Monday, December 18, 2023

The mainstream media willingly hides Biden’s destruction of America

Now that the poll numbers are so bad and the open border is such an obvious disaster, even Ruth Marcus of the WaPo has noticed the problem. Or, more accurately, she’s noticed the problem in a way unique to leftist media outlets.

Thus, according to Marcus, the problem isn’t that Biden and his administration caused the myriad failures plaguing America. It’s just that Biden hasn’t had the political freedom to fix it. The public must see that nothing is Biden’s fault. According to the sycophant media, Biden is one of the best presidents we have ever had. The public, though, doesn’t see that because the MAGA Republicans are blocking his wonderful policies:

On Friday’s “PBS NewsHour,” Washington Post columnist Ruth Marcus stated that President Joe Biden has to do something on the border since it “has gotten much worse” since Biden was running, but he hasn’t had “the political freedom” to do so.

When Biden took his oath as President, it included enforcing all the laws, not just ones he liked.

During the 2020 campaign, though, he essentially promised that he would not enforce immigration laws, and since January 20, 2020, he’s kept that promise. The border is a sieve, but the Biden Administration continually lies that it is closed:

While he pledged during the election campaign to roll back President Trump’s policies that have reduced illegal immigration on his first day in office on Jan. 20, Biden said Tuesday that it would take about six months to reverse Trump’s actions enforcing immigration laws.

When Trump was in office, he worked very hard to enforce the immigration laws Congress had passed, and for that, he was repeatedly called a xenophobe and a racist. The media and other Democrats frequently visited the border in protest. Since Biden took office, though, those same people have shown little interest in the border. No matter how many people have died, been raped, or been trafficked, Democrats have been silent.

The only reason there is the current focus is the poll numbers. Now, they must pretend to care.

Before the polls came out, Democrat politicians throughout the country declared their cities and states would be sanctuaries for illegals, who would not have to worry about law enforcement and being sent back. Democrats assured the public that illegals would be of great economic benefit, not a cost. But now, these lawless politicians are whining like little piggies that they have had enough. They need money, and they claim that the new Texas policy of sending them busloads of illegals is racist.

Ruth Marcus and other Democrat campaign workers, posing as journalists, are trying to scare the public that Trump is a dictator, but now she complains that Biden doesn’t have the political freedom to do his job:

Democrats have never had a problem with Democrats acting as dictators. Obama said repeatedly that he didn’t have the authority to change immigration on his own, yet he managed to do it anyway with DACA. “Before taking executive action on immigration, President Obama stated 22 times that he does not have the authority to change immigration laws on his own.” Now, the media, many judges, and other Democrats treat DACA as if it is the law of the land instead of a pure abuse of power by Obama.

The media and other Democrats don’t have problems with regulators or Presidents abusing their power as long as they are pushing their radical agenda to remake America.

The problem they have with Trump is that he wants to enforce the border laws and that he is trying to give the power, money, and freedom back to the people, which is where it belongs. The media, other Democrats, and many establishment Republicans can’t stand an outsider trying to reduce their power in DC, so they intentionally spread misinformation that Trump is the dictator.

The choice gets easier every day. To save America, we need Trump or someone like Trump, which is hard to find. The media and other Democrats will set out to destroy any other Republican if they are able to dispose of Trump.