Thursday, December 28, 2023

The Democrats, Unicorns, and Fairy Dust

Becky Noble reporting for RedState 

If you use that old saying about seeing the forest through the trees when responding to a Democrat, more than likely, you are going to get someone who is suddenly in complete shock and will blurt out, "Wait, what, there's a forest?" Because it seems as if it is a stretch to ask them to look at the long-term picture, like beyond next week. Recently, the Colorado Supreme Court ruled that former President Donald Trump would not appear on the ballot there. The court relied upon a clause in the Fourteenth Amendment designed 150 years ago to address the issue of former Confederate officials who had engaged in insurrection but then wanted to run for federal office.  

As might be expected, the decision sparked outrage among Republicans, who see it as just another Democrat attempt to keep Trump from running. With Joe Biden's poll numbers in the tank and his more obvious everyday physical and cognitive impairment, Democrats are visibly sweating. The ruling also was the impetus for state reps in several key swing states to introduce legislation to have Biden removed from their state's ballots. It has also caused some movement at the federal level as well. On December 22, Rep. Clay Higgins (R-LA) introduced a bill that states that "If any state in our Union blocks the official nominee of a major political party from the Presidential ballot, their electoral slate will not be counted by Congress on the following January 6th."

With Congress still out on Christmas break until after the new year, the bill will sit for a while longer. But once there are some eyes on it, you can no doubt expect the usual wailing and gnashing of teeth from Democrats. How dare Republicans play by the rules Democrats made up!? At this point, the level at which Democrats believe that their pathological Trump-hating behavior is quite normal is off the charts. But it goes beyond that. The fact that they also really do believe that all of the legal manure they have heaped on Donald Trump will just sail through the court system without anyone raising an eyebrow and asking valid questions about the strength of any of the cases. Nothing will be said or done to question the court proceedings. It will all go according to plan, and like the evil dragon, bad orange man will be gone. 

It is at that point that Democrats believe they will have achieved that liberal utopia they have all told us is coming if you just hand over all power and authority forever to them. It will be kittens and sunshine for all. But here is the part that they never seem to see coming. They never seem to plan on the fact that there is actually opposition to whatever hare-brained scheme they manage to concoct to rid the world of Donald Trump. When there is pushback, and those who are opposed to their unconstitutional and likely illegal election maneuvers fight back against them, not only are they shocked and surprised that anyone would want to push back, but shock and surprise are usually followed by indignation. "How dare you evil MAGA Republicans fight the unconstitutional and probably illegal thing we want to do!" 

Does this reaction come from the rather childish way the left thinks? Maybe — they never seem to realize that there will be consequences for their actions. Will Rep. Higgins's bill go anywhere? Maybe not. It could be that Higgins, along with any Republicans that support it, just want to get the idea of playing the game by the rules Democrats like to play by out there. It's hard to imagine there would be no wailing and moaning from Democrats. The states most likely to engage in this would be blue states. 

Don't look for Democrats to grasp anytime soon why those rascally Republicans won't stop preventing unethical and unlawful actions and allow them to spread "unicorns and fairy dust" over their Trump-free utopia.