Wednesday, November 22, 2023

House Finally Subpoenas DOJ Prosecutor Behind Protection of Hunter Biden

Bonchie reporting for RedState 

The House Judiciary Committee finally threw down the gauntlet on Tuesday in its investigation of the DOJ's alleged protection of Hunter Biden. Lesley Wolf, a name many will recognize if they've been following this saga, has been subpoenaed.

According to Fox News, which reviewed the subpoena, Wolf will be required to appear on Capitol Hill on December 7th to answer questions under oath. 

Republicans on the House Judiciary Committee have issued a subpoena for a top Justice Department prosecutor investigating Hunter Biden who allegedly tried to shield President Biden from certain questions, inquiries and search warrants related to the investigation, Fox News Digital has learned.

According to the subpoena, which Fox News Digital reviewed Tuesday, Assistant U.S. Attorney Lesley Wolf has been ordered to appear before the committee on Dec. 7 at 10 a.m. ET at the Rayburn House Office Building in Washington, D.C.

Wolf has stood at the center of the alleged attempts to shield Hunter Biden. That includes essentially scuttling the IRS investigation into the president's son, something that was testified to by whistleblower Gary Shapley. 

(New Emails Provide Stunning Evidence of DOJ and Hunter Biden Collusion)

It was Wolf who told the IRS investigative team to back off when it requested interviews with Hunter Biden's adult children. It was also Wolf who shut down an attempted search warrant that could have provided further evidence. Further, it was Wolf who told the IRS that they could not investigate the mention of the "Big Guy," a nickname assumed to belong to Joe Biden, in key emails. 

The prosecutor was quoted as asking whether the "juice was worth the squeeze" when Shapley pushed for the aforementioned search warrant, a statement that suggests politics was heavily playing into her decision-making. 

The problems with Wolf go much further, though. She was also one of those who forwarded a false story in The New York Times to David Weiss, who is now special counsel investigating Hunter Biden. That story centered on a falsehood that Rudy Guiliani was the source of the now-infamous FD-1023 form that alleges bribery committed by Joe Biden. She was even involved in the sudden dead-ending of allegations that Hunter Biden violated the Mann Act by transporting prostitutes across state lines.

For a very long time, Wolf has appeared to be the Biden family fixer in the DOJ. Now, she'll have to answer for that under oath. It will be interesting to see how she responds to pointed questions about her conduct. No doubt, she'll be rehearsed, but a slip-up is more than possible. Either way, subpoenaing her is the right call. Republicans should put the pressure on and not let up.