Sunday, December 17, 2023

Disappointing – Kash Patel Discusses Deep State With Glenn Beck

I say this discussion is disappointing, because it was heavily recommended to me.  Unfortunately, it is another regurgitation of the Potemkin face of the Deep State without hitting the main arteries.

Overall, it is a good recap of people and events that most readers here are familiar with.  However, on the segment of “naming names”, the key names are never mentioned.  Kash Patel discusses the ‘functionaries’ and who they are, but never actually explains who the people are that guide and steer the functionaries.

The most obviously missing name is a little discussed woman named Mary McCord, the singular epicenter of every DC construct to remove Trump, including: the 2016 DOJ-NSD FISA submission, the 2017 White House coordination (Rice, Ruemmler, Monaco), the 2017 targeting of Flynn (w/ Yates), the 2018 Schiff/Nadler impeachment, the 2018 FISA Court review as an outcome of IG Michael Horowitz, the installation of ICIG Michael Atkinson, the changing of CIA rules for whistleblowing (impeachment predicate), and currently the 2023 Jack Smith investigation.  Mary McCord is the binding guide. [Mary McCord’s husband was in charge of the counsel to Chief Justice John Roberts.]  The second most obviously missing name is Dana Boente, who followed McCord, then worked with Comey, then jumped to the FBI to assist Director Chris Wray.

When asked about how this all originated, Kash Patel skips over the most glaringly modern evolution, the Patriot Act, formation of the DHS, creation of the ODNI and the construct of all the mechanisms currently used for domestic surveillance.   Then again, Kash Patel was in control of Devin Nunes’ information flow as lead funnel to the HPSCI Chairman.

If you are a deep weeds walker, watch this with interest (I did), and you’ll likely walk away with ‘suspicious cat’ questions about Kash Patel.  WATCH: