Monday, November 13, 2023

An MMA fighter asks the right question about Epstein’s clients

I like MMA, having trained in it (in a mostly risk-free, exercise way) for many years. I also really like MMA fighters, who have proven to be people who are brave, not only in the ring but also outside of the ring, when it comes to standing against woke leftism. The most recent example is Joel “King Bau” Bauman, who walked into the fight arena wearing a shirt that asks just the right question about Jeffrey Epstein’s little black book.

As we all know, Jeffrey Epstein wasn’t the only one playing around on Pedo Island. Instead, he had a long list of well-connected people who went there with him to enjoy the peculiar amenities he offered. The FBI has that list but…no prosecutions. Now Epstein is conveniently dead, and his sidekick, Ghislaine Maxwell, is keeping her mouth shut. Still, people like King Bau have questions:

“Trump was indicted before anyone on Epstein’s client list.” Indeed, Trump continues to be indicted while no one on Epstein’s client list has even been named. We know that rich and powerful people across the Western world are taking sexual advantage of vulnerable children, but our government—and other governments in the Western world—are inert. The apparent rule of thumb, as was the case in England, is that you only “out” famous pedophiles and their confederates when they’re dead.

That governments across the West refuse to move against these pedophiles is concerning at more than the obvious level. The obvious level is that these people committed heinous crimes, both in terms of manmade and moral law, and they should be punished for having done so. Justice demands that.

However, there’s something even more problematic going on here, and it speaks to who’s doing what in our government. Given the refusal to act against these pedophiles, there are only two possible conclusions. The first is that our government is controlled by completely evil human beings who will, naturally, never turn on themselves. When you look at Biden’s hair-sniffing and groping proclivities, it’s very easy to believe this to be true.

The second disturbing hypothesis is that the Deep State, rather than using the Epstein information to achieve justice, is using it to control people. There is no better way to move legislative votes or court rulings than to say, “Nice little sinecure ya’ got here. Shame if something happened to it because people learned that you were the Epstein client who had a special fondness for 11-year-old blond girls.”

This is not a particularly far-fetched hypothesis. We know that, during J. Edgar Hoover’s tenure at the FBI, he specialized in collecting dirt on those whom he deemed his enemies (and probably on his “friends,” too, in case they became enemies). The point, always, was power and control. Someone who knows your nasty little secrets (and a lot of people have secrets that they’d prefer stay that way) has you on a leash.

Or as Chuck Schumer famously warned Donald Trump, intelligence agencies “have six ways from Sunday of getting back at you.” In Trump’s case, that meant creating false claims about Russia and Ukraine collusion. But in other people’s cases, it may mean letting them know that there’s dirt on them and that the intelligence agencies are the only thing keeping that dirt from going public.

Every American, regardless of political stripe, should be disturbed by the protection our and other Western governments extend to the Epstein client list. That wall of silence either means that the people in power are corrupt or are at the mercy of even more sinister forces working behind the scenes.