Saturday, December 23, 2023

DOJ Official Who Protected Hunter Biden Faces Questioning, Her Answers Will Infuriate You

Bonchie reporting for RedState 

There are several DOJ figures at the center of the attempt to protect the Bidens. Merrick Garland and David Weiss come to mind. There may be none more insidious than Lesley Wolf, though. 

While she hasn't gotten the same fanfare, according to multiple whistleblowers, she was the person on the ground level ordering investigators to sandbag their pursuit of Hunter Biden. She also scuttled any attempt to question Joe Biden's involvement. As a result, Wolf was called in by the House to testify about the role she played. Her answers will leave you infuriated. 

 The former federal prosecutor who allegedly shielded President Biden and his son Hunter during a criminal investigation testified 79 times to Congress that she was “not authorized” by the Justice Department to answer questions about the case, according to a transcript reviewed by The Post.

Former Delaware Assistant US Attorney Lesley Wolf repeatedly cited a five-page authorization letter from Associate Deputy Attorney General Bradley Weinsheimer as she refused to answer questions during a House Judiciary Committee deposition last week.

Weinsheimer’s Dec. 12 letter, also reviewed by The Post, says: “[T]he Department generally does not authorize congressional testimony from line-level personnel, especially relating to an ongoing investigation with charges pending in court. The Department has declined to do so in connection with this matter.”

Of note is that Wolf does not even work for the Department of Justice any longer. Despite that, she brought a letter from her former employer saying she was "not authorized" to answer any specific questions dealing with the matter. She used the Hillary Clinton "I do not recall" strategy but with a different line. 

Wolf would go on to play the victim, claiming she and her family had been harassed. 

“My desire to serve my community and my country, such a great source of pride, has recently come at significant cost. As a private person, the once routine and mundane details of my life have become the subject of public interest in an invasive and disturbing manner,” she said. “Far worse, I have been threatened and harassed, causing me to fear for my own and my family’s safety.”

There is no reason to believe Wolf's claims that she was simply acting as a devoted public servant. As RedState reported back in the summer, she was at the center of the attempts to scuttle the IRS investigation into Hunter Biden, an investigation that was also getting very close to the current president. 

Wolf has stood at the center of the alleged attempts to shield Hunter Biden. That includes essentially scuttling the IRS investigation into the president's son, something that was testified to by whistleblower Gary Shapley. 

(See: New Emails Provide Stunning Evidence of DOJ and Hunter Biden Collusion)

It was Wolf who told the IRS investigative team to back off when it requested interviews with Hunter Biden's adult children. It was also Wolf who shut down an attempted search warrant that could have provided further evidence. Further, it was Wolf who told the IRS that they could not investigate the mention of the "Big Guy," a nickname assumed to belong to Joe Biden, in key emails. 

Answer me this: What is the point of Congress having oversight if bureaucrats can show up and refuse to answer questions by order of the bureaucracies in question? That is not a viable oversight system. It is simply a facade that leads to no meaningful accountability at all. 

We see that dynamic play out multiple times a year when Merrick Garland and Christopher Wray show up and say they can't answer questions due to investigations being ongoing. Again, there can be no oversight if those being overseen can decide of their own volition they don't have to answer questions. 

The problem is that a vote to hold someone like Wolf in contempt would go nowhere because the DOJ would protect her from prosecution, and around and around we go. In the end, unless there's a change in the White House, all of these people will get away with what they did.