Sunday, December 17, 2023

DC Degeneracy – Dem Staffer to Maryland Senator Films Himself Having Anal Sex in Senate Hearing Room

Aidan Maese-Czeropski, an aide to Democrat Senator Ben Cardin, filmed himself having anal sex in the Hart Senate Office Building hearing room.  The video was shared on a platform where gay men share their pornographic sexual activity.   The Daily Caller received a copy of the video and published the story.

After the story went viral, Senator Ben Cardin removed Mr Maese-Czeropski from his staff and delivered the following statement.  “Aidan Maese-Czeropski is no longer employed by the U.S. Senate. We will have no further comment on this personnel matter.”

Understandably, most Democrats are attempting to downplay and/or ignore the indecency exhibited by the behavior.  However, given recent events in the world of leftist politics, the extreme nature of the degeneracy is simply another step in the direction of leftism in both culture and politics.  As Representative Mike Collins (GA-10) noted, “Gay porn in the Senate, swearing in ceremony on child porn in Virginia, tranny tap dancers in the White House, and Satanic statues in Iowa,” the vile nature of the leftist perversions are on full display.

History is replete with examples of Marxism (satanic influenced depravity and indecency), advancing through society with public expressions of cultural evil, degeneracy and perversion.  Boundaries of civility are not just removed; they are destroyed in favor of perversion.  The absence of moral behavior in the Senate chamber is not a new phenomenon, but the scale of recent indecency reflects a toxic exhibition of evil as manifest.

Personally, I have a very difficult time even discussing this story.  It is evil, sick and reflects a level of depravity that makes most people extremely uncomfortable.  However, it is also important to put context behind the cultural attacks that are taking place, and we must bear abhorrent witness to the mindset of people who operate in Washington DC.

We must accept things as they are, not as we would pretend them to be.   As a nation, we are in a struggle against evil.  These leftist forces are demonic in scope.