Friday, December 29, 2023

Arizona Rancher Gives Warning About Illegal Immigration: Cartels Are in Control of Everything

Duke reporting for RedState 

So it looks like 2023 is going to end as a full-fledged disaster with illegal immigrants pouring across the border — and 2024 is in store for more of the same.

I know there's hope that the recent meeting between American and Mexican officials will produce some sort of relief, but I have to tell you I don't think any of us should be that confident of that. I was one of the people that back in late 2019 or 2020 was telling people that Joe Biden was much worse than most people were advertising. However, I do have to acknowledge that Biden is much worse than anything I could have ever dreamed up or imagined.

Scranton Joe has devolved into scrambled Joe and the nation is much worse off for it.

So as I was scrolling the platform formally known as Twitter a little while ago, I came across a tweet from my friend and Townhall columnist extraordinaire Kurt Schlichter promoting a book he mentioned to me a month ago that he was writing called "The Attack." 

Kurt works fast.

Right on the heels of that tweet, I came across a story about an Arizona rancher who's at the border of Mexico, and is concerned about illegals coming over here and possibly committing terrorist acts on United States soil. 

A fifth-generation Arizona rancher said an influx of illegal migrants crossing his land in recent years has increased his fear that terrorists are successfully sneaking into America. 

"It's really a serious issue," Jim Chilton, owner of the Chilton Ranch, told Fox News. "We have no security on our ranch nor in most places along the border anymore. It's not good. It's not better in any sense. It's still outrageous."

Outrageous indeed.

The article continued.

The ongoing crisis at the southern border is breaking records as illegal migrant entries skyrocket, according to U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) data. The first week of December saw a record-setting 18,900 migrant apprehensions in Arizona's Tucson Sector alone, the section's Chief Border Patrol Agent John Modlin said.

By comparison, that's about 2,000 more encounters than all of December 2021 for that sector, according to CBP data. Daily encounters also reached a new record-high across the southern border earlier this month, with more than 12,000 migrants flooding in on Dec. 4.

"It's a national security issue," Chilton said. "I'm very concerned that terrorists are coming across the border."

Terrorists coming over the border, you say?

Who would have thought it?

A whole lot of attention has been given to Texas and the absolute disaster that is going on in the Lone Star State as a result of illegal immigrants flowing across the border — and rightfully so. However, not as much attention in my opinion has been given to Arizona for a number of reasons that I won't go into right here. My colleagues here at RedState have covered the issue, but nationally, Arizona has gone by the wayside and it is a huge deal there also.

AZ Gov Demands $512M From Federal Government for 'Failure to Secure Our Border'

Whether elected officials on either side of the aisle want to admit it or not, this nation is in crisis because of the open-door policy of the Biden administration and we have most likely dug a hole that will take decades for this nation to dig its way out of.

If it can ever be dug out of.

Writing Is on the Wall: America Likely to Be Hit Because of the Invasion From Mexico.

I don't say this to be an alarmist but to state things that are just based on reality.

In the 9-11 attacks, it took less than 20 people who came here legally and overstayed their visas to attack New York, Washington D.C., and have their plot thwarted in Shanksville, Pennsylvania. Currently, we have hundreds of thousands of people swarming over the border in record numbers and we have no idea who any of these people are.

I know common sense is not required much anymore but just take a deep breath and think this one out even if you do it quietly. The premise of Kurt Schlichter's new book is close to becoming non-fiction rather than fiction and the warning that comes out of ranchers in Arizona and border agents in Texas is your wake-up call.

Heed it.