Saturday, December 23, 2023

Does Any of This Look Familiar?

The following document was apparently discovered in the 1960s.  I don’t know who first published it, but I reproduce it in its entirety, with quotation marks, because I have no intention of ever applying to be the President of Harvard:

“In May 1919, at Dusseldorf, Germany, Allied forces captured a very significant document:  ‘Communist Rules for Revolution.’  As you read these ‘rules’ now 50 years later, remember what you read and hear daily via news media.

A.  Corrupt the young:  get them away from religion.  Get them interested in sex.  Make them superficial; destroy their ruggedness.

B.  Get control of all means of publicity, thereby,

    1.  Get people’s minds off their government by focusing their attention on athletics, sexy books, plays [movies], and other trivialities.

    2.  Divide the people into hostile groups by constantly harping on controversial matters of no importance. 

    3.  Destroy the people’s faith in their natural leaders by holding the latter up for contempt, ridicule, and obloquy [criticism].

    4.  Always preach true democracy, but seize power as quickly and ruthlessly as possible.

    5.  By encouraging government extravagance, destroy the credit, produce fear of inflation with rising prices and general discontent.

    6.  Promote unnecessary strikes in vital industries, encourage civil disorders, and foster a lenient and soft attitude on the part of the government towards such disorders.

    7.  By specious arguments cause the breakdown of the old moral virtues, honesty, and sobriety.

C.  Cause the registration of all firearms on some pretext with a view to confiscating them and leaving the people helpless.”  

I have no information on who published this. Still, I have absolutely no doubt it is legitimate because I have seen other such communist documents that encourage and advise the same approach to overthrowing a free, democratic society.  Again, it was apparently publicized about 50+ years ago, and whoever released it thought it was quite apropos to that age.

Do you see anything in these “Communist Rules for Revolution” happening in America today?  Do you see anything in these “Communist Rules for Revolution” NOT happening in America today?

This reads like the playbook of what the Democratic Party has been doing for years.  Let’s briefly analyze, point by point.

Point A:  Corrupt the young, get them away from religion, oversexualize them, and emasculate them.  We all bemoan what too many of America’s youth have become.  They have largely rejected religion and are obsessed with sex and pleasure.  As we all know, masculinity is condemned, and femininity is exalted.  The homosexual/transgender movement is deliberate.

Point B:  Get control of all means of publicity.  Journalism, of course, no longer exists in America.  The Left controls the media, as is according to plan.

Point B1:  Get people’s minds off the government and concentrate on indulgence.  Most Americans have no clue what is really going on in Washington, D.C., or their state governments, but they can tell you anything you want to know about Taylor Swift.

Point B2:  Divide the people into hostile groups.  Many of the issues that separate us are downright lies (climate change) or of no importance to the country (wars of no national interest).

Point B3:  Destroy the people’s faith in natural leaders.  Elevate the Bidens and Pelosis, destroy the Trumps and DeSantises.

Point B4:  Always preach true democracy but grab power as fast as possible.  Everything the Democratic Party does (so they claim) is “democratic,” and Donald Trump is Hitler.  And countless Americans believe them.  

Point B5:  Encourage government extravagance, destroy credit, and produce inflation.  That is one of the best descriptions possible of the first three years of the Biden administration.  They haven’t destroyed America’s credit yet, but that’s only a matter of time if the other two continue.

Point B6:  Encourage strikes, inspire civil disobedience, and promote government leniency towards such.  We haven’t seen an overabundance of destructive strikes in America recently. Still, there is no question the Democratic Party encourages civil disobedience (George Floyd, looting, Palestinian riots, illegal alien invasion) and is very lenient towards such activities.  The First Amendment is vital in America, but that doesn’t include burning buildings, stealing other people’s property, or killing police.  Laxness towards such activities will only produce more of the same—which is their intent.  The Democratic Party, if/when it gains the totalitarian power it craves, will eventually use government to step in with a mighty hand, “save the country from right-wingers,” and produce a party dictatorship (witness the CCP in China).  The Democrats will have power that they will never surrender.  Governments never give back power once they have obtained it.

Point B7:  Break down moral virtue with specious arguments.  “Live and let live.”  “As long as it doesn’t hurt anybody.”  “It’s my body.”  A licentious, pleasure-oriented society can never be free—their “passions forge their fetters” (Burke).  But freedom isn’t the goal of the Left; control is.

Point C:  Registration and confiscation of firearms.  This is self-evident in America today; no comment is needed.

There is very little in the Dusseldorf communist document of 1919 that isn’t in evidence in America today, all of it being promoted by the Democratic Party and too many in the Republican.  The American people are the frog in the pan of water; the temperature is slowly elevated, the frog doesn’t notice the incremental rise, and before long, he is a meal for despots.  When it finally happens, many on the Left will rebel; they will finally realize—as many communists in the Soviet Union and China did—that they were lied to, hoodwinked, and snookered.  But it will be too late then.  They will be lined up against the wall and shot, too.  

Like the frog being boiled to death, history doesn’t usually happen fast.  But it does happen.  And it tends to accelerate the farther down the slope to destruction a nation goes.  We’ve seen that acceleration happening in America in the Biden administration.  If he gets four more years, there may be no America left.