Wednesday, July 5, 2023

The Bidens’ Existential Threats to the American Rule of Law ~ VDH

President Joe Biden, the Biden grifting conglomerate, the Department of Justice, and the FBI under its fourth consecutive weaponized director, are in danger of subverting the American system of law.

They are in various ways undermining the tradition of self-reported income tax computation and voluntary compliance.

Our tax institutions, of course, are based on the real deterrence of a disinterested, uncompromised Internal Revenue Service. Without it, the income revenues of the United States are existentially threatened.

So far, any negative reputation of the IRS has rested with natural complaints that it is too zealous in hounding out American taxpayers in all walks of life. Or citizens often object that the IRS must enforce a tax code that is innately unfair.

But not until now, has the IRS itself ever been under a shadow of such corruption?

Has it been in the past ever found to have applied so blatantly and deliberately one standard of tax enforcement to elites and quite another to everyday Americans?

Again, if that charge of unequal treatment in tax compliance were to prove true, then Humpy-Dumpty like, the entire American system of revenue collection would shatter.

In other words, millions of Americans might shrug, “If Joe Biden, President of the United States and his criminally minded son, can get away with avoiding millions of dollars in taxes, then should not I, a nobody, at least have the right to avoid hundreds of dollars in taxes?”

So the Bidens, along with Attorney General Merrick Garland and the FBI, are treading on dangerous ground in imperiling a hallowed American tradition—one vital to the very governance and operation of the United States.

The current president of the United States, despite his monotonous calls for the well-off to “pay their fair share,” has likely deliberately connived to avoid taxes on sizable amounts of unreported taxable foreign income.

In the case of his son, “likely” is an unneeded adverb.

By Hunter Biden’s recent own admissions and corroborating evidence, he seems not only to have schemed to hide millions of dollars in foreign shake-down profiteering, but to have set up all sorts of paywalls, firewalls, and phony “loans” to ensure auditors would take years to unravel his illegal schemes—until well after the expiration of the statute of limitations. And his criminality succeeded so well that he has permanently gotten off not paying thousands of dollars in overdue taxes.

Joe Biden has serially lied that he did not know anything of his son’s business dealings.

That assertion is contrary to photographic evidence of him with Hunter Biden’s business associates, sworn statements from at least one of Hunter Biden’s former business partners, clear evidence from Hunter’s own laptop, and now recent disclosures from FBI documents and whistleblower testimonies. And yet the President continues to lie, and the media continues to shrug that dads often do such things.

It is almost beyond belief, but increasingly likely, that Hunter Biden in the past conducted his illicit business over the phone in the presence, and with the complicity, of current president Joe Biden himself. And the full trove of evidence is still trickling in.

This sordid scenario is part of the larger Biden criminal landscape. Joe and Hunter may well have received $10 million from Chinese consortia for doing nothing other than monetizing Joe Biden’s Vice-Presidency and his apparent then trajectory to the presidency.

There is no longer any doubt that Hunter Biden received fabulous amounts of money from the Ukrainian energy company Burisma. That lucre was again based on nothing other than the willingness of his own father, now the current president, to be directed to where and how to employ his own purchased influence.

Accordingly, Joe Biden is on record boasting of his own power to fire a Ukrainian prosecutor—through personal threats of withholding congressional approved U.S. foreign aid to Ukraine.

Biden was furious that Ukrainian auditors were probing too deeply into matters that now are increasingly clear to have been central to his own family’s nefarious influence peddling.

Note well: the U.S. House of Representatives impeached a former president on two grounds: one, an allegation that Donald Trump used his office to threaten to delay (not to cancel) Ukrainian military aid; and, two, that he did so to harm a potential political rival in the next election.

Joe Biden has now trumped Trump on both counts.

One, he is involved in criminal enterprises with his entire family, whose shake-down payouts from Ukrainian moneyed interests depended on precisely the current President’s past willingness to use his then vice-presidential office to strongarm Ukrainian officials.

Two, Biden did not so much just seek to uncover wrongdoing by his likely presidential rival, as have him indicted by his own justice department for alleged violations of presidential records statutes.

Yet unauthorized removal of classified government records is a crime that Biden himself by his own admission also has committed—and for far longer a time, and perhaps involving far greater volumes of archival material.

Critics of the Bidens have long been puzzled about the opulent spending habits and costly acquisitions of Joe and Jill Biden, Hunter Biden, Jim Biden, and other lesser family satellites on the clan’s dole.

Such wonderment about the abyss between lifestyles led and taxes reported apparently reached the highest echelons of the IRS. Its special investigating teams recommended numerous felony indictments of Hunter Biden for conspiratorial tax fraud. It requested in vain to extend their investigations to Joe Biden himself.

We now also have good reason to believe that Biden’s Attorney General, Merrick Garland, both himself and through his subordinates, used their powers unlawfully to sidetrack Justice Department attorneys from legitimately and fully investigating Joe Biden, and/or to delay and obfuscate the full prosecution of Hunter Biden.

The result is that Hunter Biden successfully used his family influence to escape taxes on hundreds of thousands of dollars of disguised income through manipulating statute-of-limitations laws.

For years, he has also escaped paying taxes, by phony claims of loans, on other known millions of dollars in income that were still likely only a portion of all his foreign quid pro quo revenue schemes.

Note, however, the greatest damage the Bidens have done to this nation.

Joe Biden’s own past lucrative financial dealings with suspect Chinese interests, with connections to the ruling Chinese communist party, cast a shadow over current American foreign policy itself.

The American people are bewildered over why the Biden administration is appeasing the Chinese government. It keeps insisting, contrary to evidence, that bilateral relations are in great shape—after successful and unapologetic Chinese overt espionage efforts to send a spy balloon across sensitive areas of the United States.

China has defiantly stonewalled any request to explain how and why a porous Chinese virology lab incompetently let escape a gain-of-function virus, a virtual bioweapon, that killed over a million Americans and sickened over 300 million.

Its jets now play chicken with our own in the skies above the South China Sea. And its ships do the same with our vessels in the same environs.

It threatens to escalate to nuclear weapons if the United States should protect its de facto ally Taiwan from envisioned Chinese aggression.

All the above is in addition to years of Chinese copyright infringement, patent violations, manipulation of Chinese currency, trade dumping, and systematic espionage operations throughout sensitive areas of the U.S. military and general economy.

Again, Biden’s response is increasingly to downplay these mounting aggressions in direct proportion to their increased frequency.

The “why” of that bizarre exculpation raises the question of how exactly would it be possible so dramatically to influence, or “get to” a U.S. President. The answer may be buried in thousands of suppressed government documents and the data of now cancelled investigations.

Note again: America in vain recently spent $40 million and 22-months on a special prosecutor to pursue, on no evidence (but relying on plenty of disinformation, fraud, and criminality) the smear that Donald Trump was a Russian puppet, and his (demonstrably tough) treatment of the Russians was supposed proof of his collusion with Vladimir Putin.

In sum, every American now knows that he would have gone to prison for several years for even attempting, much less getting away with, the fraudulent tax avoidance schemes of Hunter Biden, who likely will never spend a single day in jail.

The IRS does not give passes for divots. The law treats the attempt or preempted scheme to violate it, almost as severely as the actuality of successfully breaking tax laws.

Again, all this will not, cannot, must not stand.

We can no longer have a United States if its President almost weekly demonstrably lies with impunity about his  relationships with the Biden family’s nefarious foreign business interests.

You can no longer have an American nation, if the son of the President of the United States successfully connives to rake in millions for his extended family by selling his father’s influence to foreign governments—a gambit that may currently affect the foreign policy of the United States. Adding insult to injury, Hunter Biden is now a White House fixture, as if the closer he clings to the nexus of American power and influence, the more likely he will continue to be exempted from American law.

There is no such thing as the America we once knew if the Bidens and their surrogates with impunity used the levers of the FBI and the Department of Justice to cover up, and escape prosecution of, crimes that would otherwise have sent any citizen under such liability to prison for several years.

This unfolding Biden melodrama has the potential to destroy the current presidency.

It will tarnish for generations the Department of Justice, the FBI, and the IRS.

And yet it will not die because the U.S. itself will not die, and so the scandal eventually will convict Joe, Hunter, and Jim Biden of serious felonies.

Finally, unless radical changes occur, the unapologetic Biden nefariousness will discredit permanently an obsequious and biased media that knowingly chose not to report on what they equally knew were historic transgressions against their United States.

X22, Christian Patriot News, and more- July 5th


We Need a Constitution That Means What It Says

Some U.S. senators have famously kept a pocket Constitution handy to use as a prop at political rallies; a few may have even read it. But at this point in American history it no longer matters whether they, or anyone else, can read the words of the Constitution because the words no longer mean what they say.

Take, for instance, the Supreme Court’s ruling last week that state legislatures do not have the sole discretion to determine how federal elections will be run in those states. Instead, state courts are given veto power over the decisions of the legislature.

The mainstream media (and of course their Democratic Party allies) celebrated the court’s decision in Moore v. Harper that rejected the so-called “independent state legislature” theory. The New York Times called the theory “dangerous.” Vox said the ruling was a “big victory for democracy.” Those who supported the independent state legislature “theory” were called extreme, fringe, radical, and worse. In other words, they were Trump supporters.

The only problem is that if the theory is extreme, then so is the U.S. Constitution, because no matter how much the 6-3 majority insists otherwise, it isn’t a theory at all. It is the plain language of the Constitution. Check it out for yourself.

Article 1, Section 4 of the Constitution says specifically, “The Times, Places and Manner of holding Elections for Senators and Representatives, shall be prescribed in each State by the Legislature thereof; but the Congress may at any time by Law make or alter such Regulations, except as to the Places of chusing Senators.”

It is not the governor or the courts or even the people of the state which set election rules, according to the Constitution, but the legislatures. Mind you, the state legislatures are not entirely unchecked in their decision making, but it is the Congress of the United States that provides the checks and balances, not the courts.

And as for presidential elections, the matter is even more cut and dried. Article 2, Section 1, declares, “Each State shall appoint, in such Manner as the Legislature thereof may direct, a Number of Electors, equal to the whole Number of Senators and Representatives to which the State may be entitled in the Congress.”

Notice again that the Constitution gives state legislatures the exclusive power to determine the manner in which electors are appointed to vote for president and vice president. In this case, even Congress does not have the authority to override the legislatures.

Yet now the Supreme Court has determined that the words of the Constitution do not mean what they say. This is pure revisionism, and plainly the result of judicial activism. The plenary power of the state legislatures to make the final decision about federal elections is settled conclusively by the fact that for many years after the adoption of the Constitution, it was common in many states for electors to be chosen directly by the legislature with no election at all. Not only did the courts have no say in the matter; neither did the people.

We don’t have to defend that practice in order to confirm that it is clearly constitutional, and having said so, we can also declare that the Supreme Court in Moore v. Harper has not interpreted the Constitution, but written a new one. If we the people decided that it was inappropriate for the state legislatures to make the rules for how to elect federal officials, we could have done what the Constitution calls for and sought to amend it. But instead, lawyers have waged war upon the English language and enlisted activist judges and justices to implement interpretations that are based more on sentiment than common sense.

If we are being honest, it is not just crazy liberals who twist the words of the Constitution to mean whatever they want. Not long ago, I wrote a column titled “Do Democrats Value Abortion More Than the Constitution?” It lambasted Biden and others who want to create a law to protect abortion.

As I explained then:

Congress has no such ability. Article 1, Section 8 of the Constitution enumerates the powers of Congress. They are remarkably straightforward – and limited. Raise taxes, borrow money, regulate international commerce and commerce among the states, establish a process for naturalizing citizens, coin money and punish counterfeiters, establish post offices, establish copyright and trademark laws, establish lower courts, regulate pirates, declare war, raise armies and a navy, provide for calling forth the militia to execute the laws of the Union, suppress insurrections and repel invasions, and create and maintain a small district that shall be the seat of government.

Search as you will, you won’t find any congressional power to promote social justice or to impose a moral standard on the nation. Unfortunately for lovers of limited government, Republicans have proven to be just as willing to ride roughshod over the Constitution as their Democrat counterparts. Former Vice President Mike Pence, whom I defended in my prior column, has now publicly called for a federal ban on abortion after 15 weeks. No matter how much you abhor abortion, it is impossible to find any words in the Constitution which give Congress the power to regulate such a medical procedure.

So regardless of how many members of Congress (or former vice presidents) tuck a Constitution in their pockets, it is also impossible to make them read it, let alone be guided by it.

As a final note, I should probably give credit to the Supreme Court for overturning the policy of affirmative action in college admissions in two separate cases last week. It turns out that all those references in the Constitution to equality and equal protection of the law actually mean something. At least they do today. But for 45 years since the court’s ruling in the Bakke case, students who were rejected for college admission because of the color of their skin were just supposed to grin and bear it. Sure, the 14thAmendment prohibits states or state agents from “deny[ing] to any person … the equal protection of the laws.” But once again the plain language of the Constitution was ignored until last week.

I would propose writing an amendment that forced elected and appointed officials of the United States to follow the Constitution as written, not the one with invisible asterisks and footnotes and a “social justice clause,” but chances are it would be found unconstitutional anyway – or at least inconvenient.

Can the Republican Party Afford to Exclude LGBTQ Individuals?

Why do you think I focus so much emphasis on reminding people the RNC and DNC are private corporations – two private clubs, under the exclusive control of the billionaires who fund them?   Here’s why…

Laura Loomer is doing a great job exposing how the California Republican Party is changing their delegate rules in order to support the national RNC agenda.  The primary date in California was changed to Super Tuesday; as a consequence, the massive number of delegates that come from the populous state will be distributed proportionately, blocking the “winner take all” haul of Republican delegates that would elevate the main GOP nominee (Trump).

Inside this scheme you will also find out why Harmeet Dhillon was supported by Ron DeSantis as a move to support the primary delegate plans.  All of this is very interesting. First, I’ll first provide the information from Loomer [SEE HERE] and then outline the bigger picture.

[Laura Loomer] – Here is the EXCLUSIVE documentation I obtained which proves what I said below days ago regarding how the [California GOP], specifically CAGOP Chairwoman Jessica Patterson, Harmeet Dhillon and Shawn Steel are trying to amend the bylaws regarding the Presidential delegation process in California as it relates to the RNC’s nomination of the 2024 GOP nominee.

This won’t be good for President Trump. The CAGOP is trying to amend the “winner take all” standard for the CA delegation process (which has been in place for years) so that they can award delegates to the GOP candidate who comes in second place as a way to counter delegate wins for President Trump in New Hampshire and Iowa since California has the most delegates out of any state in the country.

As I previously reported, this is a strategy by CAGOP to transfer delegates from President Trump and move them over to Ron DeSantis in an effort to undermine President Trump and hinder his chances of securing the GOP nomination for President. [House Speaker Kevin McCarthy works closely with Jessica Patterson whose name is on this document.

Jessica Patterson signed this proposed bylaw amendment, which was proposed by McCarthy lapdog Jessica Patterson, and signed by CA RNC national committee members Harmeet Dhillon and Shawn Steel.

The CAGOP is set to vote on this bylaw amendment at their Executive Committee meeting on July 29th in Irvine, CA at the Irvine Marriott Hotel at 9:30 am.

This has been kept a secret from California Republicans, and even today, members of the CAGOP leadership, including Ron Nehring, attacked me on Twitter and called me a liar for what I posted. Little did they know that I have been in possession of the documentation which proves what I have claimed regarding CAGOP’s conspiracy to sabotage President Trump.

The California GOP have been trying to keep this dirty trick a secret, but I’m blowing the whistle on their blatant effort to sabotage President Trump. Their diabolical plan directly traces back to Kevin McCarthy. (read more)

Essentially what the California GOP is doing is keeping a Trump competitor alive by apportioning delegates to him/her regardless of the scale of victory that Trump voters might deliver.  This is part of the Big Club design.

Example (apply to CA’s 52 congressional districts):  There are 3 delegates in each CD up for grabs a total of 156 delegates.  If Trump wins 80% to 20% in the CD, Trump gets two delegates, DeSantis gets one.  Applied to scale, if Trump wins all districts he gets 104 delegates, DeSantis gets 52, regardless of the scale of Trump’s victory.

This approach gives the non-Trump group a bigger footprint in the convention, regardless of the scale of their voting bloc. Even if DeSantis was to only win 5% of the vote, he would still get a third of the CD delegates.

The California crew of the GOP claim it’s not a scheme and not their fault. They claim they’re forced to adhere to the national RNC rules of delegate distribution based on the date of the primary.  All of this is professional RNC obfuscation, delivered under the guise of “plausible deniability”, which is part of the overall RNC corporate manipulation, which is driven by the hidden people who control the RNC – the billionaire donors.


The Constitution of the United States outlines that each state in the republic is responsible for conducting their own elections.

For the BIG CLUB, this constitutional position presented a problem.

In order to control the levers of power, a system was needed to stand atop the election system outlined in the Constitution.

The solution, two political parties. Two private corporations, that could control the process.

Two private corporations, the RNC and DNC, were then created. The billionaire (Big Club) operators would then control the corporations through their money.

Everything the club does is to deliver the illusion of choice. [DATA MAP]

The RNC and DNC then set rules, regulations and bylaws for the state chapters underneath the parent corporation. In essence, state election rules, party rules, now must align with the rules and regs of the national private corporation.

With the party system in place, the constitutional process, the problem the BIG CLUB needed to address, was now subverted. State elections would now have to follow the rules of two private corporations controlled by the billionaire elites.

Now the RNC, a private corporation funded by the billionaires who control it, decide rules, dates and electoral delegate proportions and distribution based on arbitrary calendar dates they themselves create within their national committee processes.

The state chapters of the corporation must then align with the national chapter RNC rules and regulations. In essence, the state voting processes, and the limited delegates therein, now must align with the roadmap of the billionaires in the private club who control the process.


*The billionaires do not want Donald Trump.

*The billionaires control the RNC rules.

*The billionaires make the rules to design a plan.

*The RNC national rules are adopted.

*The states determine their election dates in accordance with the alignment of the national club.

*The distribution of delegates is contingent upon the dates and rules previously established.

*The people who control the state clubs, then carry plausible deniability to try and obfuscate their adherence to the private corporation design.

The California GOP pretend that everything is being forced upon them by some arbitrary force. However, upstream it is all controlled. The Big Club controls the process, which is designed to deliver a very specific outcome.

Apply the process to the private corporation influence inside every state chapter.

Can you see it now?

Last point.  For the corporations who control the levers of political power, election fraud is their insurance policy.

Can you see now why the RNC does not want to focus on election integrity?

Can the Republican Party Afford to Exclude LGBTQ Individuals?

The DeSantis War Room Twitter account, a Rapid Response team for Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis caused quite a stir when they published a video attacking former President Donald Trump for apparently being too cozy with the LGBTQ community. While many defended the video, others in the conservative camp blasted the footage as deceptive and even homophobic.

This current brouhaha between Team DeSantis and Team Trump reflects an overall reality happening on the right, which raises questions about the future of the party when it comes to the LGBTQ community.

RedState’s Brittany Sheehan wrote:

The video opens with a spliced clip of then-candidate Trump at the National Republican Convention in 2016. In the DeSantis cut, the video shows Trump saying, “I will do everything in my power to protect our LGBTQ citizens.” But, the clip doesn’t show the entire quote or context, although the screen shows the words “ISSUE: GLOBAL TERROR.”

The video, just like CNN’s “Fine People” hoax, cut out the rest of Trump’s words: “As your president, I will do everything in my power to protect our LGBTQ citizens from the violence and oppression of a hateful foreign ideology.”

The video also mentions Trump campaign shirts that read “LGBTQ for TRUMP,” emphasizing that support for Trump extended beyond the LGBTQ community. Another clip shows Trump agreeing to let Caitlyn Jenner use any bathroom in Trump Tower.

Many on the right criticized the video, including the Log Cabin Republicans, Richard “Ric” Grenell, Caitlyn Jenner, and others.

Grenell called the video “undeniably homophobic.” The Log Cabin Republicans argued that the video, and DeSantis’ rhetoric, would cause the party to lose voters. “This old playbook has been tried in the past and has failed – repeatedly,” the group said in a statement.

Brendan Buck, a former adviser to House Speakers John Boehner and Paul Ryan, also slammed the video, claiming that it does not represent the future of the party. It does sound funny coming from someone who represents the establishment, which was responsible for alienating LGBTQ individuals in the first place, but we know what they say about broken clocks, right?

During an appearance with Ana Cabrera on MSNBC, Buck said the video was “the kind of thing that you would expect from a fringe candidate” and not a mainstream contender:

He continued, “I don’t think it’s good politics. Look, the Republican Party has had a bad history on these issues, but I’m fairly confident that we’ve moved forward quite a bit. And that what Ron DeSantis is talking about is not the future of the Republican Party.”

Buck added, “The one caveat that I will say that maybe this is, there is some strategy here for Ron DeSantis. Ron DeSantis’s entire brand has been built around making enemies. Getting people on the left, not to like him. And if I’m looking for a rationale for this, it’s that he was throwing out more red meat to stir up controversy, to remind people that he has made a lot of enemies on the left. Who your enemies are is currency in the Republican Party today.”

Brad Polumbo, a libertarian journalist and podcaster, told The Hill that he previously considered supporting DeSantis, but this video has given him pause.

“It’s like he’s going mask off,” he said. “The cat’s out of the bag.”

“I’m somebody who has my fair share of policy disagreements with DeSantis, but I was considering voting for him in the primary before he entered the race officially,” Polumbo continued. “Since then, he’s done thing after thing that really makes me increasingly write off that possibility.”

It is important to note that it is not known whether DeSantis approved of the video. But as of this writing, he has not disavowed it. The fact that it was spread by his rapid response team could suggest he is not opposed to the message in the footage.

DeSantis appears to be banking on the belief that most conservatives share his concerns about progressive ideology infiltrating K-12 schools, particularly regarding gender identity and sexuality education. He is right in this instance. Many on the right also oppose the idea of schools and medical professionals offering puberty blockers and surgical treatments to children as part of “gender-affirming care.” However, this does not imply a desire to alienate members of the LGBTQ community, especially those who agree on the issue of protecting children.

If DeSantis intends to defeat Trump, his strategy of attacking the LGBTQ community may prove ill-advised. Despite the Republican Party’s history of mixed positions on LGBTQ rights, Trump, as a former president, has been more friendly towards the community than most other Republican leaders. Alienating LGBTQ voters could potentially backfire for DeSantis, as Trump’s broader appeal and comparatively positive standing among the LGBTQ community might be hard to surpass.

At the end of the day, this is no longer the Republican Party of the 1990s.

This situation also highlights a broader challenge for Republicans and conservatives. In order to maintain their influence and relevance in American politics, they can’t continue excluding various groups of Americans. The party cannot afford to solely court a narrow swath of voters; doing so will inevitably lead to political irrelevance. To remain a significant force, the Republican Party needs to broaden its appeal to a diverse range of voters. It appears DeSantis believes the old way of doing this is still the best way to appeal to the masses. But all indications over the past decade have shown something far different.

Americans Celebrate Their Second Amendment Rights More Than One Million Times for 47th Straight Month

Americans Celebrate Their Second Amendment Rights More Than One Million Times for 47th Straight Month

Mike Miller reporting for RedState 

As tens of millions of Americans mark the nation’s 247th Independence Day in various manners, from celebration to complacency to protest, one thing remains abundantly clear: As violent crime rates continue to soar, record numbers of citizens continue to turn to self-protection for themselves and their loved ones.

To that end, according to FBI background checks, Americans celebrated their Second Amendment rights more than one million times in June — the 47th straight month of record-setting gun sales.

Translation: Gun grabbers be damned.

The firearms trade association National Shooting Sports Foundation said that of 2,152,187 background checks in June, 1,110,696 were likely for firearms purchases and transfers, the remainder for concealed-carry and other security permits.

NSSF spokesman Mark Oliva said, no doubt gleefully so:

Happy Independence Day! Americans have another million reasons to celebrate this Independence Day. More than 1.1 million times in June, Americans exercised their Second Amendment rights to lawfully purchase a firearm. That extends the streak to 47 continuous months that background checks for firearm purchases have exceeded a million.

This is notable because these figures buck the demands by gun-control politicians to surrender [their] rights. Americans choose differently. They choose, by the millions, to keep and bear arms. They are keeping alive the vision of our Founding Fathers that this would be a nation that celebrates the ethos of a responsibly armed citizenry.

Is it any wonder?

Gun-grabbing Joe Biden and the Democrat Party, echoed by the left-wing media, exploit the bejesus out of every “mass” shooting that tragically comes down the pike while continuing to turn a hypocritical blind eye to the record murder rates and other violent crime rates in America’s Democrat-run cities.

The left continues to peddle the illogical notion that further restricting the Second Amendment rights of law-abiding gun owners will somehow reduce so-called “gun violence” while ignoring the facts and statistics of the aforementioned mayhem across America — all while howling at the moon about nonexistent “assault rifles,” “weapons of war,” and other such nonsense.

Just one problem.

As I reported in June 2022, our gun-grabbing president conveniently “forgets” his past agreement with the National Rifle Association (NRA) that bad guys will get guns “with or without gun control.” During a 1985 debate over the Firearm Owners Protection Act (FOPA), then-Senate Judiciary Committee member Joe Biden (D-Del.) said:

During my 12 and a half years as a member of this body, I have never believed that additional gun control or federal registration of guns would reduce crime. I am convinced that a criminal who wants a firearm can get one through illegal, nontraceable, unregistered sources, with or without gun control.

So what’s changed? As with Biden’s (and Hillary Clinton’s, by the way) former opposition to same-sex marriage, he — like all good Democrats — has evolved on the issue of gun control. (Liberals are allowed to “evolve,” you know.)

As we also reported in June 2022, the evolved president delivered a gun-control speech at the time in which he called for no fewer than seven gun-control measures.

  1. A ban on “assault weapons”
  2. A ban on “high-capacity” magazines
  3. If banning isn’t possible, raising the purchase age for AR-15s and similar rifles to 21
  4. Strengthened background checks
  5. The enactment of a stringent “safe-storage laws”
  6. A national “red flag law”
  7. The repeal of the immunity of gun manufacturers and retailers from liability

In contrast to his comments in the earlier 1985 blockquote, Biden 2.0 said:

Enough. We should limit how many rounds a weapon can hold. Why in God’s name should an ordinary citizen be able to purchase an assault weapon that holds 30-round magazines, that let mass shooters fire hundreds of bullets in a matter of minutes?

The bloody streets of Chicago’s Southside were unavailable for comment.

The Bottom Line

Democrats and their lapdog media can demand all the gun-control legislation they want in their pursuit of ending nonexistent “gun violence” (guns don’t kill people; people kill people), but a simple fact will remain: Record firearms purchases — much more, the already existing tens of millions of legally owned firearms in circulation — are likely to stay exactly where they are.