Monday, November 13, 2023

Brooklyn Students Chant 'F*** the Jews' During Anti-Israel School Walkout

Jeff Charles reporting for RedState 

As if the anti-Israel demonstrations across the country weren’t already cringeworthy enough, now the activists are getting kids even more involved. In New York, a school district held an anti-Israel student walkout event in which the kids chanted antisemitic phrases and called for a “ceasefire” of Israel’s military efforts against Hamas.

The development started with a parental advisory board in Brooklyn.

A Brooklyn parent advisory board promoted and organized a student walkout for Palestinians this week — a clear violation of state regulations, outraged critics told The Post.

The Community Education Council for District 14, which covers ultra-liberal Williamsburg and Greenpoint, used its platform to encourage the 700-student protest involving 100 schools — and even shared resources including antisemitic signs proclaiming, “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free.”

Recommended chants included, “Resistance is justified when people are occupied” and “Say it loud, say it clear, we don’t want Zionists here!”

Footage of the demonstration circulated on social media.

Students also chanted “Allahu Akbar” and “F*ck the Jews” while marching. This reportedly violates state regulations because the district encouraged about 700 students from roughly 100 schools to participate in the walkout. The event prompted calls from local politicians for an investigation into the Community Education Council's actions, accusing them of using government accounts for personal gain.

In a post on Facebook, Bronx City Council Member Eric Dinowitz called for an investigation into the CEC 14 sponsorship of the political rally. "It is completely unacceptable that District 14 CEC sent out an email from their official government email encouraging not only a blatantly one-sided rally, but one that encouraged students to leave school."

"This CEC's call to action must be investigated, as our education system must be supportive of bridge-building and operate with transparency," Dinowitz wrote.

Assemblywoman Stacey Pheffer Amato also decried CEC 14 president Tajh Sutton for using her position “to display her biases on a politically charged issue, promote antisemitism and violate New York City Public School rules.”

"The fact that a person in a position of authority like the CEC 14 President would brazenly use her position to display her biases on a politically charged issue, promote Anti-Semitism, and Violate New York City Public School rules is why an immediate investigation is warranted," Amato stated.

This story highlights yet another troubling aspect of government-run schools – especially in states like New York, California, and others. School districts are using the educational system to inculcate students with far-leftist ideology on race, sexuality, and gender identity. But now, amid the backdrop of the Israel-Hamas war, at least some are trying to indoctrinate kids into believing the progressive narrative on the overall conflict, brainwashing them into siding with the Palestinians without even knowing anything about the history behind the matter.

Much of the backlash against the indoctrination efforts in the government-run school system centers on sexuality and gender identity, but there are other areas in which progressives seek to turn young minds to their cause. However, the left’s use of the Israel-Hamas war could present a more dangerous form of indoctrination.

Much of the left-wing resistance to Israel is not based on principles or the plight of the Palestinian civilians – it is about anti-Jewish bigotry. In essence, it appears leftists are creating even more antisemites like the ones we are seeing in the demonstrations across the country. When educational institutions are actively supporting bigotry, it provides yet another reason for parents to remove their children from government-run schools.