Wednesday, February 15, 2023

A Tactic House Republicans Can Use to De-Weaponize Government

House Republicans can do their own version of the Boland Amendment this year to roll back the weaponization of the federal government.

The House “weaponization of government” hearings kicked off an excellent start for public awareness. But without a legislative agenda, the short-staffed subcommittee will show little enduring accomplishment. 

House reformers don’t believe they can force some of the necessary changes because the Senate and Joe Biden oppose them. So they haven’t prepared a strategic legislative agenda. 

Yet, there is reason for hope and change. 

An earlier generation of House Democrats blazed the trail for today’s House Republicans. Some lateral thinking and historical precedent can help today’s House leaders hack away at the weaponization of the federal government. 

Under House Speaker Tip O’Neill (D-Mass.), those earlier Democrats derailed President Ronald Reagan and the Senate Republican majority by banning any appropriated funds from being used for a purpose they didn’t like. 

It was a narrow measure on a project close to the president’s heart. White House attempts to circumvent the restrictions wound up damaging the great Reagan presidency. 

The measure was called the Boland Amendment. Named after an otherwise forgotten Massachusetts congressman who opposed a Reagan initiative to oust a Soviet puppet regime near our southern border, the first Boland Amendment was attached as a rider to the Defense Appropriations Act of 1983. 

The Democrats denied Reagan’s repeated request for a line-item veto, giving the president no choice. Reagan needed key elements of the appropriations bill as a cornerstone of his strategy to challenge the Soviet Union’s nuclear military buildup. If Reagan wanted the defense bill, he had to eat the Boland Amendment. Reluctantly he signed the whole package.

The Boland Amendment banned any appropriated defense and intelligence funds from being used to help Nicaragua’s resistance army of mountaineers and farmers to “overthrow” the Marxist-Leninist dictatorship of Daniel Ortega and his Sandinistas. 

House Democrats kept the ban in place with more Boland Amendments through fiscal year 1986. That forced the White House to circumvent the law by supporting private funding and seeking foreign support for the Nicaraguan Resistance, or Contras, and to make a deal with the devil that became the Iran-Contra scandal. 

Because they have promised no more omnibus spending, House Republicans can do their own version of the Boland Amendment this year to roll back the weaponization of the federal government. 

They can attach a Boland-style amendment to the 2024 Justice Department appropriations bill. They can attach one to appropriations bills for the Pentagon, homeland security, the IRS, and the intelligence community. 

The House Republicans can attach Boland-style amendments to ban federal spending across the entire government on different elements of weaponized wokeness like climate change, ESG, and diversity, equity, and inclusion. They can do it to block certain politicized actions of the Justice Department. They can block any funding toward a new FBI headquarters until the bureau is cleaned up and cleaned out. 

They don’t need to bargain with the Senate or the White House if they just hold firm. As long as they keep up the heat on the weaponization of government, the public can redirect that heat on their elected officials.

X22, Christian Patriot News, and more- Feb 15


Since When did Ukrainians Become Entitled to the State they Got?

This is the history of the transformation of a tiny area occupied by Zaporozhian Cossacks into the largest country in Europe after Russia, larger than France or Germany. How did Ukraine pull off an expansion of this magnitude without a single conquest?


The starting point of the history of Ukraine began is 1654 when Bohdan Khmelnitsky, a Hetman of the Zaporozhian Host, leader of Cossacks living beyond the Dnieper Rapids, petitioned Russian czar Alexey to accept the Zaporozhian Host into Russia. The land inhabited by the Cossacks (the orange area on the map) was part of what Russians called the Wild Fields, or “u kraine,” which means in Russian “at the edge.” The term originated in the 12th century to describe lands populated by half-savage tribes on the outskirts of Russia.

Khmelnitsky was desperate to save his Cossacks from annihilation by the Poles. Initially, Alexey turned down the request. But eventually, the request was granted, and the Treaty of Pereyaslav was signed. According to the treaty, the territory was to be absorbed into Russia and named Malorossiya or Little Russia, administered by the Hetmanate with limited suzerainty.

During the reign of Catherine the Great (1762-1796), the Russian Empire underwent a massive expansion, and new territories were added to Malorossiya, including the city of Kiev, where the land of the Rus began in the 8th century (yellow and orange areas on the map). In 1764, as Malorossiya had grown in size, Catherine, for administrative reasons, abolished the Hetmanate and created the Malorossian Governorate.

In the same year, the Russian Empire conquered the Crimean Khanate and founded a new province, Novorossiya or New Russia (the blue area on the map). In a relatively short time, Russia turned the region from an undeveloped steppe with rare pastures into a powerful agricultural and later an industrial region that became the backbone of the economy of the first Russian Empire and then the Soviet Union. 

In 1783, Catherine the Great wrested Crimea from the Ottoman Empire in a bloody war, securing access to the Black Sea and completing Peter the Great’s vision of making the Russian Empire the dominant European power.

In 1919, two years after the Bolshevik Revolution, Vladimir Lenin became the architect of Ukraine, combining Novorossiya and Malorossiya into the new Socialist State of Ukraine (the yellow, blue, and orange areas on the map).  In 1922, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) was formed, and the Socialist State of Ukraine was inaugurated as the Ukraine Soviet Socialist Republic, hereafter Ukraine, with the capital Kharkov. Novorossiya was renamed Eastern Ukraine, and the term Malorossiya was no longer in use. In 1934, the capital of the new republic was moved to Kiev.

Between 1939 and 1940 as a result of the Nazi-Soviet Pact, Stalin annexed the eastern territories, including the Polish city of Lvov and Northern Bukovina from Romania. In 1945, he annexed Hungarian Carpathian Ruthenia, nowadays Zakarpattia. All those territories were merged with Ukraine and became known as Western Ukraine (the green area on the map).

By 1950, Ukraine’s territory exceeded that of any country in Europe other than Russia. But the territorial handouts to Ukraine did not end there. In 1954, Nikita Khrushchev, transferred Crimea from the Russian Federation to Ukraine. The status change was mainly symbolic since the transfer was within the Soviet Union, governed by a single set of laws, common defense, and total Moscow control. No one in the Kremlin could foresee that it would manifest as an unimaginable strategic error a few decades later.

The historical record demonstrates that contemporary Ukraine emerged from a mosaic of lands assembled by Russian conquests and paid for with Russian blood and treasure. Except for a small area of the Zaporozhian Host (the red area on the map), Ukraine has no historical connection to the land it occupies and is the product of Russian geopolitical engineering.

The foregoing is the reason Henry Kissinger wrote, “The West must understand that, to Russia, Ukraine can never be just a foreign country.”

If Americans had been more aware of Ukrainian history, they would have raised reasonable doubts about the validity of Ukraine’s territorial aspirations. Konrad Adenauer once said, “History is the sum total of things that could be avoided.” It couldn’t be better said about Ukraine; if Czar Alexey in 1654 had not protected the Zaporozhian Host’s Cossacks, the precursors of Ukrainians, from annihilation, we would never have heard about Ukraine.

In 1991, taking advantage of the disintegration of the Soviet Union, Ukraine declared independence. So when the initial jubilation and smoke of promises of democracy and prosperity cleared, Ukrainians who had never governed themselves faced the gloomy reality of governing. Trying to make a clean break from Russia, Ukraine failed economically and politically.

The Ukrainian economy had been integrated into the Soviet Union’s economy. It produced a variety of goods and services, and though the products were outdated by Western standards, they were reliable and cheap. Russia was the natural market for Ukraine. However, Ukraine decided to join the EU. But the EU was not interested and Ukraine lost the Russian market. As a result, the economy contracted to the point that Ukraine was not able to shape its future by itself. Ukraine landed in the unfortunate position of needing financial assistance from the USA and Western Europe to survive.

To impress donors, the Ukrainian leaders have tried to convince the world that they are on a mission to protect democracy. Regrettably, their commitment to democracy was limited to the declaration of principles. Politically immature and inexperienced, the Ukrainian people have consistently elected leaders who recognize the importance of democracy primarily as means for achieving their enrichment. Indeed, endemic corruption became a fundamental necessity, a precondition for functioning governance. Ukraine’s most distinguishing features are thefts of economic aid and natural resources.

The history, geography, the state of the economy, and the nature of domestic institutions predetermine a country's behavior internationally. Ukraine, lacking strategic vision and experience in geopolitics, did not grasp the underlying reality when she pushed for NATO participation, ostensibly for security reasons. Whatever the motivation, she failed to realize that the issue of war and peace is the product of mutual security -- the security of one doesn’t produce insecurity for other. Ukraine’s drive to join NATO ignored thirty years of Russia’s warnings that NATO’s eastward expansion poses an existential threat to Russia.

Even the New York Times, no friend of Putin, in its January 9, 2022 editorial, just before the invasion, challenged the wisdom of Ukraine joining NATO and admitted that "Mr. Putin's concerns cannot be entirely dismissed.  Were Ukraine to join NATO, the alliance would then have a 1,200-mile land border with Russia, a situation no major power would abide, no matter how loudly the Atlantic alliance claims to be purely defensive."

Whether political naiveté, recklessness, incessant appetite for foreign aid, or all of the above, Ukraine’s tenacious insistence on NATO membership, even in the face of a looming Russian invasion, instigated a war that could easily be avoided.

It was a blunder of historic magnitude. 

And, as this failed state, with the borders drawn by the Soviet Union, rotten with incompetence and corruption, collapses in blood and destruction, the eerie premonition is that Ukraine will remain a wasteland for generations.

So, if Ukrainians deserve a state, they may indeed deserve the state they got.

When the Private Sector Is the Enemy

When the Private Sector Is the Enemy

Last Wednesday’s House Oversight Committee meeting provided some much-needed insight into how corporate personnel at Twitter (before Elon Musk’s takeover) had essentially turned the company into an adjunct of the federal government and its intelligence agencies.

Present to testify were high-ranking company personnel who oversaw Twitter during the covid panic and in the early days of the Hunter Biden laptop controversy. Specifically, they were former employees Yoel Roth, Anika Collier Navaroli, and Vijaya Gadde. All three had titles with words like “trust” and “safety” in them. There was also James Baker, a former Twitter attorney and a former FBI agent who promoted the now-disproven “Russiagate” theory. It was clear from their testimony that all four saw themselves as righteous arbiters of truth and that anyone who disagreed with their views was guilty of “misinformation.” Conveniently, this “misinformation” overwhelmingly tended to coincide with these employees’ personal political views.

In practice, however, these keepers of “trust” and “safety” did not function as disinterested fact-checkers, journalists, or stewards of any kind. They certainly weren’t entrepreneurs focused on delivering the highest value for their owners. Rather, they were acting as extensions of the US administrative state, the FBI, and the Democratic Party.

This became clear as they admitted to banning certain articles on their corporation’s platform and “shadow banning” countless stories. They did this either at the explicit urging of federal officials or in a way that justhappened to support the regime’s preferred positions and policies. Moreover, it’s clear that these Twitter agents were happy to do this. (But explicit pressure from the regime would certainly not be anything new. It is now well documented that the Roosevelt administration heavily pressured the press and Hollywood to support US entry into World War II.)

Yet even if we accept the Biden administration’s shaky claims that there is no smoking gun tying the administration to Twitter policies, this only makes Twitter look worse. It would demonstrate that this private company is actively and voluntarily engaged in the business of using its position in the market to assist with pushing the regime’s efforts to silence dissent.

Corporate America’s Willing Cooperation

Unfortunately, Twitter is not alone in these sorts of activities. Throughout the covid panic, social media corporations including Alphabet (Google) and Meta (Facebook) routinely banned users and deleted posts that contradicted the “official” positions on a variety of policies. These three corporations worked tirelessly to promote those policies and “facts” favored by the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) while hiding or explicitly denouncing as “misleading” or “misinformation” anything that dissented from the “official” position.

Thus, Twitter’s ban on the Hunter Biden laptop story was absolutely what we’ve come to expect from social media. Rather than carry information that corporate leaders didn’t agree with, they banned it or silenced it in a variety of ways. This occurred while the companies fraudulently claimed to be neutral “platforms,” although these companies are actually media companies that employ user-generated content to push the company’s preferred positions. These positions, of course, reliably coincided with what the FBI and other “intelligence” personnel—hardly a disinterested or unbiased bunch—claimed was the “correct” position.

All of this serves as an important reminder that private companies will often actively seek to serve the regimes they live under, and not just as a result of active regulation or “pressure” from regime officials. Contrary to the old myth that “big business” is a “persecuted minority,” the truth is that tech companies—and corporate America in general—have often shown they are enthusiastic supporters of the technocracy and its efforts to control and plan society.

Technolibertarianism, RIP

Twenty years ago, one still commonly encountered the opinion among advocates of free markets that the advent of the internet would make it far more difficult for governments to control the flow of information—and even the flow of goods and services. This “technolibertarianism,” as it is sometimes called, placed a great amount of hope in the notion that companies like Google and Amazon would enable ordinary people to publish and distribute ideas and goods that legacy media and other major corporations had no interest in fostering.

These were the days when Google’s motto was “Don’t Be Evil” and many people actually believed that workers at Google were somehow tribunes of ordinary people. Such a notion sounds outlandish and naïve today, but many reasonable people believed this in the heady days of the early 2000s, when anyone could start his own website and there was a flowering of antiestablishment online publications that did depart from what could be had in the so-called mainstream economy.

Moreover, thanks to the fact there was no dominant aggregator of the content produced by these sites, online news and commentary functioned in a much more egalitarian environment in which there was no final say on which web sites offered the “correct” view. Internet users, if they wanted to move beyond the usual mainstream media outlets at all, largely needed to curate their own information sources. The result was a highly decentralized internet with countless information sources that functioned on a more or less equal footing.

Social Media Centralized Online Information

Then came social media. Early on, this too was heralded as a new development that would make it even easier for antiestablishment and off-beat ideas to gain some traction with large numbers of people. In the early days of social media, after all, it was possible to post a narrative-bashing article or photo that might go viral if readers found it interesting.

In those days, the masters of social media had not yet begun their widespread efforts to manage and channel content in ways that suited their ideological preferences.

But here we are in 2023, and it’s quite a different story. Social media companies have managed to replace old-school self-curation with controlled “news feeds.” This is more “convenient” for casual users, so rather than place their trust in dozens of independent news sources, readers rely on one or two social media companies to tell them what to read and what to believe.

The new “entrepreneurs” who were supposed to usher in a new era of techno-rebellion against the state took on a very different form. Today, the tech “elite” looks like those Twitter executives. They are militant conformists who collaborate with the regime. They demand compliance—both in thought and in deed—with their preferred technocrats, ranging from CDC bureaucrats to shadowy intelligence personnel.

The dreams of technolibertarianism thus proved to be founded on very little. It is true that if one goes looking for it, one can find all sorts of information online that exposes state lies and corruption. Yet the regime has also found ways to distract from all this by amplifying its own positions at the expense of dissenting views, which are labeled “misinformation.” Countless millions, too lazy to investigate anything beyond their Facebook feeds, consume what they are told to consume.

Why They Favor the Regime

But why do the managers and officials of these companies seem to overwhelmingly side with the regime and its policies?

Much of the answer lies in the fact that these executives and other members of the elite have been educated to have the “correct” views. In recent years, it has become all the more apparent that voters with the most years of formal schooling are more likely to vote Democrat. If we assume that voting Democrat is a proxy for unquestioningly supporting the official government positions on most everything—not an outlandish position—then we can see the nexus between formal schooling and support for government mandates, lockdowns, and FBI meddling and spying.

This makes sense, of course. The faculty rolls at American colleges and universities are dominated by those who subscribe to a center-left ideology, tend to vote Democrat, and view the Washington technocracy favorably. People who spend a lot of time as students in these places tend to drift in the same direction. Unsurprisingly, the panel of former Twitter execs assembled for the House Oversight Committee meeting had numerous graduate degrees between them. It may be that some billionaires never finished college, but the reality is that these billionaires tend to hire people with graduate degrees to run their companies.

One might say it is all going as planned. As Julian Assange wrote back in 2013, the “new digital age” ushered in by the heroes of the technolibertarians is actually a blueprint for technocratic imperialism. It was founded largely on an ever-closer union between the US government and Silicon Valley.

This union was on full display at the House Oversight Committee meeting last week. Those who viewed the testimony were able to see what the masters of tech really believe about freedom and dissent. It turns out they think freedom of speech is dangerous. They think a tiny corporate elite is morally obligated to guide and control public discourse.

The Exploiter Class versus the Productive Class

This is all a helpful reminder that the true divide in society is not between the “private sector” and the “government sector.” Since at least the days of mercantilism, the private sector has often been eager to assist the regime in imposing more controls on the public. Rather, the true divide is between the exploiter class and the productive class. The productive are the true entrepreneurs, the net taxpayers, and those who receive no special favors from the regime. The exploiter class is the FBI, the bureaucracy, the tax collectors, and the other enforcers of the state’s regulatory apparatus. But the exploiter class also includes those “private sector” entities that seek to help the exploiters carry out their mission. Clearly, this includes a sizable portion of today’s corporate class, especially in Silicon Valley.

Weak Men Embolden Evil

Weak Men Embolden Evil

posted by Kira Davis at RedState 

If evil seems unusually visible and abundant these days, that is because we are being led by weak men.

The Chinese communist regime has been waltzing across our skies with impunity for at least the last week, but surely much longer than that. The Russian communist regime has invaded Ukraine in an aggression that is heading into another “endless war” scenario despite massive infusions of cash and arms from the United States to the Ukrainian government. Fentanyl streams across our borders in amounts massive enough to kill every citizen in the country. Indeed, the drug has been killing an extraordinary amount of Americans already, and added to the skyrocketing rates of crime and homelessness in nearly every major American city.

This is all because we are now living through the weakest administration in American history. I thought we couldn’t look any more ridiculous than Obama bowing to tyrants in the Middle East. I was wrong.

Joe Biden is the reason the world’s worst dictators are rattling sabers and taking casual strolls via spy crafts through American airspace. His weakness emboldens evil men.

Clearly the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is not the least bit worried about Joe Biden or the American response to blatant disrespect of our sovereign territory. Last week’s spy balloon incident may have been just business as usual for the Chinese, given how many other “objects” have been caught floating around our air space since then; and also given that the Department of Justice tried to excuse the incident by suggesting those same balloons were floating around during the Trump administration too. Perhaps that is true (although I am not inclined to believe much that is coming out of this administration these days). Even still, if the CCP was not already aware of the feckless nature of our current leadership, they certainly became aware once everyone in America learned of their spy balloon hovering far above, and Biden’s administration still did nothing until it had already traversed the entire span of the United States.

They knew it when this administration refused to hold them accountable for foisting a pandemic upon the entire world. In fact, the Biden White House is still running cover for Chinese involvement in the COVID-19 debacle. In no reality, not even a progressive one, does China represent an ally, yet Biden insists on treating them as such. He is aided in this quest by a state media that is loath to stray from Democrat talking points – although reality is so persistent these days that they find themselves unable to completely ignore the looming threat of China.

Even the fact that since last week’s discovery Biden has been ordering the shooting down of “unidentified flying objects” left and right is another sign of our weakness. It reveals a troubling chaos in both strategy and policy, and it also signals that Biden is leading from behind.

Despite what the mushy progressive talking heads would have us believe, appeasement does not foster peace.

Another famously weak leader was Neville Chamberlain, the British Prime Minister who followed a policy of appeasement in negotiations with Hitler, and then boldly claimed he had achieved “peace for our time.” Of course, he couldn’t have been further from the truth. History tells the rest of that tragic tale. The lesson we have gleaned and should glean from Chamberlain’s attitude of appeasement is that evil men do not respect weak men. Chamberlain, like most naive progressives, thought the key to peace was compromise. Maybe that is the case when you’re navigating the group challenge on Project Runway, but to think that applies to foreign policy is a gross misunderstanding of human nature.

Compromise on a global level smells like ineptitude and fragility to any man who is ruled by his sinful desire to rule over another. Like a wolf heading directly for the young offspring or the infirm in any herd, an evil man will only see his partners in compromise as prey.

Abusers have a nose for weakness. We see that exemplified even in personal relationships. It is so common, we have a term for it in pop culture – daddy issues. An abuser can spot an insecure, lonely woman who was left without a strong male example a mile away. The true crime podcasts and documentaries are riddled with such stories. Weakness has a distinctive smell to a predator.

Similarly, women abhor weakness in men, and similarly, we have a saying for that too – nice guys finish last. Whether or not it is a sign of something missing in a woman’s own personality, the reality of that term is that most women are seeking strength and decisiveness. A man does not have to be a bodybuilder to be “tough.” Strength can be emitted in a myriad of ways. The point is that women don’t want a man who will do nothing but appease her and others. There is something innately unattractive about that man.

To veer just a bit off-topic, it is why I have always said it is a bad idea for women to propose to men. It encourages weakness. A man needs to be decisive to be successful, and he should absolutely be decisive when it comes to his lifelong mate. Robbing him of a big decision at the beginning of the relationship will set up a situation in the future in which he may continue to leave all the big decisions to his wife. That might sound fun, but in reality, it is exhausting…and frankly, annoying.

The consequences of weak character are so universal they can be applied to almost every level of human interaction.

Right now, evil is enjoying a very weak moment in the history of the strongest nation on earth, and it shows.

Joe Biden is barely there, a man so weak he often can’t find his way off a stage and whose stride speaks volumes about the amount of strength left in his body and mind. He speaks when he shouldn’t and says nothing when he should. He oozes weakness out of every pore, and the free world is feeling the consequences.

His weakness has brought on the winds of war, and we will not turn back those winds until we have a leader who can pursue “peace through strength.”

Bring on the strongmen. Now.

Raquel Welch dead: ‘Fantastic Voyage’ actress and sex symbol was 82


Actress Raquel Welch, who rose to fame as a sex symbol of the 1960s, died Wednesday after a brief illness, TMZ reported. She was 82.

Her long resume includes “Fantastic Voyage,” “Bedazzled” and “Hannie Caulder.” She also appeared on “The Cher Show” in 1975 and performed “I’m a Woman” with Cher.

Welch is a two-time Golden Globe nominee, winning the musical/comedy motion picture award in 1975 for her performance in “The Three Musketeers,” which starred Faye Dunaway and Charlton Heston.

“My first day on set, Faye Dunaway comes over to me all dolled up, and she was so cute. She said, ‘Darling, I just want you to know, I’m a big fan of yours. But don’t you know, they’re all just waiting for us to tear each other’s eyes out. So let’s have fun with them,'” Welch told The Post in 2012.  

“Everyone on set was going, ‘Uh-oh, here they come,’ standing there watching. And Faye gets out her fan and starts fanning herself, saying, ‘Darling, I adore your work.’ And I say, ‘Everything you do is genius!’ Everyone was so disappointed.”

Born on Sept. 5, 1940, Welch became interested in performing at a young age by taking part in ballet and beauty pageants. She attended San Diego State College on a theater arts scholarship and starred in lots of local theater productions.

Welch rose to fame in the 1966 sci-fi movie “Fantastic Voyage” where she portrayed a medical team member that worked to save an injured diplomat’s life.

She married her high school sweetheart, James Welch, in 1959 and had two children: Damon, 63, and Latanne “Tahnee”, 61. The couple divorced in 1964. 

Welch would marry three more times: Patrick Curtis (1967-1972), André Weinfeld (1980-1990), and Richard Palmer (1999-2004).

Welch was named one of the “100 Sexiest Stars in Film History” by Empire magazine in 1995. Despite her sex symbol status, she viewed herself differently.  

“I was happy that I had got a break so I could have my career, but at the same time, it was like: ’This isn’t me. But this is what I have to do because this is my ticket to ride,’” she wrote of her “One Million Years B.C.” rol ein her memoir “Raquel: Beyond the Cleavage.”

“I’m not in a position to just say: ‘Oh, no, wait a minute. You’ve got it all wrong. I’d like to do Shakespeare.

Antifa Shares a Fundraising Platform With the DNC

Antifa Shares a Fundraising Platform With the DNC

Raising money to finance illegal activity is illegal for anyone - so why do the rules not apply to the Left?

Antifa, like the Democrat Party, is built on the model of nonprofit support infrastructure.

In the party, that means everything except the most direct campaign activities are outsourced to networks of nonprofits that use tax-deductible donations for everything from voter registration and outreach, media and messaging, to funding election infrastructure ‘Zuckerbucks’ style.

Unlike its Black Lives Matter allies, the Antifa networks aren’t funded by a single nonprofit. Antifa’s illegal activities and the radical tendencies of its participants, many of whom are involved in a variety of radical groups, some of them domestic terrorist organizations, makes that a non-starter. However, unlike conservative groups which have been ‘debanked’ from Big Tech fundraising platforms, Antifa gains support through leftist 501(c)(3) and (c)(4) groups which includes fundraising platforms, bail funds, street medics and promotional media organizations.

One of the worst examples also operates arm in arm with the Democratic Party.

The International Anti-Fascist Defence Fund raises money through crowdfunding platforms like GoFundMePatreon and FundRazr (also utilized by the Harvard Kennedy School and the University of Cambridge) despite clear bans on raising money for illegal or criminal activity.

But its primary fundraising platform is also utilized by the Democratic National Committee.

Connected by a shortlink titled ‘DefendAntifa’, the International Anti-Fascist Defence Fund, its fundraising page flying the Antifa flag and bearing a banner “Free All Antifa Prisoners” describes itself as providing “direct, immediate support to anti-fascists” including medical bills, legal defense and an “antifa prisoner fund”, uses the Action Network: a leftist 501(c)(4) and (c)(3).

The Action Network boasts that “after three months of using Action Network the DNC shattered all sorts of fundraising records.” The Antifa defense fund, which claims to have dispensed $75,000 in three years, is apparently also doing well with the overlapping DNC donor base.

What is the Antifa defense fund raising money for?

While the Action Network home page shows off a picture of Biden to promote its DNC fundraising, the International Anti-Fascist Defence Fund’s blog features a story about helping out during the Biden inauguration riots featuring of black masked antifa thugs bearing a banner featuring an AK-47 and the message, “We don’t want Biden, we want revenge.”

The International Anti-Fascist Defence Fund post describes how “stuff got vandalized and Dak, one of the sole arrestees, was left holding the bag, taking a plea deal that kept him out of prison but also left him on the hook to pay for all of the property damage done in both actions – nearly $50,000USD in all!.That’s a lot of money for anyone to come up with. A donation page has been set up to help with those costs and the Defence Fund… decided to help contribute directly.”

This would appear to refer to the Biden inauguration riots in Portland during which the windows of the Democratic Party of Oregon headquarters were smashed and vandalized with the anarchist ‘A’. Police seized “Molotov cocktails, knives, batons, chemical spray and a crow bar”.

Is a fundraising platform used by the DNC also raising money for antifa rioters smashing Democrat offices? If so it would be one of many examples of Democrats incubating the leftist radicals who are destroying their party and the country.

The Action Network was set up by Senator John Kerry’s digital director during the Occupy Wall Street riots, is emblematic of the relationship between the Democrat establishment and the most extreme elements of the Left. As is an antifa defense fund raising money for a defendant in the Biden inauguration riots using the Action Network whose home page features Biden’s picture.

Beyond the DNC, the Action Network is the fundraising platform for the AFL-CIO, Black Lives Matter, the Women’s March, the DSA and Communist Party USA. The spectrum reflects the growing extremism that the Democrats have become complicit in and even directly support.

The Action Network is a 501(c)(4) and while the C4 status comes with greater freedom to engage in lobbying, it does not sanction any involvement in illegal activities.

The International Anti-Fascist Defence Fund is quite cheerful about them.

One post on the Antifa defense fund’s blog is titled, “Found Out” and features a photo of a man’s bloody head while raising money for the perpetrators.

The Antifa defense fund claims that the police “decided to charge someone, someone who asked us to help with their legal defense. And help is what we did. Because teaching people like Adam Kelly how the sentence ‘Fuck around…’ ends is never a crime.”

The legal system disagrees. The DNC and the Action Network clearly do not. But does the IRS?

Raising money to finance illegal activity is illegal for anyone, but nonprofits have their status regulated by the IRS.

IRS regulations state that, “not only is the actual conduct of illegal activities inconsistent with exemption, but the planning and sponsoring of such activities are also incompatible with charity and social welfare.” For example, “Rev. Rul. 75-384 holds that an organization formed to promote world peace that planned and sponsored protest demonstrations at which members were urged to commit acts of civil disobedience did not qualify for IRC 501(c)(3) or (4) exemption.”

“G.C.M. 36153, dated January 31, 1975, states that because planning and sponsoring illegal acts are in themselves inconsistent with charity and social welfare it is not necessary to determine whether illegal acts were, in fact, committed in connection with the resulting demonstrations or whether such a determination can be made prior to conviction of an accused.”

These rules have not been applied to the Left in some time. But they ought to be.

Man Creates Monster, Is Eaten By Monster, Is Sad

You have got to check out this amazing story of a professor who embraced diversity, equity, and inclusion nonsense and then was stunned – stunned! – when the vicious creatures he spawned turned on him and ripped him to shreds. This terrifying tale provides more proof – as if more were needed – that when you dabble with DEI, you will eventually DIE. And it demonstrates the importance of rejecting the tactic of reasoning with these monsters, who themselves reject reason and cannot be swayed or corrected by it. We have to fire them and burn down the institutions they have infected. They are intellectual gangrene, and we must amputate the limb to save the body and cauterize the stump – which Ron DeSantis is doing in Florida and which the rest of the Republicans out there must likewise do in their red states.

The story itself is horrifying and fascinating, a tale of spineless leaders allowing themselves to be co-opted by the loudest, angriest, and most unreasonable people in the room. What is most striking is the total refusal of those currently in power to use their power to stop the monsters who want to take power from doing so. They could solve the problem with a “No,” but they cannot find the will to utter it.

A black leftist professor who was all-in on CRT and all its bizarre and evil components wrote this long article describing how he tried to have a seminar with some select college kids about this woke nonsense and how his class got co-opted by a lunatic grad student named Keisha who eventually led a coup that threw him out. Yeah, I threw him out – the professor and three other students who “caused harm” because they mentioned facts. Of course, the program administration refused to act, probably praying to their pagan gods that the commie crocodiles would eat them last. They were totally paralyzed in the face of weaponized leftist ideology, which is not true of this one program. The woke lunatics truly run the academic asylum.

What happened is truly cultlike:

In the 2022 anti-racism workshops, the non-black students learned that they needed to center black voices—and to shut up. Keisha reported that this was particularly difficult for the Asian-American students, but they were working on it. (Eventually, two of the Asian-American students would be expelled from the program for reasons that, Keisha said, couldn’t be shared with me.) The effects on the seminar were quick and dramatic. During the first week, participation was as you would expect: There were two or three shy students who only spoke in partner or small-group work, two or three outspoken students, and the rest in the middle. One of the black students was outspoken, one was in the middle, and one was shy. By the second week of the seminar, the two white students were effectively silent. Two of the Asian-American students remained active (the ones who would soon be expelled), but the vast majority of interventions were from the three black students. The two queer students, one Asian and one white, were entirely silent. The black students certainly had interesting things to say and important connections to make with their experiences and those of their family members, but a seminar succeeds when multiple perspectives clash into each other, grapple with each other, and develop—and that became impossible.

 We need to remember that the idea behind Critical Race Theory is not to promote critical thinking – just the opposite. This is not an academic pursuit but a purely political one that is not about the study of power but the raw exercise of power. CRT is not meant to help discover and explore new ideas and theories. Instead, it is designed to reaffirm pre-existing premises and conclusions, all commie nonsense, and to crush anyone attempting to introduce facts that counter it. Facts cause “harm,” and “harm” in this context is a term of art meaning “goes against the narrative.” “Harm” manifests as someone claiming to feel bad about something. Understand that something can be an objective fact, and the fact that the fact is a fact is no defense:

During our discussion of incarceration, an Asian-American student cited federal inmate demographics: About 60 percent of those incarcerated are white. The black students said they were harmed. They had learned, in one of their workshops, that objective facts are a tool of white supremacy. Outside of the seminar, I was told, the black students had to devote a great deal of time to making right the harm that was inflicted on them by hearing prison statistics that were not about blacks. A few days later, the Asian-American student was expelled from the program.

Cry “Harm!” and that trumps anything else, especially objective truth. The proper understanding of CRT, DEI, and all the rest is not an academic exercise or an intellectual undertaking. It is a means of control, pure and simple. It is designed to give the Keishas of the world the power that they crave but could never obtain by achievement or hard work. What is remarkable is the fact that the institutions refuse to simply fire the Keishas and instead choose to coddle and empower them. Keisha should have been sent packing the moment she opened her fascist trap. Instead, the story shows how the people allegedly in charge catered to her insane requirements and accepted her rejection of reason. The more outrageous Keisha became, the more abject the institution surrendered to her. This could have ended in an instant if only someone had simply said “No.” 

No to your complaints. 

No to your premises. 

No to your demands. 

No, you cannot be here anymore – pack your bags and get out. 

But they did not say no. They said, “Jump? How high?” They figuratively packed their own bags – and in the case of the professor, literally. What was left in the program were the devoted cultists locked in a circular echo chamber of reinforcement of the stupid nonsense that is CRT.

It’s time to fight back. No quarter. To win, you have to be unreasonable with the unreasonable, ruthlessly unreasonable, because these radicals co-opt the ideas of debate and compromise (concepts they totally reject) and use them against us normal and rational people. It’s a very effective technique – normal and rational people assume their opponents are normal and rational too, and when this is not, the attackers have an edge.

You cannot play the game with them because they do not accept the rules. You have to reject them and refuse to allow them to use your values and norms to defeat you. You don’t debate people who do not debate. You crush them. Ron DeSantis in Florida gets this. He is willing to accept and shrug off the predictable pushback (“You are racist for not surrendering to our whims and commands!”), and we must all be too. No argument. No, back and forth. Just “No, you don’t get to do that nonsense.” Remember, these are weak people. They cannot make us do anything. They must convince us to comply via shame, guilt, and mean tweets. They lose when we laugh at them.

So, when someone lies and says, “People who criticize CRT want to ban black history” – and they always do – show them this story. This is why CRT must be destroyed. And we must be ruthlessly unreasonable to do it. 

Watch: J.D. Vance Smoothly Confronts FCC Nominee Gigi Sohn in Spicy Exchange Over Twitter History

Watch: J.D. Vance Smoothly Confronts FCC Nominee Gigi Sohn in Spicy Exchange Over Twitter History

 Sister Toldjah reporting for RedState 

It’s become common knowledge pretty much everywhere but especially in the political arena that it’s not always a good idea to post and/or retweet/like something on social media that you wouldn’t want to come back to haunt you later when you’re looking to climb the ladder to success.

Neera Tanden, President Joe Biden’s nominee to lead the Office of Management and Budget in early 2021, found that out the hard way after being relentlessly grilled over her woke Twitter history during her confirmation hearing. The uproar led to unsurprising accusations of racism and sexism amongst the Usual Suspects. Ultimately, Tanden couldn’t take the heat and withdrew her nomination, mostly likely at the Biden administration’s urging.

Gigi Sohn, Joe Biden’s nominee for FCC commissioner, is also experiencing similar teachable moments during her confirmation hearing before the Senate Commerce Committee.

As we previously reported, Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) grilled Sohn on a number of fronts Tuesday, including her pro-defund the police stance, her push to have conservative-leaning networks censored for WrongSpeak, and her contributions to Democratic senators after she was re-nominated including one on the committee who would be deciding whether her nomination could move forward.

Sen. J.D. Vance (R-Ohio) was another who tore into Sohn over her divisive past statements, specifically as it related to racially-charged tweets and retweets. Vance made excellent points in his back and forth with Sohn without missing a beat, noting that someone like her should never be in a position of authority, especially the FCC.

At the conclusion of their exchange, Vance slammed his point home, explaining to her and those watching why he thought her past tweets and retweets were relevant today:

“We live in a country that’s very diverse, people come from different backgrounds. And one of the things that preserves what little racial comedy and harmony we have in this country is that our leaders don’t use that racial comedy and harmony like a toddler who discovered their daddy’s gun. You talk about racial issues in a way that will inflame the very worst things in our country. And I fear that if you’re given this position of authority, you will use that authority to continue to inflame and to continue, potentially even, to censor based on some of these ideas.”


We haven’t heard much from Vance since he was sworn into office, but in fairness it’s early on. He showed during his campaign against Democrat Senate nominee Tim Ryan that he had what it took to go the distance and to confront wokeness in all its twisted forms.

Good on Vance for not backing down on Sohn even in the midst of the predictable left-wing/media campaigns to boil down opposition to her as rooted in “homophobia” and “sexism.” Sohn shouldn’t even be considered for the position of town dogcatcher, much less be the all-important deciding vote on the powerful FCC.

Three Train Derailments and a Developing Bio-Disaster — Where Are the the Eco-Harpies?

Three Train Derailments and a Developing Bio-Disaster — 

Where Are the the Eco-Harpies?

Three Train Derailments and a Developing Bio-Disaster — Where Are the the Eco-Harpies?
AP Photo/Gene J. Puskar

UPDATE 1:49 p.m. Eastern: Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg has finally commented about the disaster in E. Palestine. He write on Twitter: “I continue to be concerned about the impacts of the Feb 3 train derailment near East Palestine, OH, and the effects on families in the ten days since their lives were upended through no fault of their own,” he said in a post on Twitter.”

Original story:

Trains are flying off the tracks around the nation. The lefty media is suspiciously quiet, as are the razor-dodging eco-doomsters who should be screeching about the potential environmental disaster near East Palestine, Ohio, which is on the border of Pennsylvania.


  • The Feb. 3 East Palestine derailment included ten cars full of hazardous chemicals.
  • On Monday, an 18-wheeler truck plowed into — and derailed — a train in Slendora, Texas, killing the truck driver and causing roughly 100 gallons of diesel fuel to spill.
  • You can watch an eerie train derailment — also on Monday — in Enoree, S.C., where the train seems to fall off the track for no reason.

That’s three train derailments, two in one day, just ten days after the calamitous train wreck in Ohio.

Secretary of Transportation Pete Buttigieg seems to be on yet another paternity leave. Or perhaps he’s busy complaining about too many white construction workers to talk about the unfolding eco-calamity currently poisoning the air — and possibly the water — on the Ohio-Pennsylvania border.

Also curiously absent are the hirsute, soap-evading, tree-hugging, prairie fairies who went to war against plastic straws when one was found in the nose of a living sea turtle but seem to not care about animals that are dropping dead — likely from noxious fumes — near the Ohio tragedy.

FACT-O-RAMA! I’ve heard not a word from Greta Thunberg on the Ohio disaster. How DARE she?

The Green Panthers are salivating to take our gas stoves and purloin our sirloins — and replace them with beetle pie — but are choosing to sit out when an actual ecological disaster is taking place? Something isn’t right.

Perhaps the wokesters on the left are too busy trying to take away our anesthesia to care that 5 million people might not have drinking water in the Ohio, Pennsylvania, and West Virginia region.

At his most recent public speaking event, Buttigieg didn’t mention the Ohio derailment but did manage to crack a “funny” about the Chinese spy balloons gathering intel as they float over North America.

“It couldn’t be a more exciting time for transportation,” Buttigieg quippedat a recent event. “It’s had its challenges. We’ve faced issues from container shipping to airline cancellations. Now we got balloons.”

QUESTION-O-RAMA! How did a Chinese spy balloon “suddenly” pop up over Lake Huron? Did it really make it halfway across the continent before it was noticed, or was it launched by one of the three Secret Chinese police stationsCanada’s Princess Prime Minister Justin Trudeau allows to remain operational?

What we “got,” Pete, is a serious contamination of the air and water in Ohio, Pennsylvania, and West Virginia, potentially affecting millions of people and killing animals while you make jokes about spy balloons and your dirt hippies remain silent about an actual ecological calamity.