Thursday, November 16, 2023

Biden's Utterly Disgraceful and Confusing Press Conference Screws Over Israel

Bonchie reporting for RedState 

There have been a lot of embarrassing moments over the last few years of the Biden administration's tenure. What happened in San Francisco on Wednesday may be the worst, though. 

For some reason, China's dictator, Xi Jinping, who is actively trying to destroy the United States in a variety of ways, was invited to San Franciso. Not only did California Gov. Gavin Newsom clean up the streets for him so a group of sycophants could cheer for the genocidal maniac like he was back in Beijing, but President Joe Biden showed up to bend the knee as well. 

After the two world leaders met, Biden held a brief press conference. It was both utterly confusing and disgraceful. I'll start with the confusing parts, including the fact that the president still can't manage to call on reporters without a pre-made list, and even then, he managed to completely faceplant. 

Do you want to know why this is important? Because China isn't playing around. We are talking about a nation that is trying to take down the United States economically and culturally. Right now, Osama Bin Laden's "Letter to America" is trending. Guess what site it's trending on? That would be TikTok, the Chicom-owned social media site that is the top source of "news" for younger Americans. Instead of banning what is obviously a nefarious foreign information operation, Biden treats Xi Jinping like an old friend. 

The United States looks incredibly weak and vulnerable right now because it is incredibly weak and vulnerable right now. That is the cost of having a president who is utterly impotent and senile. Biden should be in a nursing home, not leading the world's foremost nation. 

As another example of that, the president blabbed about a "pause" between Israel and Hamas again. The problem? There has been no publicly announced "pause," which means either Biden just purposely or accidentally screwed Israel over.

Half an hour before this writing, Israel rejected UN calls for a "humanitarian pause" so what is Biden even talking about? Recall that less than a week ago, the president announced a "pause" that didn't actually exist, leaving Israel to rush out and clean up his mess. Did that just happen again or did Biden accidentally, due to his senility, share sensitive information publicly? 

I'm not sure the explanation matters at this point because the outcome is the same. Biden is completely unqualified for the job he holds and is actively harming America and its allies. 

I mean, come on. Does this look like a man who should be making major decisions? 

If you can't figure out what he's trying to say as he stands there with a blank look on his face, welcome to the club. That is essentially every word that comes out of Biden's mouth at this point. This isn't fine. It's dangerous, and Xi Jinping is laughing in the face of his good fortune.