Wednesday, November 15, 2023

Largest Pro-Israel Rally in US History as 290,000 Take to National Mall to Condemn Antisemitism

Bob Hoge reporting for RedState 

On Sunday, I reported on the massive pro-Israel demonstrations that broke out across France over the weekend, and I opined that I hoped such action would make its way here and that Americans would stand against hate. On Tuesday, that’s exactly what happened in Washington D.C., as a crowd estimated at almost 300,000 marched on the National Mall to decry antisemitism and express support for the Jewish people.

It was much different than a pro-Hamas rally, as New York Sun publisher Dovid Efune noted:

The differences? Efune lists seven:

1. Nobody was assaulted. 

2. There were many American flags. 

3. There was no racism or bigotry. 

4. Nobody was hiding behind a face mask. 

5. Concern was expressed for innocents on the other side. 

6. It was bipartisan. 

7. It was much, much larger!

My colleague Teri Christoph reported earlier Tuesday that rally organizers had three goals:

The biggest pro-Israel rally since the October 7 terrorist attack by Hamas is expected to take place Tuesday on the National Mall in Washington, DC. Organized by the Jewish Federations of North America and the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations, the rally has three main goals:

MARCH for Israel

MARCH to Free Hostages

MARCH Against Antisemitism

It was also organized as a counterbalance to the rampant, destructive pro-Hamas rallies that have raged across the globe. But not here, not today:

It was a sight to behold. “This is the largest pro-Israel gathering in history,” Conference of Presidents of Major Jewish Organizations CEO William Daroff said. “There are also 250,000 watching on livestream and on C-SPAN right now.’’ 

President Isaac Herzog of Israel spoke to the cheering crowd by video feed from the Western Wall in Jerusalem, telling them, “There is no greater and more just cause than this... Today we come together as a family, one big mishpachah, to march for Israel.” 

Other politicians joined as well, including House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) and Sen. Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY).

Our sister site Twitchy reported that Sen. John Fetterman (D-PA) drove the left crazy by showing his support and wearing an Israeli flag:

This was a good day for the United States, and I feel just a little prouder to be an American today than I did yesterday. It's important that people take a stand against the mobs who seemingly support the horrific October 7 Hamas terror attack against Israel, which killed at least 1,400 people. The killers took an unknown number of hostages, but the number is believed to be well over 200. That's who some people support? It boggles the mind.

This massive showing, and the ones in France, proves that there is still strong support for Israel and, for many, a rejection of antisemitism, hate, and terrorism.