Tuesday, November 21, 2023

Karine Jean-Pierre Makes a Big Admission About Biden's Failures During Contentious Presser

Bonchie reporting for RedState 

I'm not sure if it was purposeful or not, but White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre made a big admission about the Biden administration's failures on Monday. During a press briefing, she was pushed on the latest polling data showing so many people disapproving of the job the president is doing. 

In response, Jean-Pierre appeared to admit defeat, at least for that moment. 

Hey, props for honesty, I guess. This administration feels so much like a charade that any bit of truth is welcome. I mean, come on. Look at Joe Biden on any given day. Is that a guy who is going to actually be on the ballot next November? Perhaps that's his plan, and it's certainly his wife's plan, but how that works out practically is a serious question. Admitting that the White House isn't going to change any minds almost feels like they are expecting to lose.

Biden just turned 81 years old, and he's every bit of it. The latest example came during a family event in which he walked up to a seven-year-old, asked her if she was 17, and then told her he liked her ears. Even if we assume the best, i.e. that he's just a creepy, senile old man, this is not a person who can be unleashed on the campaign trail next summer. Something has to give, and I think Democrats know that. They just don't have a way out at this point.

Jean-Pierre did her best to prop up the president despite his advanced age. 

Actually, it is about age. We live in the real world, and Biden's mental deprecation is part of the aging process. He's not going to live forever, and he's no more behind schedule than your average great-grandfather sitting in a nursing home. The drug cocktail team has to be sweating bullets every time he goes out in public at this point.

I will agree with one thing, though. The proof is indeed in the pudding. The country's economy is a stagnant mess marred by high costs and a lack of advancement. Meanwhile, the nation's foreign policy is marked by a cascade of failures as things descend further into chaos. So yeah, the proof is in the pudding, which is precisely why Biden's approval ratings are in the toilet. 

And speaking of polls, there was a contentious exchange over them. 

What exactly do they approve of at this point? You'd struggle to find a single issue where Biden's ratings are above water. Abortion, perhaps? And that's just because our nation is hopelessly obsessed with killing its own young. That's not exactly something to hang one's hat on. Things are bad. Americans know they are bad, and as Jean-Pierre admits, there's no changing that perception.