Saturday, November 18, 2023

Democrats Have Every Reason to Fear the Release of the J6 Footage

House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) has announced that Republicans will be releasing all of the J6 footage. It was a move that folks on the right have been anticipating. It was also a development that Democrats have been fearing.

But, regardless of how the left feels about it, this is going to happen.

Johnson said on Friday that Congress “will begin immediately posting video on a public website and move as quickly as possible to add to the website nearly all of the footage.” The website is already up.

The speaker explained why Congress is releasing the footage:

This decision will provide millions of Americans, criminal defendants, public interest organizations, and the media an ability to see for themselves what happened that day, rather than having to rely upon the interpretation of a small group of government officials.

As of this writing, there has not been much caterwauling from Democrats or their close friends and allies in the elite media. Perhaps they are busy behind closed doors, frantically formulating their messaging strategy to combat any potential threats to their narratives.

But they have every reason to be afraid.

For starters, the content of the videos might bring to light new information about what happened at the Capitol building. It might contradict the official government line on the riot. Moreover, it might demonstrate how inefficiently the state handled the matter.

But even further, what happens if the footage reveals even more evidence that federal agents were involved in the incident? It is possible that more proof will show how involved the government was in the incitement of and participation in the violence. Perhaps there will be more footage of Ray Epps egging on the rioters. Maybe there will be other figures who emerge that shed light on the state’s involvement in the incident. Such a revelation would surely discredit the government even further.

Next, we have the legal proceedings to consider. The decision to grant public access to the footage is likely a point of contention to those on the left, some of whom have shown that they would love to see each of those who were present locked in cages for the rest of their lives. The release could threaten ongoing prosecutions of those who likely don’t deserve to be prosecuted.

What happens if the defense attorneys representing the victims of politically motivated prosecutions find evidence that could lead to their clients’ exoneration? That would be a huge blow to those on the left as it would show that these prosecutions are the result of politics, not a quest for justice.

Lastly, and possibly most importantly, any potential political fallout is probably the biggest concern for Democrats and talking heads. The footage is currently being released, and they know that conservative media is already poring over the videos. New damning information is sure to come out, as it did when former Fox News host Tucker Carlson released the part of the footage that was given to him in February.

We have already seen that significant numbers of those being targeted for prosecution were allowed into the building and even led around the premises. Indeed, there is already video footage of Capitol Police uncuffing a protester and even giving him a fist bump afterward. Is this a J6er who was later prosecuted? Or perhaps he was a fed?

What more will come from the footage release?

If this particular portion is any indication, there might be even more information that pokes holes in the left’s narrative about January 6. As I said previously, Democrats have every reason to be afraid of the release of the videos.