Saturday, December 23, 2023

Border Crisis Boiling Over

Have you ever boiled milk?  It happens slowly at first, then suddenly all at once….  Slowly AT First (SAF)!

Currently the influx of illegal, unvetted, unchecked and undocumented migrant arrivals into our country is happening at the rate of more than 200,000 every month.  That’s three college football stadiums of unknown characters arriving and disbursing each month.   These statistics are just the recorded intercepts and releases, this statistic does not include those who found a way through without presentation at the border.

This scale of influx has been happening for almost three years now.

We are beyond the point then the unsecure border is the issue…. With tens-of-millions of unknown migrants seeded throughout the nation, we are now in the consequence phase.   We are now in the consequence phase.  Repeated, intentionally because so many people just don’t understand what those consequences will mean.

The “fundamental transformation” is proceeding without any impediment.  However, now we see various voices in the uniparty politic starting to position themselves, their statements, their expressions, in such a manner as to avoid blame for a situation that is about to explode.

They are positioning for maximum accountability avoidance!


[…] …”Johnson’s letter comes as recent video footage shows CBP being overwhelmed by migrants trying to cross the southern border with Mexico. A new record was set just this week when CBP apprehended more than 12,000 migrants in a single day on the southwest border, nearly 11,000 of whom are migrants who crossed the border illegally between ports of entry, Department of Homeland Security officials said.” (read more)

Pay close attention.  Understand what it means when a toxic abuser changes the tone, speaks softly and begins to emote sympathy.  This shift is the precursor to the manifestation of extreme danger.

They, like we, see the bubbles in the milk….

They, like we, know the scale of ramification.

However, no-one really knows how bad “the bad” is likely to be.  Not in detail they don’t, they just know the situation is about to get extremely serious.

There has been no vetting, no assimilation effort; no establishment of standards, rules or social expectations.  The USA has been modified into one massive social experiment, where the BIG CAT cages have simply been opened in the zoo, and our national leadership is sitting in the watchtower waiting to see what happens.   That’s the metaphor.

There is no aspect to this where regret will come into place; and the sense of foreboding is so extreme that someone can be sent back into the zoo to close the cage doors.  What happens next is going to happen without impediment, choice or option.  This is our reality.

Act, prepare, or be acted upon without preparation. This is the reality of our situation.

The first rule in smart preparation is never to tell anyone you are preparing.  You go about doing the necessary things to prepare in such a manner as they are invisible to all except those closest to you.  Your children should not even notice what is happening.

Your plan should have been thought about carefully, over weeks of reflection, analysis, risk contemplation and discussion.  You should have thought carefully and methodically about every facet of your circumstance.  You should be deep in the preparatory process in such a prudent manner that no one in your orbit has any concept of the scale of preparation you have undertaken.

Large, urban population centers, metropolitan areas, are like the deer enclosure.  Evaluate accordingly.

In this graphic I literally took a screenshot of a recent media news report and overlaid the common safety rules for a safari in the box at the bottom of the screen shot.  The rules for carjack prevention are analogous with safety rules in the safari.  This is not coincidental, both involve predators.

Again, the total illegal alien population in our midst now easily exceeds 50,000,000…. Go ahead and debate the percentage of predators therein, it’s an esoteric exercise without value akin to discussing whether the Hurricane arriving tomorrow will hit you as a Cat-4 or Cat-5.   Sure, CNN is waxing philosophically about the nuance between the differences, but the shit is about to get real on your house, YOUR HOUSE, and CNN ain’t there.

We are beyond the “if” now.  We are evaluating and estimating the “when.”

Three years ago, when I mentioned that price inflation was going to come in like a building tidal wave it was not difficult to understand because all of the datapoints made it certain that only one very specific narrow economic path could be the outcome of a large change in multifaceted policy.  There were dozens of aligned inputs, but only one predictable outcome.   This situation with 200,000+ unvetted monthly arrivals is exactly like that.

Entire sectors like housing, education, healthcare, social services, transportation, infrastructure, law enforcement, public order… LOCALLY FOLKS, like in your back yard depending on your proximity to the cage doors….. are going to be stressed to the point of failure.   Your entire concept of “safety and security” needs to be re-evaluated.

MEN, I’m talking directly to YOU now.  Get fit, get protective, get your collars ready, get yourself moving, get your mind in focus.  Do it quietly, and in those moments when you have those thoughts that you keep to yourself… you know what I am talking about…. start using those exact moments to think about all the skills your grandfather and father made sure your DNA carried.   You don’t need to tell “them” what you are thinking, planning, organizing.  “They” don’t need to know.  Just shut up and do it.

♦ These SAF threads are for you.  For us to understand the scale and scope of any civic unrest that might be happening.  Your comments are the point of the SAF posts.  It is a safe conversation.  A simple state and area are all that is needed for sharing, ie, central Mississippi, Virginia southern coast, etc. No need to get specific, just ground reports with general proximity identified.

Additionally, if you have general advice, suggestions, thoughts or plans that you have put into place and feel may benefit the audience, feel free to share your advice and suggestions.   Again, this is a conversation.

Remember, the purpose here is three-fold.  One – so we have an understanding of what is happening.  Two – so we can share and counsel with best ideas and suggestions.  Three – so that we realize we are not alone.

Misplaced action, regardless of intent, is not prudent or wise. We will not despair; that is not living our best life.  Instead, we accept things as they are, make adjustments to the things we can control and adjust, hold faith in a loving God, take deliberate action to retain our place of balance and peace, all while remaining steadfast to our core values.

We are wide-eyed and awake to the constructs that surround us.

We are steadfast, resolute and resolved to the task at hand.

As Winston Churchill said, “If you’re going through hell, keep going,”… as long as we don’t stop, we succeed.

Never relent. Never give in. Never give up.

Think like you are the third monkey on the ramp to Noah’s ark, and yes, it’s starting to rain.