Thursday, December 28, 2023

Biden’s Lawfare Campaign is Crumbling

As Trump would say, 'they’re not sending their best'

The left’s unhinged lawfare campaign against Donald Trump is falling apart.

The extreme measures being taken to stop Trump reflect desperation, not strength. And it appears increasingly likely they will end with Trump returning to power.

Consider the audacious decision of the Colorado Supreme Court to kick Trump off the ballot.

Three of the court’s Democrat-appointed judges defended Trump against this incredible overreach: “I have been involved in the justice system for thirty-three years now,” Justice Carlos Samour said, “and what took place here doesn’t resemble anything I’ve seen in a courtroom.”

Even the Confederates received a general amnesty after the Civil War. But for the left, Trump’s iniquity is so great and so blindingly obvious that he must be sanctioned without due process.

Trump has not been convicted of “insurrection” or even charged with the crime by Biden prosecutor Jack Smith. “Deranged Jack Smith,” as Trump calls him, has pursued Trump with the fury of Captain Ahab – but even he realizes that “incitement” is an untenable charge.

The left may think Trump is an “insurrectionist,” but that does not make it a fact. It is a partisan opinion, and a rather hyperbolic one, too. 

There is nothing democratic about banning the opposition leader from office over a political narrative developed by the party in power. Actually, that sounds like the kind of thing that a dictator would do.

But the left is so blinded by self-righteous hatred of Trump, they can’t see how ridiculous they sound when they say, “the only way to save democracy is to stop voters from choosing the wrong guy.”

In their minds, there is no contradiction – after all, Hitler was elected wasn’t he? And Trump is Hitler. QED.

Many Americans find Trump divisive – but Hitler?

Not counting the editorial staff of The Atlantic and The Washington Post, how many Americans really believe that Trump returning to power would be dangerous for the country?

It’s so played out at this point, and the more they keep repeating it, the stronger Trump gets.

Clearly, quite a few would be just fine with Orange Hitler back in power, or the left would not be resorting to such extremes to stop the voters from hiring him.

The left will surely look to replicate the ruling in Colorado in other states, like Michigan, but the Supreme Court will put an end to it. They are not going to open Pandora’s Box to save Biden – why should they?

The Supreme Court has already shot down Smith’s urgent plea for a quick answer on Trump’s immunity defense. The court was apparently unmoved by Smith’s bogus pretext about the “public interest” in rushing to decide this unprecedented constitutional question. Smith is too much of a coward to say what he really means: Trump must be convicted in time for voters to render the “correct” decision at the ballot box.

Smith’s bold attempt to create a crime ex nihilo has also left the Supreme Court with an opportunity to review the insanely broad charges against Trump, which include “obstruction of an official proceeding,” a statute that Biden’s regime has abused to persecute not only Trump, but hundreds of peaceful political protesters.

Smith apparently believed he was going to put an American president on trial for the first time in history, during an election year in which said president is one of the contenders for the White House, and meet no resistance in the courts.

The sheer audacity of the undertaking is blowing up in his face – and the prospect of Trump going to trial at all is fading.

There is a fatalist tendency on the right, especially after the fiasco of 2020, to believe that the left always has some trick ready to dispose of whatever obstacles they face.

It’s worth remembering that these people are not gods, although they think they are.

They are human, and prone to the folly and error that human pride invites.

Just look at Jack Smith: he turned out to be a complete idiot. An ambitious idiot, but still an idiot.

As Trump would say, “they’re not sending their best.”