Saturday, September 2, 2023

Former Democrat Lawmaker Blasts Biden Administration as the 'Worst in American History'

Mike Miller reporting for RedState 

The practice of hurling disparaging epithets at political opponents is nothing new; it's as old as politics itself. However, when a Democrat-turned-Republican congressman calls the Biden administration "the worst administration in the history of the United States of America," that's newsworthy in my book.

Except you won't see it on CNN or MSNBC, of course, or featured in The New York Times.

New Jersey Rep. Jeff Van Drew, who left the Democrat Party and became a Republican in 2020, blistered Joe Biden's border policy on Friday in an appearance on "Fox & Friends" after news broke that the administration reportedly proposed a list of locations for New York City Mayor Eric Adams to relocate illegal aliens, including New Jersey's Atlantic City International Airport — which is in Van Drew's district.

Van Drew vowed to fight the plan "with every ounce of strength."   

"Hopefully, it won't happen," Van Drew said, but if it does? 

We're going to fight this with every ounce of strength that we have. It is the wrong thing. You know, when we said what was happening at the southern border was going to affect the entire United States of America, this is what happens. I want people to listen out there. 

This is not just an Arizona problem, or a Texas problem or a California problem. This is a United States of America problem. And now they want to come into our beautiful county, our beautiful South Jersey, and try to ruin that as well. 

Van Drew said the intentionally-caused Biden Border Crisis poses a national defense threat, as well.

There's also a national defense issue here. This is a very, very important issue to understand. We have the FAA technical center there that's doing very important work, some of which is very significant for the safety of this country and air flight. 

And we have our F-16s that are there as part of our defense, as well, as part of the Air National Guard, 177 fighter wing. They are the first line of defense for Washington, D.C., and New York City. 

This is a disaster in the making. I mean, this is the worst administration. I used to say, in my lifetime. Now, this is the worst administration in the history of the United States of America.

Here's a bit of relevant background on the administration's proposal:

The Biden administration has some suggestions for where New York City can house some of the 60,000 asylum seekers who recently arrived: a remote facility closer to Montreal than Manhattan, a tax office on Long Island, and Atlantic City International Airport.

The sites are on a list of 11 federally owned facilities that US Department of Homeland Security officials sent to Mayor Eric Adams this week as possible locations to relocate migrants, according to a person with knowledge of the discussions who asked not to be identified.

Embattled New York Gov. Kathy Hochul’s office referred to a recent statement she made:  

We cannot and will not force other parts of our state to shelter migrants, nor are we going to be asking these migrants to move to other parts of the state against their will.

CNN, MSNBC, and The New York Times were unavailable for comment.

The Bottom Line

It's hilarious, isn't it, how Democrats lose their crap when illegal aliens show up on their doorstep, yet smugly castigate governors, state, and local officials in states where border towns are overrun by illegals?

The "good for thee but not me" reality is alive and well in the most hypocritical group of people on the planet; the depth of Democrat hypocrisy knows no bounds.

Perhaps the above reality is a large part of why Rep. Jeff Van Drew became a Republican.