Wednesday, November 22, 2023

Elon Musk Files Lawsuit Against Extreme Leftist Media Matters

Media Matters is one of the vilest constructs of the severe left-wing lunacy of David Brock.  For years the leftist group has been manufacturing political attacks against conservatives and centrist websites.

Most recently, Media Matters participates in the demonetization and deplatforming agenda within Big Tech by constructing false stories pushed by their rabid ideologues.  They then take the false information to advertisers and use their rabid supporter files to threaten the companies.  However, finally someone is going to take them to task as Elon Musk is suing them over their malicious and false story about X platform advertising and manufactured adjacencies.

The Twitter Lawsuit is HERE, with the key paragraphs cited below:


Politico – […] Shortly after Musk filed his lawsuit, Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton, who has in the past aligned himself with the tech mogul, announced that his office would open a probe into “potential fraudulent activity” by Media Matters.  (read more)