnam, citizens must exhibit the same courage to defend their rights against ideological tyranny.

Ordinary citizens, irrespective of their backgrounds or beliefs, must recognize the urgency of this fight. As we seek to secure the futures of our children and grandchildren, we must stand united against any attempts to silence, suppress, or marginalize the voices of conservatism and common sense.

The Left’s relentless war against Donald Trump is emblematic of a broader campaign aimed at stifling dissenting voices and eroding the founding principles of our nation. This battle is going to require resolve, and love for our families and country. We have no choice. We are at war. It has never been about Donald Trump—it’s about forcing Americans into submission. The sooner we realize it, the sooner you will begin to fight, and win.

Three Died in the Colorado Wilderness, Trying to Live 'Off the Grid'

Jim Thompson reporting for RedState 

Chris McCandless became famous for failure. A man “off the grid.” McCandless was the 24-year-old man whose 67-pound decomposing body was found in “Bus 142.” The rusting green and white wreck, a destination beacon for hikers and wayward travelers, had been resting off the Stampede Trail near Alaska’s Denali National Park for over 25 years. McCandless was a wandering man and not unused to the outdoors. He stopped at the rusted hulk, and after 107 days, he died there. McCandless starved to death. A movie called “Into the Wild” was made about his life and eventual death. 

Unfortunately, many people lacking the expertise to be in the wild or make the trek to Bus 142 never made it to the drifter's talisman. Two people died in the Teklanika River while attempting to reach Bus 142. An additional 15 people had to be rescued trying to “relive” McCandless’s journey. Alaska finally had enough of people risking their lives and the lives of first responders for a photo-op and a story. Bus 142 had a hole cut out of its roof, and it was airlifted away for its resting spot - no longer a magnet for people looking to die.

For even experienced (if abundantly naive) people like McCandless, the wild can be unforgiving. Nature doesn’t take prisoners; it kills the unprepared and under-prepared.

This summer, Colorado claimed the lives of three people who hiked into a remote mountainous campsite south of Aspen. People die all the time while camping remotely, but the circumstances of these deaths are particularly appalling and tragic.

Last summer, Christine, 42, and Rebecca Vance, 41, decided that they had had enough of civilization. The Pandemic had, apparently, left them desperate to escape from society and to live “off the grid.” Rebecca had a 14-year-old son, and she insisted that the teenager go with the pair of women. Neither of the Vance women were experienced campers. Quite the contrary. They had camped years before like most occasional campers do – set up a tent, use the camp’s bathroom, and drive back to civilization on Sunday.

According to a family member:

Becky, mostly, was fearful of the way our world was becoming, especially after COVID. That pretty much broke the camel's back. After COVID, I mean, everybody felt it. The atmosphere changed, the economy changed, and even the way we did politics changed. Everything freaking just changed from zero to 80, and that, I think is what broke the camel's back with Becky, because she, growing up, she was always introvert, stick to herself type of person,” Jara says. “It wasn't exactly that she was not trusting or she thought everybody was bad or anything. She didn't want influences on her and her son from the world. And she thought that it would be better to go out by herself. I mean, she didn't want any contact with anybody.”

Although family members offered a campsite with an RV that had no cell or Wi-Fi coverage, the Vance women spent a year planning their escape, where they planned to camp in tents in the mountains. In the summer of 2022, they left to go "off the grid." The decomposing bodies of all three were found this summer by a hiker. They had died during the harsh winter, either of starvation or exposure. Likely both.

People who claim that they are prepared to “go off the grid” and disappear into the mountains are, for the most part, deluded. Very few people are prepared for what nature will throw at them. Pioneers, they are not.

The worst part of this tragedy was Becky Vance’s insistence that her 14-year-old go with her. A sister said:

Becky “fear[ed] the world would be a bad influence” on the teenager.

She would never leave my nephew. He was her everything, absolute everything. And there is no way that she would leave him with anybody.”

Although the family was "concerned," no one stopped the two women from taking the boy on what was clearly a suicide mission. Nature doesn’t take prisoners. In this case, she took three lives.

'Common Sense' Gun-Grabbing? Biden Pushes Huge Fines, Restrictions on Used Gun Sales

Mike Miller reporting for RedState 

First, a word on "common sense." From federal legislation to income tax rates to the sale and ownership of firearms, when Democrats use "common sense" in their various spiels, it's incumbent on the rest of us to never forget: "Common sense" and "Democrat positions and policies" are mutually-exclusive notions. 

With the above in mind, let's continue.

Joe Biden is pushing yet another proposal to expand the scope of federal gun regulations on the sale and transfer of firearms. On Thursday, the Department of Justice submitted a new plan detailing who must obtain a federal firearms license to legally sell guns on the secondary market.

In simple terms, the secondary sale of a gun, or the sale by a private seller, refers to the sale or transfer of firearms by individuals who aren't required to be licensed as firearms dealers under federal law. However, 22 states and the District of Columbia have laws that require background checks for some or all private sales, including sales at gun shows. 

The Biden administration's proposed rule would set limits on how frequently an unlicensed seller could sell a firearm, how often unlicensed sellers could sell the same type of gun, and set restrictions on the condition of a firearm before the seller would be required to first obtain a Federal Firearms License (FFL). 

Under the proposed rule, an individual who violates the rule (sells or transfers a gun without a license) could face up to $250,000 in fines, five years in federal prison, or both.

The White House said in a Thursday release titled FACT SHEET: Biden-Harris Administration Takes Another Life-Saving Step to Keep Guns Out of Dangerous Hands:

In March, President Biden signed an Executive Order directing the Attorney General to move as close to universal background checks as possible within existing law. Today, as a result of the Executive Order and the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act, the Department of Justice is taking life-saving action to reduce the number of guns sold without background checks and keep guns out of the hands of criminals.


Specifically, the proposed rule, if finalized, would clarify that an individual would be presumed to be “engaged in the business” of dealing in firearms—and therefore be required to become a licensed firearms dealer and run background checks—if they meet certain conditions. 

For example, under the proposed rule, a person would be presumed to be required to become a licensed dealer and run background checks if they meet one or more of the following criteria: 

  • Offer for sale any number of firearms and also represent to potential buyers that they are willing and able to purchase and sell them additional firearms; 
  • Repetitively offer for sale firearms within 30 days after they were purchased; 
  • Repetitively offer for sale firearms that are like new in their original packaging; 
  • Repetitively offer for sale multiple firearms of the same make and model; 
  • [O]r as a formerly federally-licensed firearms dealer, sell firearms that were in the business inventory and not transferred to a personal collection at least a year before the sale, addressing the so-called "fire sale loophole."

Also, under the proposed rule, the selling individual would be presumed to have the intent to “predominantly earn a profit” — one of the elements of engaging in the business of dealing firearms — if the person engages in activities such as creating a website to advertise or market firearms, maintain records of profits and losses from firearm sales, pr renting a space at a gun show.

This latest proposal by the administration is another example of Biden's attempt to circumvent Congress by unilaterally enforcing stricter gun-control measures via federal rulemaking.

Whether or not you (third-person) sell guns in the secondary market is immaterial. What's very material is the proposed rule is eagerly backed by a president who, in November 2022, said: “The idea we still allow semi-automatic weapons to be purchased is sick.” Yep, the same guy who laughably advised women to buy 12-gauge shotguns because they're "easier" to use than AR-15s.

The Bottom Line

Remember, Democrats can be patient creatures — patient, but insidious nonetheless — and are adept at eating a proverbial elephant one bite at a time. In this case, the elephant is the Second Amendment and the rights it ensures law-abiding Americans. Furthermore, the notions of "We allow" and "Who needs" are irrelevant.

Nobel Retracts Russia, Belarus, Iran Invites


The Nobel Foundation on Saturday retracted its invitation for representatives of Russia, Belarus, and Iran to attend this year's Nobel Prize award ceremonies after the controversial decision "provoked strong reactions."

Several Swedish lawmakers said Friday they would boycott this year's Nobel Prize award ceremonies in the Swedish capital, Stockholm, after the private foundation that administers the prestigious awards changed its position from a year earlier and invited representatives of the three countries to attend.

Some of the lawmakers cited Russia's war on Ukraine and the crackdown on human rights in Iran as reasons for their boycott.

The Swedish Prime Minister Ulf Kristersson told media outlets Friday that he wouldn't allow Russian representatives to attend the ceremony to attend Nobel award ceremonies this year if given the choice.

"The basis for the decision is that we believe that it is important and right to reach out as widely as possible with the values and messages that the Nobel Prize stands for," the Nobel Foundation said in a brief statement. 

The foundation said they recognized "the strong reactions in Sweden, which completely overshadowed this message" and chose not to invite "the ambassadors of Russia, Belarus and Iran to the Nobel Prize award ceremony in Stockholm."

However, it said that it would follow its usual practice and invite all ambassadors to the ceremony in Oslo where the Nobel Peace Prize is awarded.

The Nobel Foundation said earlier it had extended invitations to all countries with diplomatic missions in Sweden and Norway to the Dec. 10 event since that "promotes opportunities to convey the important messages of the Nobel Prize to everyone."   

Former New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson dead at 75


Bill Richardson, a former two-term Democratic governor of New Mexico and later U.S. ambassador to the United Nations has died. He was 75.

The Richardson Center for Global Engagement, which he founded, said in a statement Saturday that he died in his sleep at his home in Chatham, Massachusetts.

"Governor Richardson passed away peacefully in his sleep last night. He lived his entire life in the service of others – including both his time in government and his subsequent career helping to free people held hostage or wrongfully detained abroad. There was no person that Governor Richardson would not speak with if it held the promise of returning a person to freedom. The world has lost a champion for those held unjustly abroad and I have lost a mentor and a dear friend," said Mickey Bergman, vice president of the Richardson Center.

"Right now our focus is on supporting his family, including his wife Barbara of over 50 years, who was with him when he passed. We will share further information as it becomes available," he added. 

Richardson was a U.S. congressman and Secretary of Energy under President Bill Clinton in addition to his roles as governor and ambassador to the U.N. 

However, he is best known for his post-government career, in which he worked with his nonprofit foundation to free people held as political prisoners or hostages in foreign countries. 

Founded in 2011, the Richardson Center for Global Engagement has worked with more than 80 million families and provided them support and guidance while their loved ones were detained abroad. Richardson engaged in "fringe diplomacy" to bring foreign parties to the negotiating table and bring those detained back home, the Center said 

Richardson's work earned him multiple nominations for the Nobel Peace Prize, including for this year. 

Sen. Ben Ray Luján, D-N.M., issued a statement calling Richardson a "giant in public service and government." 

"In his post-government career, he was trusted to handle some of the most sensitive diplomatic crises, and he did so with great success. Here in New Mexico, we will always remember him as our Governor. He never stopped fighting for the state he called home," Luján said. 

"Governor Richardson was a close friend who held the same House seat that I was elected to. He knew how to get things done, and he worked closely with my late father in the Legislature. 

"His passing is incredibly heartbreaking for so many New Mexicans who knew and respected him. He leaves behind a legacy that will never be matched, and one that New Mexicans will always take pride in. My prayers are with Barbara, the Richardson family, and all New Mexicans. His memory will always be a blessing.   

Former Democrat Lawmaker Blasts Biden Administration as the 'Worst in American History'

Mike Miller reporting for RedState 

The practice of hurling disparaging epithets at political opponents is nothing new; it's as old as politics itself. However, when a Democrat-turned-Republican congressman calls the Biden administration "the worst administration in the history of the United States of America," that's newsworthy in my book.

Except you won't see it on CNN or MSNBC, of course, or featured in The New York Times.

New Jersey Rep. Jeff Van Drew, who left the Democrat Party and became a Republican in 2020, blistered Joe Biden's border policy on Friday in an appearance on "Fox & Friends" after news broke that the administration reportedly proposed a list of locations for New York City Mayor Eric Adams to relocate illegal aliens, including New Jersey's Atlantic City International Airport — which is in Van Drew's district.

Van Drew vowed to fight the plan "with every ounce of strength."   

"Hopefully, it won't happen," Van Drew said, but if it does? 

We're going to fight this with every ounce of strength that we have. It is the wrong thing. You know, when we said what was happening at the southern border was going to affect the entire United States of America, this is what happens. I want people to listen out there. 

This is not just an Arizona problem, or a Texas problem or a California problem. This is a United States of America problem. And now they want to come into our beautiful county, our beautiful South Jersey, and try to ruin that as well. 

Van Drew said the intentionally-caused Biden Border Crisis poses a national defense threat, as well.

There's also a national defense issue here. This is a very, very important issue to understand. We have the FAA technical center there that's doing very important work, some of which is very significant for the safety of this country and air flight. 

And we have our F-16s that are there as part of our defense, as well, as part of the Air National Guard, 177 fighter wing. They are the first line of defense for Washington, D.C., and New York City. 

This is a disaster in the making. I mean, this is the worst administration. I used to say, in my lifetime. Now, this is the worst administration in the history of the United States of America.

Here's a bit of relevant background on the administration's proposal:

The Biden administration has some suggestions for where New York City can house some of the 60,000 asylum seekers who recently arrived: a remote facility closer to Montreal than Manhattan, a tax office on Long Island, and Atlantic City International Airport.

The sites are on a list of 11 federally owned facilities that US Department of Homeland Security officials sent to Mayor Eric Adams this week as possible locations to relocate migrants, according to a person with knowledge of the discussions who asked not to be identified.

Embattled New York Gov. Kathy Hochul’s office referred to a recent statement she made:  

We cannot and will not force other parts of our state to shelter migrants, nor are we going to be asking these migrants to move to other parts of the state against their will.

CNN, MSNBC, and The New York Times were unavailable for comment.

The Bottom Line

It's hilarious, isn't it, how Democrats lose their crap when illegal aliens show up on their doorstep, yet smugly castigate governors, state, and local officials in states where border towns are overrun by illegals?

The "good for thee but not me" reality is alive and well in the most hypocritical group of people on the planet; the depth of Democrat hypocrisy knows no bounds.

Perhaps the above reality is a large part of why Rep. Jeff Van Drew became a Republican.

Israel: Police clash with Eritrean asylum seekers


Dozens of people have been injured, including some from live gunfire, during clashes between Eritrean asylum seekers and Israeli police in Tel Aviv.

Stun grenades, tear gas and sponge-tipped bullets were used against hundreds of protesters.

The unrest was sparked after activists opposed to the Eritrean government said they asked Israeli authorities to cancel an embassy event on Saturday.

But protesters also clashed with supporters of the Eritrean regime.

The divisions within Eritrea over the rule of President Isaias Afwerki have spilled over into the diaspora, and this is the latest outbreak of violence in recent weeks.

According to Israeli news reports, the demonstrators marched towards a venue where the event was due to take place. They were initially held back by police barricades but later managed to break through them.

Residents said the streets of central Tel Aviv sounded like a war zone as police helicopters buzzed overhead and Israeli officers fired live rounds into the air.

Protesters fought with police, damaged cars and smashed the windows of nearby businesses.

A statement by Israeli police said that officers used their guns as they felt their lives were in danger.

Photos from inside the hall that had been hired by Eritrean diplomats for the event showed tables and chairs overturned after angry demonstrators broke in.  

Earlier this week, police said at a news conference that different Eritrean factions had agreed to rally in two separate locations this Saturday.

Supporters of the government in Asmara were supposed to meet close to the embassy venue. Opponents were due to protest at the old central bus station, which is a short distance away.

However, the two sides did not stick to their commitments, police said.

An unnamed senior police source was quoted by the Haaretz newspaper as saying: "We were very surprised by the level of violence, scenes you only see in the West Bank."

Hundreds of officers have since been deployed in the area, according to the police.  

In the middle of the afternoon, the Magen David Adom emergency medical service said it had treated 114 wounded people. Most had minor injuries, including 30 police officers - most of whom were badly bruised. Eight were in a serious condition and 13 in a moderate condition.

There have been previous cases of violence between different factions of Eritrean asylum seekers.

In 2019, one asylum seeker who was a regime supporter was fatally stabbed in south Tel Aviv amid a turf war - between those for and against the Eritrean government - in poorer neighbourhoods where many people from the community live.

It is estimated that there are about 18,000 asylum seekers from Eritrea in Israel, most of whom arrived illegally years ago by crossing Egypt's Sinai Peninsula. They said they fled danger, persecution and compulsory military conscription in one of the world's most repressive countries.

Although Eritreans supporting the regime would not appear to be in need of international protection as refugees, the authorities in Israel have not made differentiations between asylum seekers based on their political affiliations, according to local media.

As Eritrea marks 30 years of independence from Ethiopia, festivals have been held by its diaspora.

But as well as Israel, some in Europe and North America have been marred by protests and outbreaks of violence - last month a three-day Eritrean cultural festival in Toronto, Canada was cancelled after supporters and opponents of Eritrea's regime clashed.   

Newest NATO Country Escalates Prosecution of Christians for Quoting the Bible

The appeal escalates this U.S. ally’s prosecution of leftist politicians’ opponents, a marker of repressive regimes.

In an appeals court Thursday, Helsinki’s top prosecutor said publicly quoting the Bible and publishing a booklet about Christian sexual ethics violates Finland’s “hate speech” law. The appeal escalates this U.S. ally’s prosecution of dissidents from leftist politics, a marker of repressive regimes.

The prosecutor has charged Member of Parliament Paivi Rasanen and Bishop Juhana Pohjola for writing and publishing, respectively, a booklet supporting natural marriage.

“This [case] is a God-given wake up call for Christians and others worried about the direction our society is going,” Pohjola said in a post-court press conference Friday morning U.S. time. He noted convicting a religious leader for publishing theological documents would in effect criminalize Christianity in Finland and encourage similar oppression worldwide. 

Rasanen is also criminally charged with posting a Bible verse to X (formerly Twitter) and stating Christian theology in a radio interview. The prosecutor wants all recordings of the radio interview taken down and the booklet to be unavailable online, and fines levied against both Christians.

“The content of my writings and my speeches represents the classical Christian view of marriage and sexuality, the same as the Churches have generally taught for two millennia,” Rasanen said in a statement. “I do not condone insulting, threatening or slandering anyone, and my statements have not included content of such a nature. I consider this matter to be a theological discussion that should not be in a courtroom.”

In court Thursday, prosecutor Anu Mantila disagreed, claiming, “Condemning homosexual acts condemns homosexuals as human beings,” according to English-language local reporting. Using the Bible’s word “sin” to describe any non-marital sexual acts violates “sexual rights” and is “insulting” and “degrading,” Mantila argued, according to an Alliance Defending Freedom International (ADFI) account from the courtroom.

Friday morning, Mantila argued hate speech laws criminalize “insults” and parts of the Bible: “There is material in the Bible that contradicts principles in our society. This is why the interpretation of the law against discrimination must be applied effectively.”

Orthodox Christianity has proclaimed for 2,000 years that marriage is defined by a lifelong union between one man and one woman, and all sexual activity outside such a union harms both the participants and society. Mantila argues this core Christian theology criminally insults homosexuals. Rasanen, Pohjola, and their lawyers said that’s not true.

“The core of the whole process is this: condemning sinful deeds does not mean questioning the person’s worth and dignity,” Pohjola said in court Friday. “These are completely different things. The prosecutor is propagating an understanding that is fully against the Christian understanding of human being, God, and their relation. Condemning sin is not questioning the person’s dignity.”

Hate Speech Laws Criminalize Christianity

In interviews, Rasanen and Pohjola emphasized Christianity has always taught that every human is guilty of transgressing against God’s commands and that God unleashed His just punishment for every one of those sins upon His Son, Jesus Christ. This means every person is beloved and can be forgiven by God no matter what that person has ever done wrong.

“The prosecutor sees traditional Christianity as containing hatred and discrimination,” Pohjola told a local reporter after Thursday’s court session. “No value is given to the Biblical revelation that all people have intrinsic value as God’s creation.”

Due to Communist influence, much of the West has enacted speech restrictions similar to Finland’s. That includes dozens of U.S. states and cities. All it would take is courts to interpret hate speech laws the way these Finnish prosecutors are arguing to criminalize Christianity across the West.

“Politicians sell us hate speech laws by claiming they will target neo Nazi types and make us all safer,” noted Paul Coleman, an ADFI lawyer supporting the case. “Yet in no time at all they are turned against a Christian grandmother tweeting a picture of some bible verses.”

Cases like these are increasing globally. In Mexico this month, a former politician lost an appeal of his conviction for “gender-based political violence” for describing a transgender man as “a man who self-ascribes as a woman.” Earlier this year, U.K. banks closed down top politicians’ accounts over their non-leftist views.

A Canadian pastor and his family recently exiled themselves to Kenya after the government began seizing the bank accounts of lockdown opponents. Minnesota is moving to place teacher licensing requirements that effectively ban Christians from working in public schools.

Searching for Hate Crimes

Finnish and European media call Rasanen’s human rights case “the Bible trial.” A lower court unanimously cleared Rasanen and Pohjola in March 2022. The two Christians have been in court now for more than four years.

In 2019, during a debate about whether Finland’s state church should sponsor anti-heterosexual parades, Rasanen tweeted a picture of a Bible verse condemning homosexual acts. Due to the tweet, the Helsinki prosecutor began investigating Rasanen’s nearly 30 years of public statements.

Rasanen didn’t know she was being investigated until that fact was published in the newspaper. At first she didn’t believe it, so she called the police and they then confirmed it to her, she said in a press conference Friday. 

That investigation unearthed a 2004 booklet, “Male and Female He Created Them.” Rasanen wrote and Pohjola published it seven years before Finland added “hate speech” provisions to its “war crimes” code. Mantila charged them as criminals for writing and publishing the book. During this investigation, police interrogated Rasanen about Christian theology and its political implications three times for a total of more than 13 hours.

“If writings based on biblical teachings were to be condemned, that would mean a serious restriction of freedom of religion,” Rasanen noted in her statement.

Rasanen is married to a pastor, a mother of five, a grandmother of 10, a medical doctor, and a Christian Democrat. That’s the party with the second-fewest members in Finland’s current Parliament. It’s currently part of the nation’s governing coalition after right-leaning parties won big in April elections.

U.S. Ally Punishes Speech and Religion with Criminal Trials

Rasanen has also been minister of the interior for the country just granted U.S. military protection with Finland’s recent entrance to the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. Finland just signed a $395 million deal with the United States for advanced rocket systems.

U.S. lawmakers called for the Biden administration to use the United States’s considerable leverage to urge Finland to stop prosecuting religious exercise and free speech, two natural human rights guaranteed in the U.S. Constitution and international treaties.

“It is abundantly clear – the process is the punishment. The selective targeting of these high-profile individuals is designed to systematically chill others’ speech under the threat of legal harassment and social stigmatism,” wrote 16 House Republicans led by Rep. Chip Roy of Texas on Aug. 8 to the U.S. ambassador to Finland and the United States’ ambassador at large. “This case will have worldwide ramifications.”

reported 500 Hungarians rallied outside their country’s Finnish embassy to show support for Rasanen and Pohjola on Thursday.

For decades in Finland, Rasanen has publicly represented Christian moral stances the left has politicized, such as pro-life and natural marriage. That has made her a target for LGBT activists. Those include the Helsinki prosecutor, now possibly determined to keep the Christians in court up to the European Court of Human Rights, proceedings that likely would take more than a decade.

“In all my career I have been known as a Christian and as a biblical Christian who doesn’t accept abortion and homosexual acts and so on. And I think that perhaps it is the reason why the prosecutor has targeted me,” Rasanen told The Federalist last summer at an “Issues, Etc.” conference in Chicago.

Finland maintains a state-supported Lutheran church, of which 70 percent of the population are technically members. Pohjola was kicked out of that church in 2014 for upholding the Bible’s commands concerning differences between men and women. He is now bishop of an independent Lutheran church body in the country. The Federalist interviewed him in person in 2021, including for The Federalist Radio Hour.

The appeals court decision is expected in one to three months, Rasanen said.