Friday, July 21, 2023

The Regime Closes Ranks Around Biden with Another Sham Indictment of his Opponent

After the shock of 2016, Democrats vowed to do everything in their power to preordain elections going forward. Never again would they leave the voters to their own devices. Instead, the people of “our democracy” would be guided through propaganda, censorship, and, if needed, a good old-fashioned show trial. (Or two, or three).

The news this week that Trump is facing yet another sham indictment is further evidence that the Biden regime, rather than abandoning its puppet, is closing ranks around him. While the details of this remarkably audacious “case” are yet unclear, its general outlines are already known from a relentless propaganda blitz that began even before Biden illegitimately seized power in 2020. The conceit is that Trump, by challenging the most questionable election in American history, is some kind of domestic terrorist who disrupted the “peaceful transfer of power.” It cannot be a coincidence that the Marxist attorney general of Michigan, Dana Nessel, announced charges against 16 “fake electors” (fake according to whom?) on the same day that Trump broke this troubling news.

This dramatic escalation in authoritarian shock-and-awe tactics suggests Biden is going nowhere fast. There has been lots of speculation recently that Democrats will replace Biden with another candidate, but this theory underestimates the cynicism and profound caution of the political machine that Biden represents. Democrats control the media, and to an alarming degree, the justice system as well. Why should they tempt disaster by betting on an unknown when they can just tip the scales?

Biden’s “victory” in 2020 was the result of unprecedented manipulation of the process at every stage, from the information voters received to the way they cast their ballots. The left abolished Election Day at a stroke and systematically defrauded voters of information about Biden’s influence peddling. The former CIA director who organized the notorious, bogus “Russian disinformation” letter admitted that the plan was to weaken Trump and provide Joe Biden with a “talking point” about his son’s laptop. The Biden campaign called the letter’s organizer after the debate to say thank you.

The tepid gossip that is now bubbling in the communist media about Biden’s scandals is feigned opposition. The regime is releasing pressure, so to speak, but there is no palace coup underway against “the big guy.” If that were the case, the news coverage would look very different. Whatever happened to Biden’s classified documents? Despite all the damning information that continues to surface about his family’s corrupt money laundering scheme, including text messages that clearly reference Joe Biden, the mainstream media continue to ignore all of the evidence. Who brought cocaine to the White House? That is already yesterday’s news.

Being paranoid about the loss of their political authority, Democrats of course have doubts about their man. How could anyone feel safe putting the fate of an empire in the hands of a decrepit fool? Biden is a mere figurehead, and if someone better should come along, the regime would drop him as ruthlessly as it is now trying to crush Trump. But that someone else has yet to emerge, and Democrats clearly think the risk of finding him is not worth it.

Some persist in the delusion that the left is only prosecuting Trump as part of some convoluted plan to promote him. Reality is much simpler than that. As far as Democrats are concerned, the primaries are already over. Ron DeSantis’ whimpering campaign launch has destroyed his puffed up “electability” narrative, leaving the Never Trump crowd suddenly adrift. It is clear to just about everyone else that Trump offers the best and only chance of dislodging the pretender in the White House. Rather than suffer this devastating fate, the prospect of which is more threatening to the regime than anything that can be imagined, it is prepared to torch its legitimacy, and what is left of the fabric of this country.