Friday, December 15, 2023

Democrats Now Openly Worried That Hunter Chaos Could 'Ruin Things' for Joe Biden in 2024

Mike Miller reporting for RedState 

So this is pretty funny: Democrat movers and shakers are reportedly afraid that the continual nonsense surrounding Joe Biden's pathetic son Hunter could "ruin things" for the old man in the 2024 presidential election. Never mind, I guess, that the addled 81-year-old likely can't even tie his shoes, anymore. 

Consider the following:

  • FiveThirtyEight: Biden is the least popular president in modern U.S. history.
  • CNN Poll67 percent disapprove of Biden’s economy, top 2024 issue.
  • Redfield & Wilton Strategies: A majority of Democrats are “concerned” about Biden’s ability to perform his job due to his age.

It's hard (impossible) to imagine any of the above improving. Joe just keeps getting dopier and the liberal media sock puppets just keeps ignoring that reality. 

According to The Messenger, Democrat operatives are increasingly worried that the never-ending scandal surrounding Hunter will "ruin" Joe's already-long-shot reelection bid. Said one, who worked on Hillary Clinton's ill-fated 2016 presidential campaign:

I have a pit in my stomach about it. The email controversy was silly but it was made to be a distraction and it worked. This Hunter story has the legs to ruin things for Biden.

Close — but no cigar. 

Joe Biden has lied about his involvement with his wayward son's overseas business shenanigans from the beginning. On one hand, he continues to insist that he's never talked to Hunter about his business ventures. On the other hand, he continues to insist that his son has done nothing illegal. Both of those statements can't be true, Joe.

Democrat strategist Brad Bannon nailed it:

Hunter Biden isn’t the biggest political problem that his father faces but the situation is an unwelcome distraction for an embattled president burdened by concerns about the economy and age. The controversy about Hunter Biden’s financial dealings might play the same role for Republicans that Hillary Clinton’s emails did in 2016.

House Oversight Ranking Member Jamie Raskin (D-Md.), one of the most despicable members of Congress — in my not-so-humble opinion — hilariously tried to put lipstick on the Biden pig.

I don’t know whether or not it’s hurting him. I hope that the American people are able to see past it. They figure this is their best shot, to create a dark cloud over the Biden family and hope that that affects Joe.

Memo to Mr. Raskin: See past what? Joe Biden is a serial liar, par excellence. The guy lies so much that even he can't distinguish between fact and fiction — and when it comes to his crackhead son, he's off the charts.

And speaking of the Bidens' toilet-bowl ratings, here are a few other recent gems:

  • ABC News/Ipsos: A plurality of Americans are not confident about how the Justice Department handled the investigation into Hunter Biden.
  • Yahoo/YouGov: A majority of voters believe President Joe Biden committed a crime with Hunter Biden.
  • TIPP: 63 percent say Joe Biden violated FARA by assisting Hunter Biden in Ukraine deal.

The Bottom Line

I learned a long time ago that anything is possible in politics — never say "never," as it were — but the chances of Joe Biden winning the 2024 presidential election, let alone being the Democrat nominee, continue to swirl down the toilet.