Friday, November 10, 2023

This Is Why Pro-Hamas Protesters Tried to Use Violence to Disrupt Film Exposing October 7 Atrocities

Jeff Charles reporting for RedState 

Over the duration of the war between Israel and Hamas, it has been apparent that there are many Americans who claim to be concerned about the well-being of Palestinian civilians when, in reality, they just hate Israel and the Jews who live there.

It is not difficult to discern between those who might have legitimate concerns about the civilians in Gaza and the West Bank and those who just hate Israel. The recent brawl that took place at a screening of the film “Bearing Witness” is a prime example.

The screening of the film, an event put together by Israeli actress Gal Gadot, took place at the Museum of Tolerance in Los Angeles. It didn’t take long for things to get rowdy, as RedState’s Bob Hoge reported.

The altercations were in response to Israeli actress Gal Gadot's screening of the film “Bearing Witness,” which shows Israel Defense Forces footage of the Hamas terror attack atrocities of October 7. Many media reactions to the screenings were negative, with headlines like, "‘Don’t let her get away with this’: Gal Gadot under fire for organizing Hamas footage screening in US." But all she is doing is showing exactly what Hamas did—this is what scares them so much, the truth?

Basically, supporters of Hamas were trying to use violence to stop people from seeing a film highlighting the evil of the terrorist organization they support. Apparently, they are just as authoritarian as Hamas is when it comes to allowing people to do as they please.

Left-wing members of the chattering class have tried to dissuade people from viewing the film, accusing Gadot of provocation for daring to show such content in America. Nevertheless, the “Wonder Woman” actress has remained firm in her commitment to exposing the truth behind Hamas and its assault on southern Israel.

It is clear that members of the left-wing intelligentsia and the anti-Israel lobby did not want this film to be seen. The last thing they wanted was for average Americans who might not know much about the Israeli/Palestinian conflict to see the vicious, evil, and disgusting brutality that Hamas inflicted on Israeli civilians on October 7.

Unfortunately, this is not the only case in which violence was employed by the anti-Israel crowd. RedState’s Jennifer Van Laar has been reporting extensively on an incident that occurred in Thousand Oaks, California, in which a pro-Hamas protester allegedly murdered a Jewish man participating in a pro-Israel rally.

As I’ve argued previously, if one is truly concerned about the plight of Palestinian civilians, they would never defend or support Hamas. The terrorist group has been responsible for some of the worst human rights abuses against the population of Gaza ever since it took power in 2007. On top of their direct abuses of civilians, their constant fighting against Israel has only invited more trouble in the form of airstrikes like what we are seeing today. By prodding Israel into acting in self-defense and deliberately hiding among civilians, Hamas is only oppressing these people even more.

Unfortunately, it is clear that too many anti-Israel activists despise the nation more than they love Palestinian civilians, who have been mere pawns in this entire conflict.