Thursday, December 14, 2023

SHOCKER: The New York Times Altered Hunter Biden Presser Quote to Cover for Joe Biden

Bonchie reporting for RedState 

Apparently, journalist ethics doesn't exist at The New York Times anymore. As RedState reported, Hunter Biden showed up in front of the Capitol Building on Wednesday to mislead about his business dealings before refusing to appear for a congressionally subpoenaed deposition. That immediately set off a firestorm among Republicans who talked tough about holding the president's son in contempt of Congress before backing off on immediately holding a vote on the matter. 

The presser itself was illuminating due to the brazenness with which Hunter Biden tried to rewrite history. He wasn't the only one doing rewriting things, though. The New York Times decided to alter a quote from the presser in order to protect Joe Biden. 

An archived link to the story reveals that the Times did, in fact, produce a false quote. That quote just so happened to exonerate Joe Biden in a way that not even his own son was willing to do. In my write-up on Hunter Biden's presser, I noted that he was moving the goalposts by claiming that his father was not "financially" involved and that there is almost no chance that qualifier was included randomly.

Instead, it appears the new standard put forth by Hunter Biden is that the Chinese or whoever else was paying Hunter Biden for "legal services" didn't write checks directly to Joe Biden. That, of course, has never been alleged. Not even Republicans are naive enough to believe that the Bidens could be that stupid. Any money that ended up in the hands of the current president would have been moved through various entities before reaching him. We've seen that with checks written from Hunter Biden and James Biden to Joe Biden from their personal accounts and business accounts. 

The Times likely picked up on that, which is why it altered the quote to simply say "business," providing an overly broad (and falsely framed) dismissal of Joe Biden's involvement. The newspaper has since stealth-edited its story (i.e. no correction) to include the word "financially," but it seems exceedingly unlikely the original quote was published by mistake. 

There are simply no lengths to which the mainstream media won't go to protect the Bidens. That much is clear.