Sunday, November 12, 2023

Biden is ‘Fighting’ Hamas for Biden’s Interests

The history of radical Muslim envy and hatred towards the Jews and the Christians is too lengthy to recount here. However, we can start with Obama and his enduring predilections for the terrorist radical Muslim regimes in the Middle East and Africa. Biden worked for Obama. Remember all the fawning photos of Biden grinning at the Boss?

Not many American presidents would have picked a vice president with such a long history of venality and stupidity in D.C., but Obama picked Biden. It probably was a marriage made in Hell: Biden would do as he was told, and Obama would keep the intelligence receipts on Biden’s family enterprises and international pay-to-play treachery locked safely away.

Obama armed Iran. Obama released known terrorists from Gitmo. Obama is now very rich. Biden smiled through it all. Obama’s vicious persecution of the Little Sisters of the Poor is telling:

And yet, despite the fact that nothing says “ideological extremism” more than forcing nuns to entangle with abortion and nothing says “blind to the political environment” like refusing to back off, the Obama administration is refusing to back off.

Good Catholic Vice President Biden kept smiling at the Boss.

The Judeo-Christian tradition founded America, like it or not; Biden is a ‘not’ -- that is clear from his dealings with Christian persecution:

Open Doors releases its annual World Watch List 2023 confirming that one out of every seven Christians in the world suffers high levels of persecution and discrimination for their faith.

Christians have been martyred and driven out of the Middle East -- few are left. Biden’s crocodile tears for the plight of Christian refugees is attested in the current pathetic numbers of Christian refugees admitted into the U.S. Biden prefers that terrorists come here illegally, rather than allow Christian refugees, driven from their homes and countries, legal admittance into our country:

In 2021, President Biden set the refugee ceiling at 15,000 -- the lowest since the passage of the 1980 Refugee Act, which sets the parameters for the current refugee resettlement system. That ceiling was later raised to 65,000 after faith groups protested.

This past year, the ceiling was set at 125,000 -- however, the U.S. only resettled about 60,000 refugees in fiscal year 2023, according to the “Closed Doors” report.

As Biden treats his brother and sister Christians with the same distain recognized so often in his old boss, then what hope do we have for his treatment of the Jews?

Israel is not only fighting Hamas. Israel is fighting for the future of Western culture and values, according to MK Sharren Haskel.

The chair of the Knesset Christian Allies Caucus and a prominent international advocate for Israel, Haskel, last week led a small delegation of Knesset members and ambassadors on a visit to southern Israel. Her purpose extended beyond showcasing the harrowing destruction in Israel's kibbutzim; it was to engage in a crucial discussion about the potential consequences should Israel not emerge victorious in its war against Hamas.

"We are preventing an international intifada," Haskel told The Jerusalem Post. "In America, Paris, Barcelona, they [extremist Muslims] are chanting for the massacre and murder of people who do not believe in Islam but believe in Western values.

“"The Christians were the most persecuted minority in the Middle East," she continued. "They are almost done with the Christians. Obviously, the Jews are next."

Biden’s nod and wink towards the recent violent demonstrations in D.C. and elsewhere, notably in areas of larger Muslim populations, in support of the “Palestinians,” is what we should have expected; we can expect a good deal more.

What has Biden done to get the Israeli hostages released? Well, what has he done to get the Americans trapped in Gaza home? He has proposed “pauses” in the war to complete these tasks. Hamas will not pause. If there is anything strategic in that notion, it is a strategy to benefit Hamas.

Why did the Biden administration call for a ceasefire? The retraction of the call is trivial; but not as trivial as the rationale: a ceasefire to get the hostages released? How many times have we seen this movie? Terrorists do not negotiate, even a child would understand the essential irony of that position.

Biden held ‘listening sessions’ for the White House staff -- really, soft protests against Israel -- on October 13, not even two weeks after the Hamas massacre:

“The White House meetings come as the administration is facing pushback from Arab-American leaders and many Arab- and Muslim-Americans at the State Department are unhappy with the U.S. approach to the war. JOSH PAUL, a director at State’s Bureau of Political-Military Affairs, resigned over the administration’s handling of the conflict.”

The Biden White House is not lacking in Obama holdovers and/or radical Muslim sympathizers.

A cautionary summary for both Jews and Christians is here, from Gil Troy in The Jerusalem Post:

Diaspora Jews need a five-part battle plan:

The occupation preoccupation still has many American Jews seeing Hamas’s massacre through West Bank prisms. But Israel withdrew completely from Gaza in 2005 – and Gazans decided to try destroying our state, not build theirs. That’s why Hamas raided Israeli villages within the Green Line, the 1949 armistice lines. That provides moral clarity – especially because no one deserves to suffer what Israel’s civilians endured.

Biden’s responses to Hamas might be called trite if they were not clearly appeasement. If Christians and Jews dismiss the writing on the wall, we may soon taste and see a personal share of the violent tragedies and injustices that radical Muslim hatred levels at any creed except its own.