Wednesday, July 5, 2023

Can the Republican Party Afford to Exclude LGBTQ Individuals?

Why do you think I focus so much emphasis on reminding people the RNC and DNC are private corporations – two private clubs, under the exclusive control of the billionaires who fund them?   Here’s why…

Laura Loomer is doing a great job exposing how the California Republican Party is changing their delegate rules in order to support the national RNC agenda.  The primary date in California was changed to Super Tuesday; as a consequence, the massive number of delegates that come from the populous state will be distributed proportionately, blocking the “winner take all” haul of Republican delegates that would elevate the main GOP nominee (Trump).

Inside this scheme you will also find out why Harmeet Dhillon was supported by Ron DeSantis as a move to support the primary delegate plans.  All of this is very interesting. First, I’ll first provide the information from Loomer [SEE HERE] and then outline the bigger picture.

[Laura Loomer] – Here is the EXCLUSIVE documentation I obtained which proves what I said below days ago regarding how the [California GOP], specifically CAGOP Chairwoman Jessica Patterson, Harmeet Dhillon and Shawn Steel are trying to amend the bylaws regarding the Presidential delegation process in California as it relates to the RNC’s nomination of the 2024 GOP nominee.

This won’t be good for President Trump. The CAGOP is trying to amend the “winner take all” standard for the CA delegation process (which has been in place for years) so that they can award delegates to the GOP candidate who comes in second place as a way to counter delegate wins for President Trump in New Hampshire and Iowa since California has the most delegates out of any state in the country.

As I previously reported, this is a strategy by CAGOP to transfer delegates from President Trump and move them over to Ron DeSantis in an effort to undermine President Trump and hinder his chances of securing the GOP nomination for President. [House Speaker Kevin McCarthy works closely with Jessica Patterson whose name is on this document.

Jessica Patterson signed this proposed bylaw amendment, which was proposed by McCarthy lapdog Jessica Patterson, and signed by CA RNC national committee members Harmeet Dhillon and Shawn Steel.

The CAGOP is set to vote on this bylaw amendment at their Executive Committee meeting on July 29th in Irvine, CA at the Irvine Marriott Hotel at 9:30 am.

This has been kept a secret from California Republicans, and even today, members of the CAGOP leadership, including Ron Nehring, attacked me on Twitter and called me a liar for what I posted. Little did they know that I have been in possession of the documentation which proves what I have claimed regarding CAGOP’s conspiracy to sabotage President Trump.

The California GOP have been trying to keep this dirty trick a secret, but I’m blowing the whistle on their blatant effort to sabotage President Trump. Their diabolical plan directly traces back to Kevin McCarthy. (read more)

Essentially what the California GOP is doing is keeping a Trump competitor alive by apportioning delegates to him/her regardless of the scale of victory that Trump voters might deliver.  This is part of the Big Club design.

Example (apply to CA’s 52 congressional districts):  There are 3 delegates in each CD up for grabs a total of 156 delegates.  If Trump wins 80% to 20% in the CD, Trump gets two delegates, DeSantis gets one.  Applied to scale, if Trump wins all districts he gets 104 delegates, DeSantis gets 52, regardless of the scale of Trump’s victory.

This approach gives the non-Trump group a bigger footprint in the convention, regardless of the scale of their voting bloc. Even if DeSantis was to only win 5% of the vote, he would still get a third of the CD delegates.

The California crew of the GOP claim it’s not a scheme and not their fault. They claim they’re forced to adhere to the national RNC rules of delegate distribution based on the date of the primary.  All of this is professional RNC obfuscation, delivered under the guise of “plausible deniability”, which is part of the overall RNC corporate manipulation, which is driven by the hidden people who control the RNC – the billionaire donors.


The Constitution of the United States outlines that each state in the republic is responsible for conducting their own elections.

For the BIG CLUB, this constitutional position presented a problem.

In order to control the levers of power, a system was needed to stand atop the election system outlined in the Constitution.

The solution, two political parties. Two private corporations, that could control the process.

Two private corporations, the RNC and DNC, were then created. The billionaire (Big Club) operators would then control the corporations through their money.

Everything the club does is to deliver the illusion of choice. [DATA MAP]

The RNC and DNC then set rules, regulations and bylaws for the state chapters underneath the parent corporation. In essence, state election rules, party rules, now must align with the rules and regs of the national private corporation.

With the party system in place, the constitutional process, the problem the BIG CLUB needed to address, was now subverted. State elections would now have to follow the rules of two private corporations controlled by the billionaire elites.

Now the RNC, a private corporation funded by the billionaires who control it, decide rules, dates and electoral delegate proportions and distribution based on arbitrary calendar dates they themselves create within their national committee processes.

The state chapters of the corporation must then align with the national chapter RNC rules and regulations. In essence, the state voting processes, and the limited delegates therein, now must align with the roadmap of the billionaires in the private club who control the process.


*The billionaires do not want Donald Trump.

*The billionaires control the RNC rules.

*The billionaires make the rules to design a plan.

*The RNC national rules are adopted.

*The states determine their election dates in accordance with the alignment of the national club.

*The distribution of delegates is contingent upon the dates and rules previously established.

*The people who control the state clubs, then carry plausible deniability to try and obfuscate their adherence to the private corporation design.

The California GOP pretend that everything is being forced upon them by some arbitrary force. However, upstream it is all controlled. The Big Club controls the process, which is designed to deliver a very specific outcome.

Apply the process to the private corporation influence inside every state chapter.

Can you see it now?

Last point.  For the corporations who control the levers of political power, election fraud is their insurance policy.

Can you see now why the RNC does not want to focus on election integrity?