Friday, March 24, 2023

The Fight Against Wokeism Isn’t New

The “Cambridge Declaration,” a timeless document as relevant today as it was when released, approaches its third decade. It’s time to revisit it in combating wokeism.

Twenty-nine years ago, a group of graduate and undergraduate students from a large Southern university organized a national conference in defense of intellectual freedom on college and university campuses.  They chose to take the fight to the epicenter of what was then called political correctness. On April 11, 1994, students from nearly 50 colleges and universities converged on Harvard Yard in what the Washington Post at the time called “the spring offensive in the continuing battle on the nation’s campuses over issues of freedom, civility, and rights.” 

The skirmishing, wrote the reporter, took place at Harvard but was typical of the campus culture wars raging from Bowdoin to Berkeley. In 1992, Arthur Schlesinger, Jr. had summed up the state of affairs in his book The Disuniting of America: Reflections on a Multicultural Society, writing that “a particularly ugly mood seems to have settled over the one arena where freedom of inquiry and expression should be most unconstrained and civility most respected—our colleges and universities.”  

Led by the First Amendment Coalition, a student organization founded at the University of Florida (not the legal entity FAC), the national conference was sponsored by the Harvard Conservative Club, the National Association of Scholars, the Young America’s Foundation, and David Horowitz’s Center for the Study of Popular Culture (now the David Horowitz Freedom Center). At the conference, students from across the nation ratified a document called theCambridge Declaration,” a manifesto of beliefs and concerns regarding the present state of higher education in America. Written by two graduate students at UF and edited by leaders of a sister chapter at the University of Pennsylvania, the Declaration was sent to presidents of the colleges and universities represented at the conference. 

The conference attracted national and international media from both liberal and conservative outlets, including the Voice of America, the Washington Post, the Boston HeraldInvestor’s Business Daily, and even the Wall Street Journal. It was the first time students representing a wide cross-section of American colleges and universities had gathered in one place to call on university presidents, administrators, professors, and students to reaffirm their commitment, in word and deed, to intellectual diversity, universal standards, and academic freedom. 

“We must immerse ourselves in that great body of literature called the Western tradition, whose . . . themes are liberty and freedom,” I, along with David Horowitz and other speakers, exhorted the students and faculty in the audience. About 50 chapters of the student-led First Amendment Coalition were established as a result of the conference. Start-up packets were given to students, providing practical guidance on how to start their own chapters. 

As students from Harvard, Princeton, Dartmouth, Yale, and more than 40 other institutions came to the stage and signed the “Cambridge Declaration,” members of a radical leftist organization called the University Conversion Project, a national Marxist organization devoted to student activism, sneaked into the conference and stole the First Amendment Coalition’s literature and replaced it with their own. Not a surprising turn of events, given that conservative student newspapers were being stolen by the radical left on campuses across the country at the time. One of the publications the left-wing group stole from the literature table was, ironically, 100+ Cases of Campuses Censorship, a pamphlet that included the “Cambridge Declaration.” First Amendment Coalition students quickly replaced their stolen collateral.  

Twenty-nine years later, political correctness is now called wokeness. The radical Left is much better organized and funded than they were in 1994. There was no Antifa, nor was there a BLM, though there were militant student organizations promoting the same brand of Marxism. Seven years before the Harvard conference, the late Allan Bloom had written in his book The Closing of the American Mind that American universities had failed democracy and impoverished the souls of today’s students. Today that statement is still true. 

The “Cambridge Declaration,” a timeless document as relevant today as it was 29 years ago, was a manifesto in defense of the Western tradition and a call for administrators, faculty, and students to reaffirm their commitment in word and deed to intellectual freedom. 

Now may be a good time to call on students and faculty across the country to assemble again for a national conference and rededicate themselves to the fight. Better, invite the leaders of the woke movement to gather for a reasoned and civil debate. To use the words of Francis Bacon, my suspicion is that, like jesting Pilate, they will not stay for an answer.

X22, And we Know, and more- March 24


Anarcho-tyranny in the USA

The city of Philadelphia has announced an agreement to pay a $9.25 million settlement in connection with the police response to protests after the death of George Floyd in 2020. While dozens were killed and billions of dollars of damage were done during the riots that raged across America for weeks in the summer of 2020, it is the participants themselves who will be paid restitution by the government.

Law and order in the United States have now descended to a level of anarcho-tyranny in which the government funds rioters with the tax money of their victims. The slow death of the rule of law in America would be ugly enough, but what we are witnessing instead is the twisted, grimacing corpse of a system that was once designed to protect the safety of Americans now being used to punish us for disagreeing with our political elites.

The breakdown of law and order is common in nations that are in a general state of collapse. As the Constitution reminds us, the primary duties of a government include establishing justice and ensuring domestic tranquility. A nation that delivers neither will usually exhibit a wider range of systemic failures that would doom the larger civic project. 

America, however, is perfectly capable of collecting taxes, surveilling its citizens, and fighting a proxy war against a nuclear-armed opponent in order to maintain a global empire. The destruction of rule of law by our leadership class does not seem to be a product of general incompetence, but a specifically engineered outcome designed to terrorize the average citizen. Conservative commentator Samuel Francis coined the term “anarcho-tyranny” to describe a state that is still capable of performing most of its essential functions, but intentionally chooses to use the selective enforcement of the justice system to punish law-abiding citizens while rewarding the criminal actions of its political supporters. 

The pandemic lockdowns and subsequent riots of 2020 put this phenomenon on full display. Churches that had been banned from opening during the lockdown had their windows broken by rioters who stormed through the streets. Schoolchildren, isolated and locked indoors as parks and beaches were shut down, watched BLM and Antifa burn and loot their way across American cities. Average citizens who were forced to view the funerals of their loved ones via Zoom watched large crowds of Biden supporters embrace and sip champagne in the streets after their candidate was declared the victor. Conservative leaders remained silent as pastors were arrested for holding religious gatherings while abortion clinics and liquor stores continued to operate as essential services.

No one learned a more brutal lesson about the nature of anarcho-tyranny than the January 6 protesters. The BLM and Antifa riots functionally received state endorsement, as law enforcement knelt in submission, politicians and celebrities raised money to bail out participants, and corporations made major donations while altering their logos to show solidarity. It seemed perfectly reasonable to those who gathered outside the Capitol that they would be able to enter the building, whose doors were in some cases opened for them by police, without penalty. 

CNN may have described the BLM riots as fiery but mostly peaceful, but the Trump protesters received no such media cover. A story about murdered police officers was quickly fabricated from whole cloth, and no celebrities came to the aid of those arrested on January 6. Many still face trial on wildly exaggerated charges while their lawyers are denied access to critical exculpatory footage.

Sadly, this phenomenon is nothing new. In his original piece on anarcho-tyranny, Francis recalled stories of police officers arresting shop owners who armed themselves with the intent of protecting their stores during the Los Angeles riots of 1992. The same officers who arrested law-abiding citizens who intended to exercise their constitutional right to protect their property studiously avoided confronting rioters, even going so far as to pass by stores that were actively being looted. 

Mark and Patricia McCloskey faced a similar fate after attempting to protect their home from a BLM mob that had smashed through the gates of their neighborhood in St. Louis, Missouri. The couple initially had felony charges filed against them for using legally owned firearms to deter the mob from further advancing onto their property. Mark McCloskey pleaded down to a fourth-degree misdemeanor and was eventually pardoned by Missouri Governor Mike Parson, but the message was clear: There is no right to self-defense against the agents of anarcho-tyranny. 

Attorney General Merrick Garland, who has no issue with arresting peaceful pro-life protesters, has claimed that his organization is unable to apprehend those who firebomb crisis pregnancy centers because they do so at night when it is dark. The same state security apparatus that just cannot seem to find a way to prosecute the associates of Jeffery Epstein instructs FBI agents to target Catholics who attend a traditional Latin mass because they may be prone to violent extremism. 

The application of the justice system in the United States is so laughably corrupt and nakedly political that it would make the dictator of a banana republic blush. Federal agencies regularly collude with media giants and tech companies to interfere with American elections but refuse to provide the most basic level of safety and security to the citizens they theoretically serve.

While our ruling elites have no interest in restricting the dangerous narcotics dealers and human traffickers that pour over the southern border, they have plenty of time to prosecute Douglas Mackey, who has been charged with the very serious crime of posting memes on Twitter that make fun of Hillary Clinton. The FBI may have refused to prosecute Clinton herself for her repeated mishandling of classified information due to the political ramifications of such charges, but it seems like Donald Trump will not be granted the same courtesy.

According to Trump, a leak has revealed that Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg intends to charge the former president in connection with hush money paid to porn star Stormy Daniels during Trump’s first campaign. While it is unclear when the Soros-backed prosecutor would move forward with those charges, Bragg specifically ran on the promise of prosecuting Trump, so his intentions are very clear.

Bragg has also declared his commitment to anarcho-tyranny by setting a policy of not seeking the incarceration of criminals except in the case of homicide, economic crimes, and a handful of felonies. Releasing violent criminals to harass law-abiding citizens while prosecuting political opponents on fabricated charges is not a contradiction; it is a political formula designed to secure power.

While the naked politicization of the justice system in the United States may deliver short-term victories for progressives, it feels a lot like stripping the copper wiring out of a house that one intends to demolish. In major American cities, taxpayer money is being funneled to those who organize left-wing political violence while the streets are made increasingly dangerous by the very civil servants charged with their safety. Opposing politicians and dissidents who mock the regime face ludicrous charges intended to terrify the rest of the population into silence. 

Popular sovereignty and rule of law are supposed to serve as the bedrock justifications for the power granted to America’s ruling class, but it is difficult to brand people like Donald Trump and Douglas Mackey as threats to democracy if they are rotting behind bars for the crime of opposing the Democratic Party.

Before Worrying About 2024, Conservatives Should Focus On Making Republican States As Red As They Can Be

Conservatives should direct their energy toward state legislatures to stymie Biden’s radical agenda.

It’s no secret the vast majority of Republicans want to vote President Joe Biden out of office in the 2024 election. And who could blame them? With skyrocketing inflationbanks collapsing, a wide-open southern borderpolitically weaponized federal law enforcement agenciesideological grooming of childrenunchecked Chinese surveillancefederal interference in U.S. elections, and more, it’s completely understandable for millions of Americans to be on the lookout for potential candidates who could get the country on the right track.

While important, the 2024 GOP presidential primary — which has already attracted the attention of prominent conservative figures — doesn’t begin for several months. In the meantime, there are significant vehicles American restorationists could use to defeat leftist radicalism. Chief among them is state legislatures, but conservatives are squandering the opportunity to advance their legislative agenda while blue state lawmakers are successfully implanting radical new legislation that’s having a major impact on the cultural and political landscape of the country.

As of March 2023, Republicans have 22 state trifectas, in which they control the governorship and both chambers of the state legislature. These GOP-led states have the ability to advance conservative legislation without fear of Democrats blocking it.

The most notable Republican to use this as a mechanism of advancing conservative priorities is Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis. Since taking office, DeSantis has employed every tool at his disposal to wage war on the left’s institutional and cultural jihad by enacting strong, conservative policies. From election integrity and Covid to combatting leftist ideology in education and protecting children from inappropriate drag shows, the Florida governor has utilized his platform and government powers to protect the basic rights of his constituents.

Red States Gone Blue

Not every Republican-led state is using its power to fight leftists’ cultural revolution like Florida, however. In some instances, several so-called “red states” are even helping Democrats advance their radical agenda.

At a time when Biden’s lax immigration policies have led to a record number of illegal crossings at the U.S.-Mexico border, for example, Idaho and Oklahoma Republicans apparently felt it necessary to further incentivize such lawbreaking by introducing legislation granting illegal aliens modified driver’s licenses. The Oklahoma bill — while introduced by a Republican — was reportedly “authored by Democrat immigration attorney Michael Brooks-Jimene, who is also on the board of a group supporting amnesty.” Meanwhile, the Idaho legislation (SB 1081) is so left-wing that it’s earned the support of the state’s ACLU chapter.

But it’s not just immigration where state Republicans are advancing Democrat priorities. As The Blaze’s Daniel Horowitz reported, GOP governors in states such as South Dakota, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Wyoming, and Ohio have all helped further Democrats’ “green energy” scam. While Oklahoma Gov. Kevin Stitt has used “taxpayer funding to build up the impractical scale of electric vehicle infrastructure needed to phase out gas-powered cars,” Ohio Gov. DeWine recently bragged about his state being an “emerging force in electric vehicle and EV parts manufacturing.” DeWine’s position on electric vehicles isn’t that different from Biden’s, whose administration has regularly hyped the use of these expensive automobiles while simultaneously declaring war on the fossil fuel industry.

Even more shocking is the surrender of Republican strongholds’ when it comes to protecting children from radical “trans the kids” activists. Earlier this month, the GOP-controlled West Virginia legislature passed a bill banning sex change surgeries, cross-sex hormones, and puberty blockers for minors. Prior to the bill’s passage, however, Senate GOP leadership caved to outside pressure, adding a last-minute amendment allowing exceptions for gender dysphoric children deemed “at significant risk of suicide.”

Claims that barring these surgeries for minors will lead them to commit suicide is a faux talking point espoused by leftist adults seeking to impose their ideology on children.

Wyoming GOP Gov. Mark Gordon displayed similar cowardice earlier this week when he declined to sign legislation preventing boys from competing in girls’ sports. While Gordon said he’ll allow the bill to become law, he claimed it “sends a harmful message” that gender dysphoric individuals “do not deserve the same opportunities as others.”

“I reiterate my belief that hate and discrimination have no place in Wyoming,” he said. “As we move forward over the next couple of years, I urge the legislature to carefully consider policies that promote inclusion and equality for all individuals.”

Blue States Plow Ahead

Contrast such GOP fecklessness with blue states, where Democrats are advancing their party’s radical agenda without remorse. Since taking trifecta control of the state government in the 2022 midterms, for instance, Minnesota Democrats have wasted no time in passing every leftist bill imaginable before the end of this year’s legislative session.

Earlier this month, Democrat Gov. Tim Walz signed into law HF 28, which will allow convicted felons to vote once released from prison but prior to parole or probation. An estimated 55,000 formerly incarcerated criminals will now be able to register to vote under the new law. (Prior analyses have shown most convicts register as Democrats rather than Republicans).

In addition to overhauling Minnesota election law to benefit their party in elections, state Democrats have also eradicated legal protections for unborn children and babies that survive botched abortions. Signed into law in January, the wrongly-named Protect Reproductive Options Act lifts prohibitions on taxpayer-funded abortions and nullifies provisions in Minnesota law requiring parents or guardians to be notified if their underage daughter got an abortion. According to one legal expert, the law goes “far beyond any interpretation of the Minnesota Supreme Court case Doe v. Gomez,” the state’s version of Roe v. Wade.

Michigan Democrats, who also won trifecta control of their state government in November, are taking advantage of their majorities to advance extreme, leftist policies. Following voters’ passage of a 2022 ballot amendment that enshrines unlimited access to abortion and so-called “gender affirming care” into the state constitution, Michigan Democrats recently passed legislation aimed at repealing a now-moot law that prohibited most abortions.

Led by Democrat Gov. Gretchen Whitmer, Michigan Democrats are also in the process of repealing a decade-old right-to-work law that “prohibits public and private unions from requiring that nonunion employees pay union dues even if the union bargains on their behalf.” Leftist legislators have furthermore used the tragic shooting at Michigan State University to move forward several gun control measures, including unconstitutional red flag laws.

Predictably, none of these bills would have prevented the shooting or addressed the soft-on-crime policies pursued by leftist prosecutors — one of whom dismissed the shooter’s prior felony firearm charges.

The Solution Is Us

The difference between Democrat and Republican legislative priorities could not be starker. While conservatives are justifiably outraged at the GOP’s weakness, it ultimately falls upon us to hold these incompetent politicos accountable.

As documented in this article, some of the most important cultural issues of our time are being debated in states throughout the country. Rather than worrying about a presidential primary that won’t take place for several months, American restorationists should direct their energy inward toward state legislatures and pressure elected Republicans to enact policies that stymie Biden’s radical agenda.

Despite all the media hype, there will be plenty of time between now and next year to decide who should be the 2024 GOP presidential nominee. In the meantime, it’s paramount that conservatives everywhere keep our eye on the ball and use our federalist system to make red states great again.

Biden vexxed by Harris's failure to 'rise to the occasion' as VP

President Joe Biden is frustrated with Vice President Kamala Harris's performance as his second in command, believing she has failed to "rise to the occasion" and take issues off his plate, according to a report published Thursday. 

Former Biden White House employees, who spoke on the condition of anonymity, claimed that even though the duo aims to run together in 2024, Biden is less than pleased at Harris's alleged reluctance to take on risky assignments, according to Reuters

“A point of tension in their relationship is that I don’t think that the president sees her as somebody who takes anything off of his plate [due to] a fear of messing up,” one former White House official said.

Another said that although she has failed to rise to the occasion of being the vice president, Biden still believes in her ability to do the job. The former employee also claimed that the president fears no 2024 Democratic hopeful, even Harris, would be able to take on former President Donald Trump if he secures the Republican nomination for president next year. 

"If he did not think she was capable, he would not have picked her. But it is a question of consistently rising to the occasion," the former official said. "I think his running for reelection is less about her and more about him, but I do think that she and the Democratic bench (are) a factor." 

The criticism of Harris, who currently has a 39% approval rating, according to an average of polls by aggregator RealClearPolitics, comes despite Biden's recent public praise of Harris. He notably thanked her in November for leading the administration on the debate surrounding abortion access during the midterm elections. He also praised her for her work on Obamacare during the 13th anniversary of the law on Thursday. But Harris has been slammed for her lack of leadership on the Mexican border. 

Harris, who is the first female and black vice president, is expected to leave for a trip to Africa later this week, which could potentially help boost her foreign policy credentials.

Biden Approval Rating Nears Lowest Point in Presidency

Biden Approval Rating Nears Lowest Point in Presidency

Ben Kew reporting for RedState 

President Joe Biden’s approval rating has dipped to near its lowest level of his presidency as his administration fails to provide solutions for the economic turmoil the country is experiencing.

A survey conducted by The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research reveals that there have been slight fluctuations in public support for Biden in recent months. The latest poll shows his approval rating at 38 percent, which is down from 45 percent in February and 41 percent in January.

Notably, his approval ratings hit their lowest point of his presidency at 36 percent in July 2022 when the increasing prices of gas, food, and other essentials started to affect households in the United States.

The AP pollsters report:

Interviews with poll respondents suggest the public has mixed feelings about Biden, who is expected to announce a reelection bid by this summer. When it comes to the president, people generally do not swing between the extremes of absolute loyalty and aggressive loathing that have been a feature of this era’s divided politics.

They also explained that although Biden has passed various ambitious spending bills, they have failed in the most important goal of reducing inflation, as many feel the economy is in serious danger:

The president has taken ambitious steps to boost the U.S. economy, with his $1.9 trillion coronavirus relief package from 2021, infrastructure investments, support for computer chip plants and taxes on corporations and the wealthy to help fund health care and a shift away from fossil fuels. But those efforts involve multiyear investments that have yet to provide much optimism to a public dealing with annual inflation at 6%.

The president and other administration officials have toured the country to promote their achievements. But to many, the economy feels as though it could be on a knife’s edge after the recent bank failures, as well as the debt limit showdown with House Speaker Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., that could put the U.S. government at risk of defaulting. Just 31% approve of Biden’s stewardship of the national economy, about where it’s been over the course of the last year.

His handling of the nation’s economic fortunes has been a weak point at least since late 2021, when the inflation that the administration had suggested was transitory became a bigger pain point for businesses and families.

Biden’s overall approval and his approval on the economy differ significantly among Democrats. Specifically, 76 percent of Democrats approve of his job as president, while 63 percent approve of his handling of the economy. Republicans do not approve of Biden on either issue.

His approval ratings are dragged down by younger Democrats, particularly those under 45, who remain far less positive about his leadership. Among this group, only 54 percent approve of his economic leadership and 66 percent approve of him overall, compared to 72 percent and 85 percent, respectively, among older Democrats.

Only a quarter (25 percent) of Americans think the national economy is good and that the country is headed in the right direction. These numbers have remained relatively stable in recent months.

Biden’s ratings for foreign policy (39 percent) and climate change (41 percent) are consistent with his overall approval ratings. While 74 percent of Democrats and 9 percent of Republicans approve of his foreign policy, 67 percent of Democrats and 17 percent of Republicans approve of his handling of climate change.

The poll was a survey of 1,081 individuals carried out from March 16-20 employing a sample selected from NORC’s AmeriSpeak Panel, which uses a probability-based approach to ensure an accurate representation of the U.S. population. The margin of error is ±4.0 percentage points.

Pretending Continues – Fed Chair Powell Notes Banking Crisis Will Likely Restrict Credit and Borrowing on Main Street

At a certain point in the economics of the great pretending cycle, one must wonder what circles they live in.

Fed Chair Jerome Powell announced another quarter-point interest rate hike and simultaneously noted the banking crisis will likely lead to tighter credit and borrowing for businesses on Main Street…. thereby further reducing the U.S. economic output.  Yet here we are again, and not a single economic or financial pundit is even talking about the origin of the inflation the Fed action is pretending to address, the spike in energy prices.

At the core of the Biden policy issue that creates inflation, is the energy policy that has driven oil, gas, home heating, electricity and manufacturing/farming costs through the roof.  The blocking of energy resource development/production is the top issue leading to massive increases in consumer prices overall.  The Biden energy policy is entirely ignored by a federal reserve attempting to shrink inflation.

Follow the bouncing ball of consequence.

Biden restricts energy development [Main St Suffers].  Prices skyrocket [Main St Suffers]. The fed raises interest rates in an effort to reduce the economic activity to meet the lowered production of energy resource development [Main St Suffers].  The result of the interest rate hike creates liquidity issues for banks holding treasury securities [Main St Suffers].  The banks then reduce credit lines, reduce lending and tighten borrowing to match their lowered liquidity [Main St Suffers].

The Fed then notes further increases in rates may pause as they await the outcome of restricted banking credit and lending from the rate hikes previously installed.  Nowhere in any of this is anyone talking about the nucleus of the issue – the stupid energy policy.  The great pretending continues in the West, while smiling panda lunches with Vladimir Putin.

[Transcript] – “At today’s meeting, the committee raised the target range for the federal-funds rate by a quarter percentage point, bringing the target range to 4.75 to 5 percent, and we are continuing the process of significantly reducing our securities holdings. Since our previous FOMC meeting, economic indicators have generally come in stronger than expected, demonstrating greater momentum in economic activity and inflation.

We believe, however, that events in the banking system over the past two weeks are likely to result in tighter credit conditions for households and businesses, which would in turn affect economic outcomes. It is too soon to determine the extent of these effects, and therefore too soon to tell how monetary policy should respond.

As a result, we no longer state that we anticipate that ongoing rate increases will be appropriate to quell inflation; instead, we now anticipate that some additional policy firming may be appropriate. We will closely monitor incoming data and carefully assess the actual and expected effects of tighter credit conditions on economic activity, the labor market, and inflation, and our policy decisions will reflect that assessment. (read more)

We are in an abusive relationship with our government.

Democrats Blow Their Tops Over New Parental Bill of Rights

Democrats Blow Their Tops Over New Parental Bill of Rights

Bonchie reporting for RedState 

The new Republican majority in the House of Representatives recently forwarded a national “parental bill of rights,” and it’s causing quite a stir on the left.

On Thursday, the floor debates on the measure began, and Democrats blew their tops in expectably hysterical ways. After all, who knows better how to raise a child than a childless woman in her mid-30s like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez?

It’s just incredible how little respect Democrats have for basic rights, of which a parent’s right to know what a child is doing is obviously one. Like it or not, kids have legal guardians under American law, and for good reason. That guardian is charged with protecting their children, and they are entitled to know whether a school is “transitioning” a student or even affirming claims of transgenderism. Parents are also entitled to know about their child’s sexuality.

The idea that administrators and teachers should be able to keep stuff like that secret from parents is despicable and dangerous. That’s exactly how many cases of abuse begin, with a student confiding in someone who is not their parent, and no school should be keeping parents in the dark over such serious issues.

Besides, a child does not have the mental capacity to change their gender (nor can anyone else do so because it’s a farcical, anti-biological notion). Any child that wants to transition is clearly suffering from mental illness, and that is the last thing that should be kept from a concerned parent.

Another completely unqualified Democrat, 26-year-old Rep. Maxwell Frost, echoed Ocasio-Cortez’s rant, claiming that students will die if parents are kept abreast of what they are doing.

Understand what is being said there. Frost is claiming that parents should not have rights because they might seek to influence their children’s decisions and instill their values. It is not “bigotry” for a parent to stop their child from falling into the grotesquely harmful ideology that is transgenderism. Rather, it is an act of love and care. It is an act of protection and a worthy one.

As to the claim that students will die, that’s simply hyperbolic nonsense. There is no evidence that children commit suicide at higher rates if they aren’t secretly affirmed in their delusions by creepy adults who don’t know their place.

Parents are parents, and it’s a testament to how insane the Democrat Party has become that they find themselves on the opposite side of guaranteeing parental rights in the face of government organizations like schools. Is there any act of tyranny these people won’t endorse? That’s rhetorical at this point because we know the answer.