Sunday, December 24, 2023

John Kirby Struggles to Name a Single Biden Foreign Policy Achievement

NSC spokesman John Kirby struggled to name a single foreign policy achievement this year under the Biden Administration. 

This week, Kirby was asked to explain President Joe Biden's "foreign policy achievement of the year." However, the official failed to answer the question correctly because, honestly, the president has had a lack of success. 

"What would the president say is his foreign policy achievement of the year?" CBS News' Ed O'Keefe asked. 

"There's a lot that we've achieved in foreign policy, and Karine's already made sure that you know that we're running late, and I don't want to belabor this. So, this answer could go on for like 20 minutes," Kirby started.

His answer included a lot of nonsense fluff that made it sound like Biden has achieved things. 

Kirby launched into a rant, listing off several initiatives, such as the Indo-Pacific strategy involving the Quad and AUKUS, aimed at equipping Australia with nuclear-powered submarines. He also said one of the most "important" things Biden has done is "sure up and revitalize our vast network of alliances and partnerships." 

However, he failed to name a singular aspect Biden achieved in 2023. It's no wonder why his polling numbers are among the lowest in history. 

According to a Washington Post report, Biden has reportedly expressed dissatisfaction with his plummeting approval ratings. 

The president reportedly delivered stern remarks to his aides about his unacceptably low polling numbers, demanding to know what his team and campaign will do about it. 

A recent CNN poll found that only 24 percent of Democrats under the age of 35 approve of Biden's job performance in handling the Israel-Hamas war. In comparison, 59 percent of respondents believe the president should not seek a second term. 

Biden and First Lady Jill Biden have reportedly complained for months that former President Trump is beating the president by a large margin in the 2024 race. 

However, less than a year before the election, Americans expressed significant frustration with the president.