Wednesday, June 14, 2023

Still Swimming Upstream But Getting Tired

Our current obsession with the politics of the moment rather than the wisdom of the ages threatens our ability to govern ourselves and to cause us forever to be ruled by ideology. 

You are not as stupid as “they” say you are. How smart you are is another matter. After 75 years of nonstop miseducation, mass media indoctrination, and periodic orgies of fear in this country, you are still pretty smart. 

This general intelligence is called “common sense” and likely was inherited at the dinner table from ancestors who were sharp enough to get out of the dodgy Old World, coupled with a residual of cultural smarts that lingers even yet. Whether it comes from the general environment of our small towns—from our Cape Cod houses to the Pueblo revivals of the southwest—or if it lies in our appreciation of a good hamburger, mom’s apple pie, Mark Twain, or even Dr. Seuss there are just wholesome things that are part of being an American. This is where we live with our heritage and deal with our mistakes, even after a 75-year harangue by the pseudo-intellectuals who think they are smarter but have been unable to shake us down to their level of self-loathing and bigotry.

You might ask why? Why would so many people want to give up something as generally pleasing and comparatively comfortable as traditional American values and all of the advantages they have attained for human freedom? Why, against a historical background so well described by Thomas Hobbes in the Leviathan as a condition with “No arts; no letters; no society; and which is worst of all, continual fear and danger of violent death; and the life of man, solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short,” just in order to take on the harsh and destructive rhetoric of modern ideology?

The answer, as is often the case with the most difficult questions, is a very simple one: stupidity. 

This holds true today as surely as it would have held for Robespierre in 1790 or for Vladimir Lenin in a previously blossoming Russia of 1918. The inherent cause of this stupidity, as it overcame otherwise intelligent individuals who we can imagine might have wanted the best for their own societies, is the poison of “ideology.” 

The petty religion of ideology, fashioned as it is from whole cloth and without the aesthetic of hundreds or even thousands of years of societal evolution, must dispose of the old foundation entirely in order not to be compared with it otherwise. For Robespierre, it was the secular philosophy of Jean-Jacques Rousseau. For Lenin, it was the equally secular philosophy of Karl Marx. But for both, a particular personal motivation was an obvious egotism and hubris blinding them to the inevitable costs and pain of such an utter break in any society. 

Our own founders went out of their way to establish the bona fides of their complaints, wishes, and aims based on what was then still a meager tradition of individual rights in British history. But this they did with a vengeance, knowing that to remake even what little sense of freedom preceded them was to lose all justification in the eyes of those who would be governed by their choices. Their true genius was not in reimagining the world they lived in, but in reshaping it. 

The Marxist-infused ideology which has now overcome academia and our self-anointed ruling class in recent generations is not based on any imagined sense of human equality—most of them believe in their own superiority over the “average” citizen—but on the same sort of hubris that inspired Lenin and Robespierre, and countless other tyrants of old. It is based on a fundamental disrespect for traditional values. Religion is only good as an opiate for the masses. And now, with their own new device, “artificial intelligence,” they will finally control every aspect of those brutish lives. 

The current abandonment of traditional culture by the state media (most media, to be fair), in favor of a politics of despair—only to be interrupted by natural disasters, weather, sports, crime, and celebrity news—reflects much of the same sensibility on the part of the general public. But this should not be taken wrongly. A peek at 19th-century popular media—broadsides, newspapers, magazines—presents the same sort of taste on the part of our recent ancestors. The great literary journals of that age had a circulation very similar to comparable publications today: relatively small. The media have changed a little, from newspapers to computer monitors, but not the human beings who use them.

The internet has made the presentation of popular interests more immediate, to be sure, but the real differences are both more subtle and more obvious. One key factor there is the lack of a permanent record. Foolish or evil remarks made on a website may be disappeared in hours or altered by the artifice of A.I., and there are no longer the kind of public libraries where back issues are maintained. In recent years, beginning with the “television age” after World War II, the visual image has become dominant, and words diminished. The newspaper adage, “If it bleeds, it leads,” has taken on a more prurient aspect, and that pornography of violence coupled with technology no longer leaves anything to the imagination.

The presentation of politics itself has become more sophisticated. Anti-slavery storylines were common in 1850, as were the depictions of the beloved family member who just happens to be a piece of property. The rapacious factory owner exploiting his workers was as common in literature as the generous benefactor of hardworking and honest youth. But, as factory managers have become subordinate to the arcane wishes of multinational corporate boards obscuring national interests, the employment of “foreign workers” who have no cultural ties has become more than an economic issue.

To those few who bother to look for context, our present sargasso sea of conflicting values often places the “best interests” of the public up for interpretation. Is pollution the same as climate change? Are equal rights the same as equity? And, even yet, we are not smart enough to stop voting for the professional liars who run our government. We still have some learnin’ to do.

Andrew Breitbart was famously glib, but one quip will likely survive anything else he said, “Politics is downstream from culture.” Our current obsession with the politics of the moment, rather than the wisdom of the ages, must be seen in this light in order not to be forever ruled by ideology. 

X22, Christian Patriot News, and more- June 14


Losing the Pax Americana

The U.S. engagement of the PRC was 
America’s greatest strategic failure. 

The People’s Republic of China (PRC) has risen and now stands as a serious enemy to the United States. Beijing undermines U.S. interests at home—including the health, wellbeing, and prosperity of the American people—and abroad, as its alliances and the world it created are under the greatest strain due to the PRC’s competing interests and ever-expanding ability to advance them. 

This remarkable change in the balance of power must be explained. The United States has gone from a “unipolar moment” with the end of the Soviet Union, when the PRC was vulnerable and weak, to a period of parity with the PRC. This occurred in about 30 years. The period of unrivaled U.S. dominance lasted for a generation. U.S. military power was formidable, certainly not omnipotent, but few states could resist its power. The fundamental responsibility of U.S. national security strategists was to sustain that position by preventing the rise of a peer competitor. While there were important exceptions like Pentagon’s Andrew Marshall, who warned indefatigably of the PRC’s rise, they failed. 

In this historically brief period, post-Cold War national security strategists lost what previous generations had mightily sacrificed and labored to create. The fruits of victory won in World War II and the Cold War by earlier generations of strategists were forever squandered. This compels an accounting, an examination of why they failed. Why did they waste the greatest gift possible in the realm of national security—a relatively benign security environment for the U.S., which included great power, peace, and stability? 

Their failure was multifaceted, but principally it was centered around an ideological belief that engagement with the PRC would profit U.S. business interests and reform the PRC into a capitalist and, in time, democratic state. The problem took root with the Clinton Administration’s securing of permanent “most favored nation” trade status with Beijing without regard to its human rights record or requiring the political reform of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). The trickle of trade with China turned into a torrent. That flood would greatly undermine U.S. national security as defense analysts’ ability to identify the PRC as a threat was numbed and eventually deadened. The influence from Wall Street, Silicon Valley, and the Chamber of Commerce adversely affected the U.S. political system, including the two major political parties. 

As a result, the highest levels of U.S. political leadership developed other pro-PRC engagement priorities. While they might have recognized the PRC might be a problem someday, that day was never today. Major think tanks associated or aligned with the ideological goals of the respective parties shared those priorities. The benign, non-threatening view of the PRC was what Deng had sought and what he achieved in conjunction with the engagement school of thought. This school argued that by trading with the PRC, the CCP would reform of its own accord as it became wealthier. This failed belief system, concluded that a richer PRC would be more democratic, and that if you scratched a CCP general secretary, a capitalist would bleed. They could not have been more wrong. 

Deng and his successors were pleased to continue this deception and fuel its expansion. As the ties between the U.S. economy, investors, and the PRC tightened, tremendous wealth was created, some of which was directed by the CCP and some by U.S. entities to U.S. media, academe, foundations, think tanks, law firms, influential former officials, and other sources of authority and persuasion. This is what is today known as “elite capture” in the PRC’s strategy of political warfare. 

Very soon, there was tremendous money to be made by not resisting the PRC’s growth. Indeed, there was more gain in supporting it or staying silent, or focusing on other non-confrontational issues. Throughout federal, and even state, bureaucracy, the message was disseminated that any critical examination of the PRC’s intentions and expanding capabilities was not a priority and would not aid professional advancement. To the contrary, minimizing the true nature of the CCP and its ambitions became a habit so entrenched that it governed assumptions and parameters of threat assessment regarding the PRC. 

The cost of this strategic failure was profound. The major consequence was the United States did not stop the rise of its enemy. It did not even perceive the need to do so. 

As a direct result of this elite capture, the enemy is checking U.S. interests, threatening the U.S. homeland (such as through fentanyl deaths), and threatening U.S. allies and partners. Moreover, it is causing us to change the institutions, norms, and principles of international politics to ensure a bright future for tyranny in the 21st century. 

Further, the PRC now challenges the technological dominance of the United States even in the crown jewels of U.S. military technologies. According to a recent report by the Australian Strategic Policy Institute, the PRC leads the United States in 19 of 23 categories of military technology, including hypersonic missile technology. How this turn of events could happen needs to be examined, explained, and corrected. 

Reflecting on this failure, the PRC has possessed a motivation that the United States lacked. The PRC understood what it had to accomplish by measuring what its ambitions required against an enemy, the United States, which legitimized the urgency and focused its energies. For example, in hypersonics, when the PRC tested, and failed, they quickly tested again until the fault was fixed. Yet, when the United States tested, failed, and then spent considerable time before testing again, another failure started the cycle again. China moved rapidly to identify and fix its failures, and the United States did not. The same can be said for the development of supersonic, anti-ship cruise missiles that now threaten the very existence of the U.S. Pacific Fleet. 

As such, China was determined to be the world’s largest shipbuilder, and so possessed the benefits of scale and the ability to replace ships if they are sunk in conflict, while improving the quality of its navy’s vessels. The Chinese navy today may be to the point now where it can advance the interests of the PRC even in the face of resistance from the U.S. Navy. 

Unfortunately, and unacceptably, U.S. security strategists were not similarly focused. They ignored the rise of the most significant threat in U.S. history. The failure of the post-Cold War presidents until Trump is damning. Now with the Biden Administration, we witness a longing to return to the days of engagement. The American people deserve an answer to how this threat arose and now, how it will be defeated. 

Ron DeSantis' Presidential Plan to Dismantle the 'Deep State'

Ron DeSantis' Presidential Plan to Dismantle the 'Deep State'

Brittany Sheehan reporting for RedState 

Florida Governor and GOP presidential hopeful Ron DeSantis has revealed his ambitious plan to dismantle and reorganize the executive branch of the federal government if he wins the White House in 2024. DeSantis has been privately discussing a “Day One” strategy with advisors and strategists, aiming for a “disciplined” and “relentless” operation to rein in the power of the executive branch aligning it with what the “Founding Fathers envisioned.” 

His plan aims at the justice system, which conservatives deem to be weaponized especially amid the federal indictment of former President Donald Trump, who is currently the frontrunner for the Republican presidential nomination. According to senior outside advisors, the goal ought to be returning the DOJ and FBI to a more limited “pre-9/11” mission. 

On the campaign trail, DeSantis pointed to the Trump indictment as well as the impacts affecting the lives of ordinary Americans, telling a Greensboro, North Carolina audience:

And is there a different standard for a Democrat Secretary of State versus a former Republican president? I think there needs to be one standard of justice in this country. Let’s enforce it on everybody and make sure we all know the rules. You can’t have one faction of society weaponizing the power of the state against factions that it doesn’t like, and that’s what you see. And here’s the thing… there’s obviously very high-profile examples.

DeSantis went on give examples of weaponization of the government against ordinary Americans like pro-life advocates and parents attending school board meetings, saying:

It’s not just affecting people at the top, it’s affecting people all throughout our country.

In private conversations, DeSantis expressed his determination to prevent power from being geographically centralized in the District of Columbia, stating:

We’re not going to let all this power accumulate in Washington, we’re going to break up these agencies.

Read More:

DeSantis Asks, Is There a Different Standard of Justice for a Democrat Secretary of State and a Former Republican President?

Pence Makes Some Surprising Remarks Supporting Trump, Demanding Garland Justify Indictment

DeSantis also revealed his plan to relocate parts of the Department of Justice (DOJ) to different regions of the country, aiming to align the agency more closely with the vision of the founding fathers. In the private call, it is reported that DeSantis said that he will order “some of the problematic components of the DOJ” to be reorganized and “shipped to other parts of the country.”

DeSantis criticized the DOJ and FBI, accusing them of targeting pro-life activists, targeting parents at school board meetings, and colluding with tech companies to censor information, specifically referencing the handling of the 2020 election. DeSantis said that he would:

…completely put the kibosh on the FBI and DOJ’s nonsense with respect to so-called misinformation.

Reports suggest that DeSantis has been working on his plan for months, collaborating with members of Congress such as Representatives Thomas Massie and Chip Roy, as well as organizations like the Heritage Foundation and the Hoover Institution. His approach to dismantling what he called the “deep state” involves acting swiftly through the executive branch, in lieu of congressional approval. Unlike some federal positions, such as FBI director or Attorney General, DeSantis does not believe certain federal employees are immune from having their employment terminated by the president. 

The DeSantis campaign recently criticized former President Donald Trump’s past association with Dr. Anthony Fauci, a figure widely disliked by conservatives. DeSantis claimed he would have removed Fauci from his position. Earlier this month, Trump and DeSantis engaged in a public exchange making statements debating who could better dismantle the deep state. Trump, in Iowa, boasted that he could reshape the federal government within six months. In New Hampshire, DeSantis questioned why Trump hadn’t achieved this during his own four-year term.

DeSantis added:

…bureaucrats will wait you out if you’re a lame-duck president.

Addressing leaks, which became an issue during Trump’s presidency, DeSantis vowed not to tolerate them, stating:

If they’re leaking, we’re going to fire people.

DeSantis claimed that his administration experienced no leaks during his four-year tenure as governor of Florida. 

Among those DeSantis aims to shake off include “the intelligence and national security class” often employed as paid cable news contributors after leaving public service. The governor already has a list of security clearances to be revoked: the more than 50 former senior intelligence officials who signed a public letter ahead of the 2020 election claiming that the Hunter Biden laptop story was Russian a disinformation campaign.

As Governor DeSantis continues to run his presidential campaign, his plans to reshape and “re-constitutionalize” the executive branch are timely as Americans watch the DOJ’s indictment and continued investigations against his GOP primary rival, former President Trump.

Support For Transgenderism Is Cratering

Support for gay marriage continues to climb steadily over time, according to Gallup survey data, while public support for transgenderism appears to be cratering.

A new Gallup poll out Monday reveals an overwhelming majority of Americans believe biological sex should define participation in athletic competition. Sixty-nine percent of the 1,011 adults surveyed between May 1-24 said athletes should only be allowed to compete on teams that match their birth gender, up from 62 percent just two years ago. Even 64 percent of participants who reported knowing a transgender person said sports leagues should be segregated based on sex.

Another 55 percent of Americans told Gallup that it is “morally wrong” for individuals to attempt a gender transition, up from 51 percent in 2021. While 7 in 10 Democrats thought otherwise, a majority of Democrats, 48 percent to 47 percent, still believe biological males should stay out of women’s sports and vice versa.

The swing against sports participation contrary to one’s biological sex was greatest among those who knew a person who identified as transgender. Sixty-four percent of survey respondents who know a transgender person oppose erasing gender in sports, marking a 9-point shift from 53 percent who said the same in 2021.

“People who know a transgender individual continue to be more accepting of pro-transgender policies than those who do not, but the relationship has weakened in the past two years,” Gallup reported. “As a result, Americans have become less favorable to transgender athlete participation in single-gender sports than they were in 2021, even as more people say they know a transgender person.”

The latest data from Gallup corroborates several surveys showing Americans overwhelmingly oppose trans-identified athletes competing on teams of the other sex.

In May, the Washington Post published the findings of a poll commissioned by the paper that revealed 57 percent of adults believe gender is determined at birth compared to 43 percent who said gender is malleable. The same survey found 6 in 10 do not want men on women’s sports teams.

“Most Americans support anti-trans policies favored by GOP, poll shows,” ran the Post’s headline.

The shift away from transgenderism comes as the pendulum swings in the culture wars toward conservatives’ favor. More Gallup data published last week reveals social conservatism at its highest level in over a decade.

[READNew Gallup Poll Debunks Myth Of Inevitable Left-Wing Cultural Change]

Major brands have begun to pull back on LGBT-catered advertising for “Pride Month” after successful boycotts of Target and Bud Light tanked corporate stocks. Online LGBT influencers complained to the Guardian about the decline in corporate pride revenue.

“I’ve spoken to a lot of my trans friends and colleagues, and we’ve all noticed less brands seeking partnerships and smaller budgets for Pride campaigns,” Rose Montoya said. “It’s disappointing.”

Biden State Dept Demands $76 Million to Push Diversity and Inclusion, Citing 'National Security'

Biden State Dept Demands $76 Million to Push Diversity and Inclusion, Citing 'National Security'

Ben Kew reporting for RedState 

The Biden State Department is requesting an additional $76 million budget allocation from Congress to fund its initiatives related to diversity, equity, and inclusion, describing the matter as a priority for national security.

In her role as chief officer for diversity and inclusion at the State Department, Gina Abercrombie-Winstanley testified before Congress on Tuesday morning, arguing the funds would allow her to hire new employees, monitor the racial and gender composition within the department and maintain records of employee reports concerning discrimination, harassment, and bullying.

She wrote in her testimony:

As you know, Secretary Blinken has an agenda to modernize the State Department to address our national security challenges with maximum effectiveness. These modernization efforts include: building capacity and expertise in critical mission areas; encouraging innovation; modernizing technology and data usage; reinvigorating our relationship with risk; and recruiting, retaining, and empowering a diverse workforce. This makes getting DEIA right a national security priority.

Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Accessibility (DEIA) is an integral part of the Secretary’s modernization agenda, and the BidenHarris Administration believes diversity of thought, background, perspective, and lived experience must be at the policy-making table. The Department needs an inclusive workforce with equitable opportunities to ensure our foreign policy is as strong, smart, and creative as it can be.

Abercrombie-Winstanley’s office confirmed it had conducted an audit of State Department employees to acquire demographic data pertaining to “race, ethnicity, gender, disability status, grade, rank, and job series skill codes.” She indicated that her office intends to publish a yearly report that monitors the “trend lines” of department employees.

However, the initiative was roundly criticized by Republicans, including Rep. Brian Mast (R-FL), chairman of the Subcommittee on Oversight and Accountability, who denounced it as “mandating division” within the department:

This office has a clever name that uses strong emotional words — diversity, equity, inclusion — but functionally does the opposite of what America has always stood for, which is very simply the best man, the best woman for the job.

This office is giving people the impression or given many people outside of the State Department the sense that it is looking for a preferred race or at minimum not white, that it is looking for a preferred religion or at minimum not Christian, or that it is looking for a preferred sexual orientation or identity or at minimum not straight male.

Rep. Jason Crow (D-CO), the ranking member of the subcommittee, said he was “appalled” by Mast’s statement which he claimed was historically ignorant. Said Crow:

Those who want to talk about merit also want to ignore the history of this country. They want to ignore the fact that the playing field is not level for vast swaths of our country because that is not a convenient fact for them.

DEIA initiatives remain central to the Biden administration’s political agenda, with practically all government departments now required to buy into ideas such as positive discrimination and diversity quotas. In February, Biden signed an executive order requiring all federal agencies to create “equity leadership teams” as well as releasing yearly “action plans.”

On Saturday, the White House held a “Pride” event featuring dozens of LGBT influencers and activists. Among them was the transgender Tik Tok influencer Rose Montoya, who caused outrage after posing topless for a photograph. A Biden spokesperson later denounced the move as “inappropriate and disrespectful.

American Caligula

Topless trannies, drag queens. 
Welcome to a late-stage Republic!

The band of Marxist weirdos staged a massive Pride Month event at the White House that featured the kind of debauchery Caligula would have enjoyed.

President Biden gushed on Twitter over the hideous LGBTQZ2+ flag displacing the American flag on the front of the “people’s house.”

This is something conquerers do:

Tranny flag

You can understand why Jesse Kelly frequently refers to America as “The US of Gay.”

Setting aside our national flag to give pride of place to that monstrosity is contemptible, to be sure. But compared to what was happening on the lawn beneath it, flying the flag of the Left’s new religion was the least of this administration’s sins.

The Caligula administration invited drag queens and a bunch of trannies, some of whom proceeded to strip naked to show off their “top” surgery.

Yeah, really:

Topless Trannies at the White House

Keep in mind, people of all ages, including children,  were invited to the White House for this event.

This is “late republic” stuff – debauched, narcissistic, and completely unmoored from the history, heritage, traditions, and foundations that made America great.

Either the Caligula administration is so insular that they don’t know that the majority of Americans are disgusted by this or the band of weirdos in this White House delight in rubbing our noses in their perversity.

Personally, I think it’s the latter.

Trust me, this administration is keenly aware of public opinion. They know that the majority of Americans oppose this garbage. They just don’t care.

Like misbehaving children who spoil an evening at the movies by shouting obscenities in the darkened theater, the Caligula administration delights in evoking our disgust.

It makes them feel powerful and self-righteous.

The White House is no place for stripping trannies. I can’t believe I even have to say that.

Say, remember this golden oldie from the 2020 election?

Do you suppose Jill thinks “decency” is having trannies show off their mutilated chests at the White House?

In response to the Caligula administration’s in-your-face trannie/drag fest, Abigail Shrier, the author of “Irreversible Damage,” noted:

“The amount of goodwill for this movement among ordinary Americans is rapidly approaching zero.”

This is a prime example of what I describe as Operation Backfire. The Left always pushes too hard and too far. And when they do, the pushback is so immense that their plans blow up in their faces.

When it comes to the embrace of trannie insanity, the Caligula administration has definitely pushed too far.

By shoving the trannie garbage on the country, the White House isn’t countering objections to the trans agenda. Instead, it is only ensuring that even more Americans will object.

Normies are going to look at the pictures and videos from this White House orgy and they’re going to be repulsed by it.

But here’s the thing. The White House Marxists don’t care one bit about the people suffering from gender dysphoria. Like blacks, Hispanics, immigrants, and gays, the LGBTQZ2+ are simply useful idiots, nothing more.

As I said in my column “Trans Visibility? As if we have a choice,” 

The gender confused are simply a means to an end. The Left is using them as a means to destroy the foundations on which our society was built, including the family.

Why do you think they howl like wounded poodles at the prospect of parental involvement in schools? The goal is to sever the bond between parents and children. The Left has always sought to destroy the family. Today, the trans movement is the vehicle by which they are continuing that destruction.

At this point, I think I’ll throw in another plug for Jesse Kelly’s outstanding book The Anti-Communist Manifesto, which I reviewed yesterday.

Jesse has an entire chapter on the LGBTQZ2+ movement and how the communists are using it to destroy the country.

And considering how the Caligula administration defiled the White House in the name of “Pride,” I think it’s safe to say that these guys aren’t even trying to hide it anymore.

American Caligula