Friday, December 29, 2023

Jack Smith goes full Soviet, demands to micromanage President Trump's defense

As questions arise as to whether Jack Smith was even legally appointed as President Trump's special prosecutor, and a judge messes up Smith's Super Tuesday timetable for Trump's trial, Smith is showing signs of desperation now.

He's asked the court to wipe out President Trump's defense of himself from insurrection-related charges, and wants his court to allow Trump to defend himself only as Smith wants him to defend himself.

What does Smith not want the even the stacked, favorable D.C. jury to hear about? 

Undercover agents -- doing the things agents provocateurs do, which is to provoke. There are probably a lot of deep-staters in that jury pool who know all about this:

Haven't there been a few cases in Michigan where juries ruled that undercover agents provocateurs lured people into commiting crimes they would never otherwise commit and acquitted the defendants?

Such as this case, and this case?

Seems like a credible pattern to any reasonable juror to consider actually, and once the facts and discovery are out on Trump's case, it's possible that even a stacked jury would rule to acquit Trump.

Smith can't take that chance. He's a fanatic with a political agenda, so now he's wheeling out the Alice in Wonderland tactics, going Soviet. This explains the extremism of his tactics, his insistence on winning despite having a case that is steadily falling apart.

Now he's getting mean and crazy and surreal, like the old Soviet show trial prosecutor, Andrey Vyshinsky.

That's despite his having a favorable judge, a friendly jury, a stacked court district brimming with Washington swamp things, and an unlimited federal budget.

This isn't a valid appointment, which is supposed to be about justice. This is about a political show trial -- of the party, by the party, for the party, and nothing outside the party, as the Bolsheviks in various ways used to say.

Smith is showing himself an outrageous practitioner of show trials, and sentence first, trial later. He's the ultimate kangaroo court king, deciding what each side is going to say.

It's time for Congress or the courts to declare his appointment illegal and throw this clown out. Or if it has to be, the voters will decide on Election Day.