Friday, December 15, 2023

Joe Biden's Approval Rating Hits a New Record Low, and the Left-Wing Cope Is Hilarious

Bonchie reporting for RedState 

Joe Biden has hit a new low, and I'm not just talking about his mental acuity. The president clocked in his worst approval rating ever on Thursday. According to Pew Research, just 33 percent of Americans approve of the job Biden is doing while 64 percent disapprove, and the topline numbers are just part of the story.

The demographic breakdowns are a horror show for the president. He doesn't even garner a net positive approval among women and post-graduates, two groups he's historically enjoyed support from. Every race, every income level, and every education level sees him in the negative. 

It's hard to imagine how things could get worse for the current administration, but this might not even be rock bottom. Negative public opinion tends to cement and spread, even if some indicators technically improve. Very few times in history has a president reached historic levels of disapproval and recovered to become well-liked again.

The best part about this, in my opinion, is the left-wing cope. There's something deeply satisfying about knowing your opposition is failing and watching them desperately spit into the wind. Gavin Newsom took on that task hours after the poll was released, in a post that was pretty obviously prompted by the bad result. Timing in politics is seldom coincidental.

Do you want to know why Biden's approval is so low? Because Democrats keep trying to gaslight people who have developed critical thinking skills past a second-grade level. The vast majority of those "14 million jobs" were simply a product of the economy re-opening after the brunt of COVID-19. As to the GDP growth, it is heavily influenced by government spending. It's a self-licking ice cream cone. 

No one cares about broad economic generalizations when they can't afford rent and their groceries cost 20 percent more than a few years ago. People have experienced Biden's economy on a personal level, and they aren't a fan. No amount of quotes about job numbers and GDP are going to fix that.

Here's another example of the cope I'm talking about, this time from Biden himself. 

He thinks you're stupid. He thinks you don't remember him giving Big Pharma billions upon billions of dollars for the COVID-19 vaccines. The problem for him is that you aren't stupid (or at least I hope most of you aren't).

"Look at the GDP" and "I beat Big Pharma" may sound good to a table full of left-wing consultants, but the American people know the truth, and they are expressing it loudly. I can only hope it translates at the ballot box in 2024.