Wednesday, June 14, 2023

American Caligula

Topless trannies, drag queens. 
Welcome to a late-stage Republic!

The band of Marxist weirdos staged a massive Pride Month event at the White House that featured the kind of debauchery Caligula would have enjoyed.

President Biden gushed on Twitter over the hideous LGBTQZ2+ flag displacing the American flag on the front of the “people’s house.”

This is something conquerers do:

Tranny flag

You can understand why Jesse Kelly frequently refers to America as “The US of Gay.”

Setting aside our national flag to give pride of place to that monstrosity is contemptible, to be sure. But compared to what was happening on the lawn beneath it, flying the flag of the Left’s new religion was the least of this administration’s sins.

The Caligula administration invited drag queens and a bunch of trannies, some of whom proceeded to strip naked to show off their “top” surgery.

Yeah, really:

Topless Trannies at the White House

Keep in mind, people of all ages, including children,  were invited to the White House for this event.

This is “late republic” stuff – debauched, narcissistic, and completely unmoored from the history, heritage, traditions, and foundations that made America great.

Either the Caligula administration is so insular that they don’t know that the majority of Americans are disgusted by this or the band of weirdos in this White House delight in rubbing our noses in their perversity.

Personally, I think it’s the latter.

Trust me, this administration is keenly aware of public opinion. They know that the majority of Americans oppose this garbage. They just don’t care.

Like misbehaving children who spoil an evening at the movies by shouting obscenities in the darkened theater, the Caligula administration delights in evoking our disgust.

It makes them feel powerful and self-righteous.

The White House is no place for stripping trannies. I can’t believe I even have to say that.

Say, remember this golden oldie from the 2020 election?

Do you suppose Jill thinks “decency” is having trannies show off their mutilated chests at the White House?

In response to the Caligula administration’s in-your-face trannie/drag fest, Abigail Shrier, the author of “Irreversible Damage,” noted:

“The amount of goodwill for this movement among ordinary Americans is rapidly approaching zero.”

This is a prime example of what I describe as Operation Backfire. The Left always pushes too hard and too far. And when they do, the pushback is so immense that their plans blow up in their faces.

When it comes to the embrace of trannie insanity, the Caligula administration has definitely pushed too far.

By shoving the trannie garbage on the country, the White House isn’t countering objections to the trans agenda. Instead, it is only ensuring that even more Americans will object.

Normies are going to look at the pictures and videos from this White House orgy and they’re going to be repulsed by it.

But here’s the thing. The White House Marxists don’t care one bit about the people suffering from gender dysphoria. Like blacks, Hispanics, immigrants, and gays, the LGBTQZ2+ are simply useful idiots, nothing more.

As I said in my column “Trans Visibility? As if we have a choice,” 

The gender confused are simply a means to an end. The Left is using them as a means to destroy the foundations on which our society was built, including the family.

Why do you think they howl like wounded poodles at the prospect of parental involvement in schools? The goal is to sever the bond between parents and children. The Left has always sought to destroy the family. Today, the trans movement is the vehicle by which they are continuing that destruction.

At this point, I think I’ll throw in another plug for Jesse Kelly’s outstanding book The Anti-Communist Manifesto, which I reviewed yesterday.

Jesse has an entire chapter on the LGBTQZ2+ movement and how the communists are using it to destroy the country.

And considering how the Caligula administration defiled the White House in the name of “Pride,” I think it’s safe to say that these guys aren’t even trying to hide it anymore.

American Caligula