Sunday, December 24, 2023

Biden Gets Snippy With Reporter Who Dares to Ask Him About Economy and 'Immunity'

Nick Arama reporting for RedState 

Joe Biden doesn't deal with being challenged well. He tends to go off when he gets questions he doesn't like and in his position, he's likely to get such questions often. Particularly when he's driven the country into so many crises and failures. 

Reporters caught him out on the South Lawn, as he was leaving for Camp David on Saturday. 

"What's your outlook on the economy next year?" a reporter asked him. 

Biden then got snippy at the reporter, demanding they comply with his fantasyland interpretation of how good things were for everyone, "All good. Take a look! Start reporting it the right way!"

Biden is mad that they're not just all reporting the propaganda he puts out. "Report it the right way!" equals report my spin. You media are failing in your duty to spit out what I claim, he thinks. Not only does it show how short his temper is, but it shows what he assumes the media's job is -- to support him. 

Unfortunately for his spin, we all have to deal with the reality of the money flying out of our wallets because of the higher prices. So, that's not the kind of falsehood he can slip by us. 

He got a bit of a ratio for that one. 

He was then asked about presidential immunity, and his answer may come back to haunt him later. He looks so old and out of it here, as he toddles over to listen to the reporters. The reporter asks, "Should any president be immune from criminal prosecution?" 

Oh, that's probably not going to age well. He's currently being looked into for alleged corruption regarding the impeachment inquiry. One could imagine that being played at a future date, when he faces some charges and argues immunity doesn't apply to him. 

The final question that they managed to ask him was whether he'd told Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu "not to strike Hamas in a pre-emptive strike." That seems an odd question, since everything after Oct. 7 is no longer "pre-emptive." But Biden doesn't say that. Indeed, he completely ducks the question. 

"I had a long talk with Netanyahu today and it's a private conversation," Biden said. Translation: I didn't get any notes from my staff to be able to answer that question. 

So much for transparency. But he seems to have no answers for much of anything, when it comes to the situation. What's the story with the American hostages?  As we reported earlier, one hostage was killed. 

Confirmed Death of American Gad Haggai at the Hands of Hamas, Biden Statement

But we're not hearing anything further from Biden about any of the others.