Friday, July 21, 2023

Killing Budweiser

Sunlit7 op

 Ever get that feeling you think you put your finger on something but there's something that still not sitting right. As much as I thought this was a case of political rivalry between campaign camps I just couldn't give that much credence to DeSantis, I trust him as much as I trust Trump. (Which if I had posted this last night I'd miss the DeSantis announcement today that he was thinking about suing AB for not properly addressing the controversary over Mulvaney. His claim was it jeopardized the investment of the pension funds Florida has invested in AB. Maybe the initial drop but shares, thanks to Modelo are up 32%.) Which give some credence to the next sentence I had wrote last night. Wholeheartedly I believe the parties are working in unison with each other and viewing it any other way broke that conviction. So I had to keep digging. Money is always a motivating factor but fact check after fact check of people telling me I was wrong that AB inBev was just trying to increase profits by importing a beer that was less expensive to manufacture. Actually it was the amount of busy fact checkers out there that convinced me I was right. You query for it and you are hit with fact check, fact check, fact check. When the media is hell bent on fact checking you you know somethings up with that. Than I ran across something on Fool . com. I surmised at that point I was more right about the money issue than the fact checkers would lead you to believe. Just because AB didn't hold the rights to Modelo in the US doesn't mean this wasn't about money.

In 2021 AB had a huge net debt position. (total debt minus cash and equivalents) of 87.4 billion as of the last quarter. This limits it's ability to return cash to shareholders over the long term. It traded at 13.7 times it's 2019 earning, which isn't expensive on it's face, but once you consider the massive debt load and the fact that beer sales volumes declined in 2019, it is hard to find reason to be optimistic about the stock over the next few years. <a href =">

If Altria sold it's 10% shares at current market prices it would be worth thirteen billion dollars.

Repurhasing of shares (another word for buy backs) at high level would reduce the number of shares outstanding, increasing earnings per share (EPS) assuming net income stays flat or grows over that period of time.

Worth around 13.5 billion, Altria's stake in AB accounts for 17% of the company's current 76.6 billion market cap. If Altria sells it's shares it could return capitol to shareholders in the form of share buyback which likely would provide better returns than holding onto a stake in a low growth business.

I am not much in stock lingo but it sort of makes sense this could be about driving down the number of shareholders but at that incredible amount of debt AB was in that seemed like a monumental endeavor. AB it would seem would have to keep putting out Mulvaney videos to achieve any significant debt reduction goals. I decided to see if I could find the justice department agreement between Constellation Brands, AB inBev and Grupo Modelo and I hit a much more milder bingo.

In that agreement it allows for AB inBev to sign interim agreements with Constellation to ensure the expansion and growth of Modelo products inside the US.

Constellation has committed to expand the capacity of Piedras Negras in order to meet current and future demand for the Modelo brands in the United States, and that commitment is a condition of the proposed settlement. The settlement also sets milestones for the expansion of the Piedras Negras brewery. In order to enable Constellation to compete in the United States during the time it takes to expand the Piedras Negras brewery’s capacity to brew and bottle beer, the settlement requires ABI to enter into interim supply and transition services agreements with Constellation. These agreements are time-limited to ensure that Constellation will become a fully independent competitor to ABI as soon as practicable. 

I figured that statement left wiggle room for AB to make money off helping Constellation expand in the US market, it doesn't limit the number of interim supply agreements but it still wasn't making any logical sense as to why AB would sign an agreement to provide for a competitor against them in the market. Surely getting all the profit was better than getting some of the profit. So back to the drawing board for me. Which is where I ran across this, statements made after the signing of the agreement.

Carlos Brito, chief executive officer of AB InBev, commented "The AB InBev and Grupo Modelo transaction has always been about Mexico and making Corona more global in all markets other than the US, where the brands will be owned and managed by Constellation. We are pleased to have reached this revised agreement that preserves the merits of the Grupo Modelo transaction while allowing us to move expeditiously to the Modelo integration process and the capture of approximately USD 1 billion of synergies up from our original estimate of USD 600 million.

There it was, one simply little word where you find yourself saying "it's the synergies stupid!" than clunking yourself on the forehead. What is a synergy you may ask...

The interaction or cooperation of two or more organization, substances, or other agents to produce a combined effect greater than the sum of their separate effect.

Now the light bulbs are really going off because in the long haul end of it all it will come back full circle to the Mulvaney effect. More about that momentarily. Back to the statements of synergy effect.

The combination is a natural next step given the long and successful partnership dating back more than 20 years between AB InBev and Grupo Modelo, and would create a significant growth opportunities worldwide from a combining two leading brand portfolios and distribution networks. This combination is driven by the growth potential of Modelo brands in Mexico as well as worldwide outside the US, and the opportunities to introduce additional AB InBev brand in Mexico through Modelo's distribution network. The Piedras Negras Brewery supplies the US exclusively and it's sale would not impact the growth of Modelo brands in Mexico or worldwide outside the US.

Since announcing the combination between AB InBev and Modelo, AB InBev has been working on integration planning and reviewing initial synergy forecast. Based on a more detailed and thorough analysis, AB InBev annual synergies will be approximately USD 1 billion up from the original forecast of USD 600 million estimated when the transaction was announced. 

That agreement was signed ten years ago and up until recently if someone had asked me what is a Modelo I might have answered it sounds like some sort of Spanish bull fight. It takes a lot if you are planning on dethroning the king of beers. You have to expand capacity, which means you have to expand your suppliers but you can't expand your capacity and suppliers without increasing the demand for your product. In 2019 they announced that Modelo would become the official beer of the UFC:

UFC, the world’s premier mixed martial arts organization, and Modelo Especial, the nation’s fastest growing imported beer, announced a new multi-year marketing partnership that establishes Modelo as the “Official Beer and Malt Beverage” sponsor of UFC in the United States.

“Modelo is an amazing brand that shares UFC’s unmatched commitment to its fan base,” UFC President Dana White said. “I love Modelo and we’re already talking about doing a lot of exciting things together.” 

Says Dana White close personal friend of former President Donald Trump. Still it wasn't enough to stop the bleeding of billions of dollars within AB InBev who had those interim agreements of helping Constellation expand it's capacity to distribute within US borders. "After abandoning a nearly completed 1.4 billion dollar plant over a water dispute in Mexico and a seven hundred million dollar write off Constellation decided to build another plant in southwest Mexico in the state of Veracrus. Constellation is also spending seven hundred million to nine hundred million per year from FY 2023-2025 to add fifteen million hectoliters of capacity to the existing thirty nine million at it's breweries in Eagle Pass, TX and Senora, Mexico. After the build outs and the construction of the Veracruz brewery the company will have added twenty five million to thirty million hectoliters of capacity in the medium term, under normal operating conditions we have ample capacity at the Nava and Obregon breweries to meet consumer needs based on current growth forecast and current and planned production capabilities."  That announcement came in January 2022 but here in the US it was still pretty much crickets when it came to the name Modelo and globally it still hadn't dethroned the king of beers.

Obviously 87 million dollars in debt something had to give, or should one say something had to go. The processes laid out appear to be a well orchestrated plan that once capacity to handle the demand they'd make a move to dethrone the king of beers. When you search for and lay out all the other planned forecast financially for the future it starts to make sense. Like the fact that Mexican beer workers make five hundred dollars a month compared to their western counter parts who make four times that producing Budweiser. There's no unemployment compensation funds to pay into, no workers compensation fund, no health benefits, no social security or retirement plans, you begin to get the picture. Here they are planning for growth of a beer a lot of people haven't heard of while claims are made that beer sales are in decline. Those declines couldn't have any thing to do with like the Ball Corporation, who makes and prints cans for breweries quadrupling the amount a brewery has to order leaving many breweries incapable of obtaining cans while the Ball Corporation builds a plant in Mexico to print cans for Constellation. 

Broomfield, Colorado-based Ball Corp BLL.N has built a plant in Monterrey to make cans for Constellation's new brewery.

Aluminum shortage was what they told other breweries for their decision to up the amount of orders. Other excuses heard from breweries here was shortage of supplies due to not enough box cars to haul ingredients needed to produce beers. That's funny because Constellation has no problem getting the railroads to bring them the items they need:

Constellation says it imports almost 20 percent of its glass bottles from the United States. The company did not say where those bottles come from, but Lance Fritz, chief executive of No. 1 U.S. railroad Union Pacific often cites the example of glass bottles the company hauls from a plant in Texas to a brewery in Mexico and that those bottles are made from recycled glass Union Pacific hauls from all over America.

The railroad has also invested $40 million in cleaning, washing and repair facility for beer-carrying box-cars just north of Constellation’s Nava brewery. Union Pacific hauls U.S. barley, malt and rice for brewing.

Speaking of glass the Ardagh group just announced the lay off at two plants of over six hundred workers to what they claim were related to the Bud Light controversy.  But here's Ardagh chairman statement after having bought Africa's largest glass producing facility:

"We look forward to ... investing in the long-term growth of the African market, driven by consumer trends and rising sustainability awareness," Ardagh chairman Paul Coulson said in a statement.

The company currently only operates in Europe and the United States.

"(It) enables continued growth on the African continent by leveraging off Ardagh's proven glassmaking abilities, technical expertise and international customer and supplier base," it continued. 

So let's get this straight, breweries and small specialty craft brewers here can't get cans, can't get bottles, can't get product and carbon dioxide needed to produce beer is hard to come by but there's plenty of stuff out there for large corporations to promote growth in low wage, less regulated third world countries. If you dig deep enough you begin to see how the beer industry is being undermined for not just profits to shareholders but enormous profits to shareholders. It's not just trying to dethrone the king of beers to entice larger profits off the backs of low wage workers either. These shortages almost appear deliberate to some small craft brewers to force the hand of small breweries and specialty craft brewers to sell out to AB to crave themselves out a market in the "beyond beer" market. If a brewer was showing significant success prior to being forced to lay off people due to shortages of products causing rising prices AB comes rushing in to buy them off.  In some instances AB implements more cost cutting measures, lays off more people, sometimes even shuttering the doors before taking the brand off to be produced in one of AB breweries. One person was quoted as saying "craft means nothing to AB". Of course it doesn't, it's objective is to corner the market at the cheapest possible cost.

From what is gathered and where does it go from here. It's pretty evident that now that the build up to produce the quantities needed there there had to be a catalyst bigger than UFC to knock the king of beers off it's throne. This is where, to go global breaking, a group of professional Apprentice script writers will have to come in. They write the script for a transgender Dylan Mulvaney to swim around a bathtub waiting for a phone call with a can of Bud Lite in hand. Than what do you know within weeks the king of beers has been dethroned. Some would probably say aren't you making a rather big assumption with all that. Not when we line up all the players involved, they go around a circle and connect like a ring on a finger.

First we had the push by Trump associated friends in the UFC attempting to dethrone Budweiser. Than the Mulvaney video, which no one noticed until another Trump associated friend, Kid Rock, shot up a case of Bud Lite in protest to the video. Which, by the way, the New York Post said he's still selling Bud Lite at his bar.  The next thing that is announced is a infusion of cash into Josh Kushner's investment firm Thrive by AB Inbev owner Jorge Paulo Lemann. Josh Kushner, for those not in the know, is the brother of Jared Kushner, Ivanka Trump's husband. That infusion helped push Kushners private equity firm into a net worth of 5.7 billion dollars. More than a bit suspicious it happens after the controversary that another Kushner gets an infusion of money, eerily similar to Jared getting an infusion of money after the Trump presidency. Who knows if any percentage will make it into the pocket of the big guy but with an investment of between one to five million in AB stock itself Trump won't be coming out a loser.

I've never seen such a level of cognitive dissonance where people are just unable to connect the dots. Their mind set has been totally framed to believe that things can return to the way they once were by some course of a magic wand of one man who does just the opposite of what he's telling them. The mere fact that he has enabled his family and family members to enrich themselves into the billions of dollars off his presidency should speak volumes to the lies. His promises of returning this back to a once great nation has only seen him rewarded for his lies while Americans continue to struggle worse then they were before. He is no better than those who came before or those who have/will come after him. Mark my word because I've done enough deep diving to know it's only a matter of time before the same offshoring of our energy and the baby formula industry will start struggling with the same global effects and people will start losing those jobs. I am even going to go out on a limb here and predict that after the election of 2024, come 2025, we're are going to witness a massive overhaul of our government. Those people still sitting at home working are going to find themselves pink slipped out of a job never to return as the America First Initiative works in unison behind closed doors, democrats and republicans, planning the overhaul to a new transitional global governance. No better way to transition a government than to have empty offices those individuals can just walk into and take over. Kelly Ann Conway said it herself "it won't matter who gets elected". So I'll close with a reminder of Michael Moore's own words, "once they realize Trump wasn't going to do a God damn thing for them it will be to late, they just elected the last American president".

Links to the information in the op can be found at the original posting here:

The Regime Closes Ranks Around Biden with Another Sham Indictment of his Opponent

After the shock of 2016, Democrats vowed to do everything in their power to preordain elections going forward. Never again would they leave the voters to their own devices. Instead, the people of “our democracy” would be guided through propaganda, censorship, and, if needed, a good old-fashioned show trial. (Or two, or three).

The news this week that Trump is facing yet another sham indictment is further evidence that the Biden regime, rather than abandoning its puppet, is closing ranks around him. While the details of this remarkably audacious “case” are yet unclear, its general outlines are already known from a relentless propaganda blitz that began even before Biden illegitimately seized power in 2020. The conceit is that Trump, by challenging the most questionable election in American history, is some kind of domestic terrorist who disrupted the “peaceful transfer of power.” It cannot be a coincidence that the Marxist attorney general of Michigan, Dana Nessel, announced charges against 16 “fake electors” (fake according to whom?) on the same day that Trump broke this troubling news.

This dramatic escalation in authoritarian shock-and-awe tactics suggests Biden is going nowhere fast. There has been lots of speculation recently that Democrats will replace Biden with another candidate, but this theory underestimates the cynicism and profound caution of the political machine that Biden represents. Democrats control the media, and to an alarming degree, the justice system as well. Why should they tempt disaster by betting on an unknown when they can just tip the scales?

Biden’s “victory” in 2020 was the result of unprecedented manipulation of the process at every stage, from the information voters received to the way they cast their ballots. The left abolished Election Day at a stroke and systematically defrauded voters of information about Biden’s influence peddling. The former CIA director who organized the notorious, bogus “Russian disinformation” letter admitted that the plan was to weaken Trump and provide Joe Biden with a “talking point” about his son’s laptop. The Biden campaign called the letter’s organizer after the debate to say thank you.

The tepid gossip that is now bubbling in the communist media about Biden’s scandals is feigned opposition. The regime is releasing pressure, so to speak, but there is no palace coup underway against “the big guy.” If that were the case, the news coverage would look very different. Whatever happened to Biden’s classified documents? Despite all the damning information that continues to surface about his family’s corrupt money laundering scheme, including text messages that clearly reference Joe Biden, the mainstream media continue to ignore all of the evidence. Who brought cocaine to the White House? That is already yesterday’s news.

Being paranoid about the loss of their political authority, Democrats of course have doubts about their man. How could anyone feel safe putting the fate of an empire in the hands of a decrepit fool? Biden is a mere figurehead, and if someone better should come along, the regime would drop him as ruthlessly as it is now trying to crush Trump. But that someone else has yet to emerge, and Democrats clearly think the risk of finding him is not worth it.

Some persist in the delusion that the left is only prosecuting Trump as part of some convoluted plan to promote him. Reality is much simpler than that. As far as Democrats are concerned, the primaries are already over. Ron DeSantis’ whimpering campaign launch has destroyed his puffed up “electability” narrative, leaving the Never Trump crowd suddenly adrift. It is clear to just about everyone else that Trump offers the best and only chance of dislodging the pretender in the White House. Rather than suffer this devastating fate, the prospect of which is more threatening to the regime than anything that can be imagined, it is prepared to torch its legitimacy, and what is left of the fabric of this country.

X22, On the Fringe, and more- July 21


New interview with Bill Abbott. ✝



The CEO of Great American Media says his networks are a place where Christians and people of faith will see their beliefs depicted in a positive way instead of mocked, as often happens on other platforms.

Great American Media is the home for Hallmark-rival Great American Family and other brands, including Great American Living, Great American Community and Great American Adventures. This year, Great American Media merged with a faith-based streaming service, Pure Flix.

“The way [faith is] positioned in the mainstream media, being a person of faith isn’t always a flattering portrayal,” Great American Media CEO Bill Abbott told Christian Headlines. “And in our case, we really want to reinforce the elements of faith.”

Abbott pointed to the company’s hiring of actress and filmmaker Candace Cameron Bure – an outspoken Christian – and to her 2022 faith-focused film A Christmas … Present. Great American Media, he said, strives to be a place where “people can be proud of their faith, and they can feel good about going to church, and they can feel good about the relationships they have with their pastor or other people in the community rather than having faith be something” that’s “derisive,” as often happens elsewhere, he continued.

Bure “really understands” the Christian community, he said. He added that Bure has future projects that will premier on Pure Flix and have a second window on Great American Family.

“She’s got great insight into how to really tell those stories that intertwine faith and emotion and positivity and that are uplifting and inspiring,” Abbott shared.

In June, Abbott’s company released new data showing Great American Family continuing its impressive growth and “leading all networks in year-over-year viewership increases for the seventh consecutive month,” according to a news release. In July, Great American Family and Pure Flix launched their “Christmas in July” content.

The faith community, he told Christian Headlines, has been “very much underserved.” Other networks, he said, “continue to push different agendas and have different points of view that are intertwined throughout their content, and, frankly, aren’t appropriate for most members of families or a co-viewing experience.” Great American Media, he added, works “very, very hard” to maintain the high standards of the faith community.

“We scrutinize every word in our movies,” Abbott insisted. “We are very, very sensitive to doing anything that would be betraying the trust of our viewers. … We want people to be able to turn our channel on and feel comfortable – they’re not going to throw the remote, they’re not going to have nightmares, they’re not going to be put in a position where there’s anything that is just not in keeping with the family and faith elements of their lives.”

❤ The New Moses



Hollywood star Jim Caviezel has praised former President Donald Trump, calling him the “new Moses” who is “going to save children the likes of which you have never seen.”

Jim Caviezel’s words of praise come after the actor spent an evening with Trump at a special screening of Sound of Freedom at Trump National Golf Club in Bedminster, New Jersey. As Breitbart News reported, Trump gave the anti-child trafficking drama a big thumb’s up, calling it an “incredible inspiration.”

“President Trump is going to save Children the likes of which you have never seen!” the actor tweeted . “You might even say he is the new Moses telling Pharaoh (World Cabal) to let the children Go Free! Mr. President …. You are The “New” Moses!… but I’m still Jesus ;) ”

Caviezel also called Trump the “new Moses” during a recent appearance on Fox & Friends.

Caviezel was among the guests attending Trump’s special screening of Sound of Freedom at the president’s club in Bedminster, New Jersey.

Prior to the movie, which was screened outdoors, the actor dined with Trump along with director Alejandro Gómez Monteverde and movie’s real-life inspiration — Tim Ballard, the former Homeland Security agent who quit his job in order to devote himself to rescuing children from sex trafficking rings and bringing their kidnappers to justice.

Sound of Freedom has emerged as the surprise box-office success of the summer. The independently produced and distributed movie recently surpassed $100 million at the box office without the benefit of a major studio promotional campaign.

The Biden Family Caricatures ~ VDH

The Biden first family seems determined to confirm every stereotype of their antisocial behavior—to the point of dysfunctionality.

During the 2020 campaign at least eight women alleged that then presidential candidate Joe Biden in the past had serially and improperly touched, kissed or grabbed them.

One, Tara Reade alleged she was sexually assaulted by Biden, who denied the charge.

Yet Biden himself finally was forced to apologize for some of his behavior. Or as he said at the time, “I get it.”

He claimed that he would no longer improperly invade the “private space” of women and had meant no harm.

But Biden’s obnoxious conduct extended well beyond the eight accusers.

Women as diverse as former Education Secretary Betsy DeVos, and Biden’s own daughter-in-law Kathleen Buhle, have both alleged in their memoirs that Biden made them feel uncomfortable through his intrusive touching and embraces.

On several occasions, Biden developed a strange tic of becoming too physical with young girls. He habitually attempted to hug them while blowing in their hair.

His daughter Ashley wrote in her diary that she feared her past adolescent showers with her father had been inappropriate. Even as president, Biden has weirdly called out young girls in his audiences to note their attractiveness.

On one occasion, the president interrupted his speech to address a female acquaintance—enlightening the crowd that, “We go back a long way. She was 12 and I was 30, but anyway…”

As a result, Biden has likely been warned repeatedly to forgo intimate references to young women.

He has no doubt also been advised by his handlers to stop all close, supposedly innocent contact with young girls and children—if for no other reason than to prevent his political opponents from charging that Joe is “creepy,” “perverse,” or “sick.”

And yet like some addict, Biden cannot stop—regardless of the eerie image he projects around the world.

Last week, the president jumped the proverbial shark by embracing a young child in a crowd while on the tarmac of the Helsinki, Finland airport.

In his strangest act yet, Biden kept moving his mouth near the face of the young girl. He was apparently trying to nibble the youngster, almost in turkey-gobbling fashion.

She recoiled.

No matter—Biden continued at her shoulder.

Again, she flinched.

Biden then reverted to form, and sought with a second try to smell her hair and nestle closer.

Had any other major politician in the age of #MeToo committed such an unnerving stunt, he would likely have been ostracized by colleagues and mercilessly hammered by the media.

Not in Biden’s case.

The apparent media subtext was that it was either just “Old Joe” trying to be too friendly, or a symptom of his cognitive decline and thus not attributable to any sinister urge.

Senescence now provides paradoxical cover for Biden’s creepiness—newfound exemption for his old boorish behavior.

Also, during the President’s latest antics, cocaine was found in the West Wing of the White House.

All the White House spokespeople had to do was to reassure the public that the drugs most certainly did not belong to first son Hunter Biden—despite being a frequent guest resident of the White House and a former crack-cocaine addict.

Instead, press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre dismissed reporters for requesting such clarification.

Then the official narrative went through several contortions, as to where and how the bag of cocaine was found.

The disinformation only added suspicion that the White House either would not or could not be transparent about the discovery of illicit drugs abandoned at the very nexus of American governance.

Requests for clarity were understandable not just because Hunter has had a long history of drug addiction.

He also has a troubling habit of leaving a public trail of evidence of his drug use.

Hunter forgot his crack pipe in a rental car. He abandoned his laptop that contained evidence of his own felonious behavior. And his unlawfully registered handgun turned up in a dumpster near a school.

In sum, the President and his son both have quite disturbing and all-too public bad habits.

Americans in response assume both would be careful not to offer the tiniest shred of evidence that their pathologies continue.

White House handlers should keep Joe Biden from even getting near small children and young women.

And they should be just as unambiguous that Hunter Biden has never, and would never, even get too close to illicit drugs while inside the White House.

Sadly they can do neither.

These suspicions are force multipliers of the mounting evidence of Biden family corruption. They feed narratives of heartlessness about disowning a granddaughter born out of wedlock. And they add to worries of presidential senility.

The result is the caricature of a first family: one that is utterly dysfunctional—and increasingly detrimental to the country at large. 

FBI Told Twitter Hunter Biden Laptop Was Real When New York Post Story Broke, Then Hid Behind Big Tech Censors’ ‘Disinfo’ Smear

‘Twitter essentially asked whether the laptop was real. And one of the FBI folks who was on the call did confirm that, ‘yes, it was,’ before another participant jumped in.’ 

The FBI, which had known Hunter Biden’s laptop was authentic since 2019, admitted to Twitter that it was real on the day the New York Post published its reporting on the laptop — but then switched its narrative to “no further comment” and refused to acknowledge the laptop’s veracity to any other Big Tech companies ahead of the 2020 election, according to July 17 testimony from Laura Dehmlow, the section chief of the FBI’s Foreign Influence Task Force (FITF).

In a letter to FBI Director Christopher Wray obtained by The Federalist, Chairman of the House Judiciary Committee Jim Jordan outlined how “Dehmlow revealed that the same FBI personnel who were warning social media companies about a potential Russian ‘hack and leak’ operation in the run-up to the 2020 election knew that the laptop belonging to Hunter Biden was not Russian disinformation.” Dehmlow also testified that previous FITF Section Chief Bradley Benavides and his subordinates who were tasked with sniffing out Russian influence “knew that Hunter Biden’s laptop was real.”

And when directly asked by Twitter employees about the laptop’s legitimacy in a meeting on the day the New York Post’s bombshell story was published, an FBI analyst confirmed the laptop’s legitimacy — before an FBI lawyer interrupted to declare the agency had “no further comment.”

“Somebody from Twitter essentially asked whether the laptop was real. And one of the FBI folks who was on the call did confirm that, ‘yes, it was,’ before another participant jumped in and said, ‘no further comment,’” Dehmlow recalled in her testimony.  

Later that same day, the FBI told Facebook in a meeting that it had “no comment” on the laptop.

Even though it received quick confirmation about the laptop’s legitimacy, Twitter joined Facebook in launching a censorship campaign that affected how a substantial number of Americans voted in the 2020 election. Anyone on Twitter who tried to share the link was barred from doing so. The New York Post was punished with a suspended account that stayed locked for weeks. Facebook, similarly, reduced the story’s reach.

Despite participating in more than two dozen intricate information-sharing meetings and, as Missouri v. Biden later revealed, in censorship collusion with Silicon Valley giants in the months leading up to the 2020 election, the FBI “made the institutional decision to refuse to answer direct questions from social media companies about the laptop’s authenticity” after shutting down the analyst who initially admitted to Twitter that it was real.

Meanwhile, around the time the Post story dropped, the FBI was one of the key agencies — aided by corporate media and the Biden campaign — that primed Big Tech to believe that news detailing Biden family corruption based on data obtained from Hunter’s laptop was Russian disinformation designed to manipulate the election.

“In one meeting on October 7, 2020 — just one week before the New York Post article on the Hunter Biden laptop was published — the agenda explicitly listed “Hack/Leak Concerns” as an item of discussion,” Jordan wrote.

E-mail from Facebook employee to Matthew Masterson and Brian Scully, on file with Judiciary Committee.

The Federalist reported in August 2021 that the FBI was in possession of Hunter Biden’s infamous laptop as early as December 2019. In his testimony to the House Ways and Means Committee, IRS whistleblower Gary Shapley further confirmed that the FBI verified the authenticity of the laptop as early as November 2019 “by matching the device number against Hunter Biden’s Apple iCloud ID.”

FBI individuals quibbled about “what information” they should “reveal to social media companies when asked in upcoming meetings” to explain the laptop, Jordan said. Ultimately, the agency decided to stick to the “no comment” narrative until well after the 2020 election was over.

“Put simply, after the FBI conditioned social media companies to believe that the laptop was the product of a hack-and-dump operation, the Bureau stopped its information sharing, allowing social media companies to conclude that the New York Post story was Russian disinformation,” Jordan explained.

Jordan noted that a federal judge’s recent memorandum ruling in Missouri v. Biden proved this censorship directly inhibited “millions of Americans from having a clear understanding about a salient issue in the 2020 presidential election.”

If Hunter’s laptop was truly the product of a Russian disinformation campaign as so many suggested, the FBI’s FITF had the authority to “share the specific details” of that propaganda war, Dehmlow said.

“Instead, the refusal of FBI officials — the very officials who knew the laptop was real — to verify the authenticity of the laptop allowed widespread censorship about an otherwise accurate news story,” Jordan concluded.

Jordan demanded on behalf of his committee that Wray name those in the FBI’s FITF who knew of the laptop’s authenticity but still advocated for the agency to stay quiet until after the election. He also asked for all documents, records, and communications related to the FBI’s meetings with Silicon Valley censors beginning in 2017 to be handed over by Aug. 3. Lastly, Jordan requested that all the FBI employees involved in this issue be available for transcribed interviews with the committee.

'Massive': FBI Official Reveals They Knew Laptop Was Real, but Stopped Their People From Saying It

Nick Arama reporting for RedState 

The House Judiciary GOP account has just released a letter detailing the testimony that they’ve received from an FBI official. That testimony reveals that they knew the Hunter Biden laptop was real even as they were telling social media companies about Russian disinformation.

On July 17, 2023, the Committee conducted a transcribed interview of Laura Dehmlow, the Section Chief of the FBI’s Foreign Influence Task Force (FITF). During her transcribed interview, Dehmlow revealed that the same FBI personnel who were warning social media companies about a potential Russian “hack and leak” operation in the run-up to the 2020 election knew that the laptop belonging to Hunter Biden was not Russian disinformation. After the New York Post broke a story based on the contents of the laptop about Biden family influence peddling,’ the FBI made the institutional decision to refuse to answer direct questions from social media companies about the laptop’s authenticity despite months of constant information sharing up to that time. Put simply, after the FBI conditioned social media companies to believe that the laptop was the product of a hack-and-dump operation, the Bureau stopped its information sharing, allowing social media companies to conclude that the New York Post story was Russian disinformation.

They knew it was real but refused to answer any questions on the matter, allowing that perception — that they helped to foster by spreading the stories about Russian disinformation campaigns — to lay out there. They even stopped their people from telling the social media companies.

The Post published its story early in the morning on October 14. That same day, representatives from FITF attended a previously scheduled meeting with Twitter, during which a Twitter employee asked the FITF about the authenticity of laptop.’ According to Section Chief Dehmlow’s testimony, an analyst in the FBI’s Criminal Investigative Division embedded in FITF began to respond that the laptop was real, when an FBI lawyer interrupted to say that the FBI had “no further comment,” regarding the laptop’s provenance: [….]

So, I remember having a conversation with or being involved in a conversation with Twitter, and I honestly can’t recall if this was repeated to me – I might have been a few minutes late to the meeting – or if – or if I was – I actually overheard it. But it was – it was relayed to me later that somebody from Twitter – I don’t recall who. I’m not sure who. Somebody from Twitter essentially asked whether the laptop was real. And one of the FBI folks who was on the call did confirm that, “yes, it was, before another participant jumped in and said, “no further comment.”

Dehmlow said that going forward there was a discussed policy to say in the future “no comment” in upcoming meetings with the social media companies.

Mark Zuckerberg even detailed how they came to Facebook and warned them about such disinformation and then Facebook censored the laptop.

This was effectively election interference and it prevented millions of Americans from finding out the truth before the election on a topic critical to their votes. The House GOP notes this in their letter:

As the federal court in Missouri v. Biden explained in damning language, the FBI’s actions prevented millions of Americans from having a clear understanding about a salient issue in the 2020 presidential election: The FBI’s failure to alert social-media companies that the Hunter Biden laptop was real, and not mere Russian disinformation, is particularly troubling. The FBI had the laptop in their possession since December 2019 and had warned social-media companies to look for a “hack and dump” operation by the Russians prior to the 2020 election. Even after Facebook specifically asked whether the Hunter Biden laptop story was Russian disinformation, Dehmlow of the FBI refused to comment, resulting in the social-media companies’ suppression of the story. As a result, millions of U.S. citizens did not hear the story prior to the November 3, 2020 election.

Journalist Michael Shellenberger who has hit on a lot of the censorship issues in the Twitter Files summed this up, truly, with one word: “Massive.”

So here’s the proof of what we all knew. But nothing is going to be done until the Democrats are turned out of the White House and lose the Senate. Only then will there be any hope of cleaning house here.