Wednesday, February 15, 2023

Watch: J.D. Vance Smoothly Confronts FCC Nominee Gigi Sohn in Spicy Exchange Over Twitter History

Watch: J.D. Vance Smoothly Confronts FCC Nominee Gigi Sohn in Spicy Exchange Over Twitter History

 Sister Toldjah reporting for RedState 

It’s become common knowledge pretty much everywhere but especially in the political arena that it’s not always a good idea to post and/or retweet/like something on social media that you wouldn’t want to come back to haunt you later when you’re looking to climb the ladder to success.

Neera Tanden, President Joe Biden’s nominee to lead the Office of Management and Budget in early 2021, found that out the hard way after being relentlessly grilled over her woke Twitter history during her confirmation hearing. The uproar led to unsurprising accusations of racism and sexism amongst the Usual Suspects. Ultimately, Tanden couldn’t take the heat and withdrew her nomination, mostly likely at the Biden administration’s urging.

Gigi Sohn, Joe Biden’s nominee for FCC commissioner, is also experiencing similar teachable moments during her confirmation hearing before the Senate Commerce Committee.

As we previously reported, Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) grilled Sohn on a number of fronts Tuesday, including her pro-defund the police stance, her push to have conservative-leaning networks censored for WrongSpeak, and her contributions to Democratic senators after she was re-nominated including one on the committee who would be deciding whether her nomination could move forward.

Sen. J.D. Vance (R-Ohio) was another who tore into Sohn over her divisive past statements, specifically as it related to racially-charged tweets and retweets. Vance made excellent points in his back and forth with Sohn without missing a beat, noting that someone like her should never be in a position of authority, especially the FCC.

At the conclusion of their exchange, Vance slammed his point home, explaining to her and those watching why he thought her past tweets and retweets were relevant today:

“We live in a country that’s very diverse, people come from different backgrounds. And one of the things that preserves what little racial comedy and harmony we have in this country is that our leaders don’t use that racial comedy and harmony like a toddler who discovered their daddy’s gun. You talk about racial issues in a way that will inflame the very worst things in our country. And I fear that if you’re given this position of authority, you will use that authority to continue to inflame and to continue, potentially even, to censor based on some of these ideas.”


We haven’t heard much from Vance since he was sworn into office, but in fairness it’s early on. He showed during his campaign against Democrat Senate nominee Tim Ryan that he had what it took to go the distance and to confront wokeness in all its twisted forms.

Good on Vance for not backing down on Sohn even in the midst of the predictable left-wing/media campaigns to boil down opposition to her as rooted in “homophobia” and “sexism.” Sohn shouldn’t even be considered for the position of town dogcatcher, much less be the all-important deciding vote on the powerful FCC.