Tuesday, November 14, 2023

House Republicans Subpoena Biden’s Former White House Counsel

Republicans on the House Oversight Committee issued a subpoena to former White House counsel Dana Remus over President Joe Biden’s alleged mishandling of classified documents.

On Monday, Republicans under Oversight Chairman James Comer of Kentucky also sent requests for voluntary interviews to Annie Tomasini, Anthony Bernal, Katharine Reilly, and Ashley Williams. Tomasini was the first aide to “take inventory” of Biden’s material found at the Penn Biden Center, where documents marked classified were discovered. Bernal is an aide to First Lady Jill Biden, and Reilly and Williams are West Wing aides.

“Facts continue to emerge showing that the White House’s narrative of President Biden’s mishandling of classified documents doesn’t add up,” Oversight Chairman Comer said in a statement. “It is imperative to learn whether President Biden retained sensitive documents related to any countries involving his family’s foreign business dealings that brought in millions for the Biden family.”

The Monday subpoena follows a series of interview requests from the Oversight Committee in lawmakers’ ongoing impeachment probe last week. House Republicans formally subpoenaed President Biden’s son, Hunter, and President Biden’s brother, James, among others.

House Republicans are also investigating alleged mishandling of classified documents. The president’s attorneys reportedly found at least four tranches of documents marked classified inappropriately in Biden’s possession stemming from his tenure as vice president and Delaware senator.

Financial records reviewed by the House Oversight Committee separately show the Biden family laundered money through more than 20 shell companies. Most of the companies were established when Joe Biden oversaw delicate foreign relations as vice president. Despite repeated denials of ever even speaking about business with his son in the run-up to the 2020 election, President Biden reportedly met with family clients at least 200 times.

House Republicans held their first impeachment hearing at the end of September before the lower chamber came to a weeks-long standstill to elect a new speaker.

[The Biden Inquiry Presented Evidence Of Corruption — Lots Of It]

Biden’s alleged mishandling of classified documents is now under special counsel investigation. Biden’s Department of Justice indicted former President Donald Trump with 37 counts of mishandling classified information in July. Federal prosecutors added three additional charges in the case in July.