Wednesday, December 20, 2023

It's beginning to look like... 1968?

According to news reports, President Biden is increasingly frustrated with dismal poll numbers:   

For months, the president and first lady Jill Biden have told aides and friends they are frustrated by the president’s low approval rating and the polls that show him trailing former president Donald Trump, the front-runner for the Republican nomination -- and in recent weeks, they have grown upset that they are not making more progress.

I feel your pain, Mr. President, but you made some bad decisions and the polls are just how voters express their concerns.  

Is the President's team talking Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. seriously? Maybe they should, because he could be the biggest story of Election Day 2024. Kennedy could be the Wallace of 2024 -- the candidate who elected Nixon in 1968.

According to the RCP average, this is what election day could look like:   

Trump  --  40.6

Biden   --  35.4

Kennedy -- 13.2

What does that mean in the Electoral College?  It probably means that Trump wins over 300 electoral votes and competes in places like New York, Minnesota, and other blue states.  

So can Kennedy keep up these numbers?  Time will tell, but these numbers have been consistent for a couple of months.   

Another consideration is whether Kennedy runs against Biden or Trump.  My guess is that he goes after Biden and looks for disenchanted Democrats.  

So it's all a big guess today, but the Democrats made a big mistake when they threw Kennedy under the bus.  Kennedy will come back to bite them on election day.

Mr. President, it’s Robert Kennedy who will spoil your election night party.