Tuesday, December 19, 2023

Comer Reveals What's Happening With Subpoena of Jim Biden and Further Evidence Pointing at Joe Biden

Nick Arama reporting for RedState 

I wrote earlier about the FBI secretly recording Jim Biden in an unrelated bribery probe and how that revealed a lot of information about the family business that the House Oversight Committee would be interested in. 

The committee had subpoenaed Jim Biden, just as they had subpoenaed his nephew, Hunter Biden. As we reported, Hunter gave the finger to the committee and blew off the deposition. But what happened to Jim Biden? His subpoena was for him to appear on Dec. 6. What happened to that? 

You can see the cover letter to his attorney here, where the committee lists what they want to talk to James Biden about. 

Here's what House Oversight Committee Chair James Comer (R-KY) had to say about the matter on Monday. 

He said they expected to see Jim Biden "very soon," that, unlike Hunter Biden, he was being cooperative, and they were talking to his attorney. He said they were in discussions, and he felt that would happen "soon." Sounds like maybe they may have more sense on the matter than Hunter. Because the House is no longer in session, that means the interview probably won't take place before the new year. 

But that means that neither Hunter nor James have come in for their interviews so far, although James is cooperating. It sounds like it may be just a question of arranging with his attorney, but they shouldn't let that go for long, and if he doesn't appear, they may have another contempt possibility on their hands. 

Meanwhile, Comer went on Sen. Ted Cruz's (R-TX) podcast and dished some more interesting evidence that they had uncovered that involves Jim Biden and Joe Biden.    

So rather than take "It's the holidays, we can't come in for an interview," Comer is going on the road to interview people., including the Americore Health owner. 

According to Cruz: 

Americore Health paid Jim Biden to help them secure finances from the Middle East. On the exact same day that Americore Health paid Jim Biden $200,000, Jim Biden sent Joe Biden a check for $200,000.This is direct evidence that Joe Biden directly benefited from his family's influence-peddling scheme.

Americore loaned Jim Biden $600,000 and then sued after they felt they didn't get what they paid for, according to Comer. 

You can see more on that from an interview that Comer did in October. 

The Americore owner doesn't have any reason to protect the Bidens, so I'm sure what he has to say will be fascinating and may have some smoking guns on the influence peddling.