Friday, November 17, 2023

New Poll: 54% of Democrats Want to See a Primary Challenge for Joe Biden

 Ward Clark reporting for RedState 

The news for old President Biden is getting worse day by day, and part of the reason it's getting worse is that it's becoming more and more apparent that he doesn't comprehend that it's getting worse. Now, a new Yahoo News/YouGov poll shows a strong majority of Democrats want to see old Joe gain a credible primary challenger.

The Yahoo News/YouGov poll found that 54 percent of Democrats surveyed want to see another Democrat challenge Biden in the party’s primary. Roughly 28 percent of Democrats said they did not want another Democrat to challenge Biden, and 18 percent said they were unsure.

Younger voters are more likely to say they want another Democrat to challenge Biden. Nearly 70 percent of those ages 18-29 said they wanted another option in the primary, and 61 percent of those ages 30-44 agreed.

Nearly half of respondents ages 49-64 said they wanted to see a Democrat challenge the sitting the president, and 43 percent of those 65 and older said the same thing.

Note the qualifier named above: A credible primary challenger. That's key.

When asked about who they would vote for in the Democratic primary, Biden still maintained a comfortable lead, with 64 percent saying they would back him. Biden’s only Democratic challengers so far, author Marianne Williamson and Rep. Dean Phillips (D-Minn.), each received only 4 percent of support.

Twenty-six percent said they were unsure of who to vote for in the primary, and 2 percent said they would not vote.

Remember when I said "credible?" Well, Marianne Williamson is not exactly a mainstream Democrat, and Dean Phillips has the name recognition of... a really anonymous guy.

But Joe may be about to face a more serious primary challenger, although the person in question hasn't officially tossed his hat in the presidential ring yet.

This poll, of course, is just the latest in a series of unfortunate events for the Biden 2024 campaign. As we've noted in the past (many times) Joe Biden was never the sharpest knife in the drawer, even in his supposed prime when he was still aware of his own plagiarism and character assassination. Now he is clearly far too dependent on the woman who (again) would be Edith Wilson to Joe's Woodrow (being the power behind the throne like this must be a pretty groovy gig.)  Whether he is mumbling about "climate change" or trying to coherently address other major world leaders, he just fails, every time, with monotonous regularity. 

The guy is, simply, way past his sell-by date.

Polls that show him running behind the likely (at this early point) Republican candidate don't help any. His understudy? Even worse. At this point, the closest thing the Dems have to a savior, at least where the really noisy "progressive" wing is concerned, appears to be holding off for now and waiting until 2028, when he will face fewer partially fossilized candidates. This is a trend we've been seeing for some time now, and with every new poll, with every whistling-past-the-graveyard interview with administration officials and campaign staffers, with every new event where Joe has to be led off the stage, it just gets more and more obvious.

One has to think the Democrats are asking themselves at this point, "Is it too much to ask to have a candidate that didn't attend college in the Silurian?"